A frequent pulse can appear in people at any age, and if there is no improvement in a calm state, then you need to reduce the pulse in all possible ways. Remember that at home, some options for normalizing heart rate are used, while the use of others requires the presence of medical workers. In our article, we will examine in more detail how to lower the pulse at home.
What are frequent heart contractions?
Heart rate, or heart rate for short - is an individual feature of any person. However, the limits of the norm in a calm state range from 60 to 90 contractions, over which is a frequent sign of a serious illness. In the event that the heartbeat speeds up, the organs are supplied with oxygen much worse, and this causes frequent breathing. Therefore, it is important to know how to reduce the pulse at home in a short time.
How to determine heart rate?
Various methods and tests are used to measure heart rate, but the easiest and most affordable way is to feel the pulse on your wrist and count it for 60 seconds. You can take an interval of 30 seconds and then multiply the heart rate by two. In some situations, the pulse increases due to a reaction to external factors, but sometimes a pathologically elevated rhythm of the sedentary is observed. Let us consider in more detail how to reduce the increased pulse at home without the help of a doctor with improvised means.
What provokes heart rate
In most situations, a rapid heartbeat appears due to the action of several environmental factors. But there are situations that there are no specific reasons for this phenomenon, and the heart rate increases even at normal pressure. Be that as it may, one cannot neglect the increased heart rate. Because the heart is the "motor" of the body, on which a personβs life depends 100%. In order to reduce the pulse, you must first determine what is the cause of this phenomenon.
Sometimes a slightly quickened pulse, namely 85-100 beats per minute, is a completely normal condition for some people. But this is rather the exception. The main cause of tachycardia is considered excessive food intake, stress and nervous strain, running, overweight, hormonal failure, lack of vitamin B, the use of medications, heart pathology, high blood pressure. As soon as the cause is determined, immediately act - you need to lower the pulse. How to achieve this at home? You can use different options: drug effects on the body, meditation, the use of decoctions and certain foods.
The dangerous effects of a fast heartbeat
According to WHO statistics, people with a calm heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute have a 78% greater risk of all kinds of heart diseases, such as ischemia and myocardial infarction.
A high pulse for a long time is often exacerbated by pain in the heart, general weakness, irritability, restless state, shortness of breath, impaired functionality. Due to frequent heart contractions, hemodynamics are impaired, that is, nutritional deficiency occurs. This condition leads to spasms of small vessels in various internal organs. The following pathologies also develop:
- Hypertension.
- Heart failure.
- Myocardial malfunction.
How to lower your heart rate at home
To do this, you can use one of the following methods:
- take a deep breath and, holding your nose and mouth, exhale - this helps to excite the vagus nerve; as a result, heart rate decreases;
- close your eyes and lightly press your fingers on the eyeballs - light pressure on the eyelids for 15-20 seconds will be enough to normalize the heart rhythm;
- lie on a flat surface face down and stay in this position for 30-35 minutes;
- cause a gag reflex - as well as the methods described above, this leads to the excitation of the parasympathetic nervous system and causes bradycardia.
How to reduce the pulse at home quickly? Medical methods
In patients with tachycardia, the question often arises as to how to lower the pulse at home with the help of medications. Medicines from the first-aid kit will help to quickly calm the heart rate. But they will not relieve the root cause, which caused heart palpitations. To lower heart rate, you need to take one of the following drugs:
- "Validol" (put a pill under the tongue and dissolve);
- Valocordin
- tincture or tablets of valerian;
- Corvalol drops (dissolve 20-30 drops in cool water).
Pulse-lowering drugs do not immediately eliminate a tachycardia attack. Therefore, if after 5 minutes the patient does not feel better, one should not give him even more tablets. This will only cause the pulse to drop to a critical mark. As a result, you will have to fight with bradycardia. Medicines should bring the pulse back to normal after 15-30 minutes.
Normal heart rate reduction
Before lowering the heart rate at home, if the pressure is normal, doctors advise you to do the following:
- lay the patient on the floor (or another flat and hard surface);
- free it from tight and tight clothing, for example, from the neck of a scarf or from a tight jacket, to provide free access to air;
- rinse the towel in cold water and put on his face;
- the patient should take deep breaths and then hold his breath slightly.
Additional helpful hints
How to quickly reduce the pulse at home, if the main reason for this was mental and emotional overexcitation? Of course, from the beginning you should get rid of annoying factors. Neurologists advise to go out and try to distract from unpleasant events. Thanks to fresh air, there is a positive effect on the state of blood vessels and the rhythm of the heart.
How to quickly lower your heart rate at home (100 or so)? Doctors advise drinking a sedative drug. It is best if this drug is plant-based. These include "Barboval", "Motherwort", "Valerian." These drugs practically do not cause allergic reactions and other side effects. However, if you have individual intolerance to any component of the drug, then it is better to limit their intake.
It is best to take a few sips of cool water, which reflexively reduces the pulse. Doctors advise massaging the ripple around the neck. Follow the above exercises where you need to hold your breath. Stand at the open window and take a deep breath, then hold your breath. Count to yourself up to five or ten. Then exhale slowly.
