Compress with magnesia: indications for use, instructions, reviews

The magnesium preparation in its composition does not have additional impurities. The fact that magnesia is an effective drug has been proven long ago. That is why the drug is used with great success in various branches of medicine. It is used in neurology, in gynecology, and in many other areas. Such a popularity of the product is due to the fact that it has numerous effects. After all, a magnesia compress after vaccination and other seals is an indispensable tool.

Positive properties of the drug

Compresses with magnesia have their own spectrum of action aimed at eliminating seals. But the drug itself has many positive aspects:

  • provides an anticonvulsant effect;
  • is a weak diuretic;
  • it is a choleretic agent;
  • excellent vasodilator;
  • leads to weakening of the uterus;
  • has a calming effect.

Often, the drug is used as a laxative.

Magnesia compress after injection

How does it work?

Those properties that are inherent in magnesia appear after the drug enters the body. It also depends on the route of magnesia taken. For example, if the introduction is by the oral route, then after 1.5-3 hours, magnesia begins to remove bile from the body and acts as a laxative. It keeps the effect for 4-6 hours, depending on the properties of the body.

To relax the stool, an enema with magnesia should be given. 20 g of powder, mixed with 100 ml of water and introduced into the intestine through its lumen, contribute to the fact that the liquid easily penetrates through the walls of the organ. Due to this, feces become softer, significantly reduced in volume and painlessly leave the body.

Part of this drug is excreted by the kidneys, so often magnesia is prescribed as a diuretic.

It is worth mentioning about compresses with magnesia from injections and cones. After all, after the first application, the seal decreases in size, and with constant grinding it disappears altogether. The positive point is that the price of the ampoule is low, and the effect is large. Therefore, a compress with magnesia after an injection or injury can be safely done.

Cones magnesia compresses


If local application of magnesia in the form of compressors is carried out, then blood flow in the tissues can be improved and an analgesic effect can be obtained.

There is such a term as sports magnesia. It is used to dry palms. Thus, the sliding of the hands of athletes is reduced while they take shells or equipment in them.

No less helps compress magnesia from cones. To work, just wet the bandage and attach it to the affected area.

compress on a bruise


Compresses with magnesia are used only for such indications:

  • in case of epilepsy;
  • at the time of cerebral edema;
  • during muscle cramps;
  • with inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • with mastopathy and lactostasis (in the latter case, a compress is applied directly around the nipple);
  • magnesia is prescribed after wounds and infiltrates;
  • compaction in the navel of the baby after cutting the umbilical cord;
  • when a person suffers from excessive sweating;
  • psoriatic manifestations are also an indication for the use of magnesia;
  • during treatment of warts and papillomas.

It is important to remember that the compress with magnesia causes dryness in the epidermis, so every time after the procedure you need to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. Many patients note that after an injection of magnesia they put compresses from it to avoid the formation of infiltrates.

Magnesia resorption compresses


Compresses with magnesia have their contraindications:

  1. Dehydration
  2. Acute appendicitis.
  3. Arterial hypertension.
  4. In case of bowel obstruction.
  5. At the time of rectal bleeding.
  6. Before giving birth.
  7. In case of renal failure.
  8. When there is a fading of the respiratory center.
  9. At the time of diagnosis, bradycardia.

Side effects

No matter how positive the qualities of magnesia are, it also has side effects. Most often mentioned in reviews about the tool:

  • abscess;
  • thirst increases;
  • acne
  • sepsis;
  • blood pressure may decrease;
  • sweating will increase;
  • asthenia;
  • severe headaches may begin;
  • anxiety will appear;
  • consciousness may become confused;
  • temperature may drop;
  • nausea and vomiting will be a sign that the compress gives side effects.
Compress with magnesia

The combination of magnesia with other drugs:

  1. If combined with muscle relaxants, then their effect is enhanced.
  2. If mixing with Nifedipine occurs, muscle weakness may appear.
  3. Magnesia with anticoagulants can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs.

With regard to compatibility, the bulk of the additional substances with which magnesia contacts are as follows:

  • barium;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • calcium;
  • arsenic salts;
  • strontium;
  • hydrochloride.

How to make a compress?

More often compresses, which include magnesia, are used to get rid of seals that have arisen on the skin after injections. Since this minor cone can cause discomfort, for this reason it is recommended to get rid of it. Thanks to the compress, the hard surface will quickly dissolve, and the bruise will decrease in volume. However, if the place where the injection was performed is very swollen, pulsating and aching, then medical attention is immediately necessary.

sore arm

To make a medicine, you must adhere to certain steps:

  • A powder or a tablet of magnesia must be diluted in boiled water (5 mg of the drug-50 mg of water). If an injection is taken, then it can be used in pure form.
  • Then a cotton swab or absorbent tissue is impregnated in the solution, squeezed out, and after that it is applied to the cone.
  • From above it is necessary to cover the cotton with polyethylene, and then fix it with a band-aid or bandage.

Before putting a compress, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to magnesia. If the cone is insignificant, then fix the cotton wool soaked in the solution, possibly with an ordinary adhesive plaster. However, if the formation is large-scale, then the bandage should be bandaged. Applying a compress from magnesia to newborns, it is necessary to apply a soft and clean bandage.

Treatment for papillomas and baths

Very unsightly-looking warts and papillomas give the host a lot of inconvenience. You can get rid of them with a compress made on the basis of the diluted powder of this product (20 g) in 500 g of water. Moisten a solution of bandage and hold for 10-15 minutes. on the skin "growth". Do twice a day until the papilloma or wart disappears completely (usually the process takes 2-3 weeks).

Magnesia compresses are also used to absorb subcutaneous cones. This applies to lactostasis and mastitis.

Another external method of applying magnesia is baths. In order to take it with a mixture of magnesium, it is necessary to mix it with salt from the Dead Sea. Before you put magnesia in water, you need to collect about 100 liters of water, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees. There, salt dissolves, and after that 100 g of magnesia is added.

It must be at least 20 minutes. After the set time has passed, the skin must be wiped dry and apply a lotion or moisturizer.

Such an unusual bath has a beneficial effect on the skin and on the general condition of the body. It helps to get rid of excess fluid, along with which the body leaves subcutaneous fat. Also, thanks to the procedure, metabolism is normalized. Such a bath with magnesia allows you to lose weight, but many of those who have tried it on themselves write in reviews that, in addition to dry skin, they did not observe other effects.

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