How to reduce the pulse at home while running? During training, try to breathe through the nose, stay calm and in no case force your body to exercise. It is best to alternate between running and walking, if you feel that strength is running out.
If cardiac pathologies cause an increase in the heart rate, then to reduce the performance, doctors advise the first thing to ventilate the room. Then you need to drink the drug that the doctor prescribed for the systematic treatment of tachycardia. You should not prescribe medications yourself and use them uncontrollably.
There are situations that the pulse does not decrease, but on the contrary, the patient only gets worse. I need a doctor here. Symptoms of heart failure include coughing, pallor of the skin. In this case, the skin on the ears and nose becomes cyanotic and shortness of breath appears. If these conditions are present, then you need to call an ambulance team. In the meantime, doctors will arrive, follow the steps above.
How to avoid meeting with tachycardia?
In order not to think about how to reduce the pulse of 140 at home, that is, so that tachycardia does not become your constant companion, it will be enough to adjust your lifestyle. How exactly? Very often, such unpleasant symptoms as a constant increase in heart rate, shortness of breath and weakness occur in sedentary people. They prefer lying on the couch to active walks and playing sports.
For the heart to work like a clock, it is enough:
- daily spend time in the fresh air and do exercises;
- get rid of excess body weight - therefore, the probability of the appearance of tachycardia is reduced several times;
- develop the right menu - reduce the intake of foods with cholesterol.
In the diet should not be fried and fatty foods. It is useful to limit the amount of salt, butter, all kinds of sweets, flour products, canned and smoked products. Also, sharp seasonings provoke excitement of the nervous system, which leads to an increase in heart rate, so you should also be careful with them. In addition, it is better to abandon alcohol, strong coffee and black tea.
Folk methods
When thinking about how to reduce a high pulse at home, pay attention to folk methods. One of the most effective ways is auto-training. With the help of specially selected phrases, a person convinces himself that the pulse is decreasing. You need to feel what you are saying. This method is not suitable for everyone, but still it should not be completely excluded.
How else to reduce heart pulsation by folk methods? For this, decoctions and tinctures from medicinal herbs, for example, the roots of elecampane, motherwort, garlic, are suitable. Honey syrup with rose hips and currant and mountain ash jam will also be effective. Itβs better to make raw jam. To do this, grind the berry with sugar (1: 1) on a sieve or grater and leave the mixture in a cool place. This cooking option will help maintain the maximum amount of nutrients.
Many studies show us how to reduce high heart rate at home, reduce the severity of signs of stress, which are the main cause of tachycardia. Anxiety or a sense of fear that occurs against the background of an adrenaline rush is considered a normal reaction for a healthy body. However, if such conditions haunt a person all the time, the heart can quickly wear out. To reduce the risk of tachycardia due to stress, doctors advise using various relaxation methods, such as meditation. To relax, turn on calm music, sit down or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and try not to think about anything. The duration of meditation can be from 10 to 30 minutes.
One banana contains up to 420 mg of potassium, which is directly involved in lowering the pulse. This represents approximately 11% of 4.7 g of potassium recommended by the American Heart Association per day. The banana also contains magnesium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and brain. It was revealed that daily consumption of fruit helps to avoid the development of cardiovascular pathologies, such as stroke. Try to buy exactly green bananas, as they contain the maximum concentration of important vitamins and minerals. But blackened or candied fruit will bring you almost no benefit.
Thinking of how to reduce the pulse at home? Pay attention to natural pomegranate juice. In 2012, studies were conducted during which it was found that 330 ml of pomegranate juice drunk during the day reduced not only the pulse, but also systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The effect of lowering the rhythm of the heartbeat was noticed only after four weeks of daily consumption of a red drink. Thus, you can safely replace your morning tea or coffee with one and a half glasses of this delicious medicinal product.
How to reduce heart rate at home with simple products? Traditional chicken eggs will help. It was previously believed that this natural product is not good for the heart and blood vessels. But recent tests have shown that yolks do not increase the risk of developing heart disease. Egg whites occupy an honorable place in the list of products to reduce heart rate and blood pressure. This was stated in the results of studies presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society. As international magazines wrote, when rats with increased blood pressure were injected with egg whites, they improved as if they were receiving a small dose of Captopril, which lowers blood pressure. Today, additional studies are being conducted. However, it can already be safely stated that eggs are a source of protein, vitamin D and other nutrients important for the body of a patient with tachycardia.
baked potato
Doctors say that this well-known vegetable is rich in potassium and magnesium. These two trace elements are an important element of the DASH diet. The abbreviation DASH means The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or "dietetic approach to the elimination of hypertension." Potassium-rich foods help the body work better by flushing out excess sodium, which increases blood pressure and heart rate. Magnesium is able to maintain healthy blood circulation throughout the body.
It is important to emphasize that the regular increase in the rhythm of the heartbeat may be a harbinger of more serious diseases, therefore it is important to consider the home remedies listed in our article as an option in the case of complete confidence that there is no danger to health.