What vision can you drive with? This question worries many citizens who are already driving a car or are just about to get a driver's license. Indeed, it often happens that when passing a medical commission, an ophthalmologist does not allow a visually impaired citizen to drive vehicles. What about those people who wear glasses or lenses, but still want to drive a car? You will find answers to these questions in the process of familiarization with this article.
A little bit about everything
Every year the number of motorists becomes more and more. After all, at present the car is not a luxury, but just a means of transportation. For this reason, many driving schools are simply crowded with people who want to learn and get rights.
However, to issue a driver’s document, you need to not only know the traffic rules well, but also go through a medical commission. It is here that many citizens face many difficulties. In particular, this is due to the fact that the medical commission includes an ophthalmologist who cannot allow a person with poor eyesight to manage transport. This is important to know.
So with what kind of vision will a person be allowed to control a machine? This is a very interesting question. So, a person will definitely be allowed to drive, if the visual acuity in both eyes is not less than 0.7 units. You need to know about this.
Small characteristic
Here it must be said that without a diagnosis of vision at the oculist, a citizen will not be allowed to drive. Passing a medical examination by this specialist is necessary so that the driver, due to poor vision, could not create an emergency on the roadway. After all, it is precisely on this that the life and health of other participants in the movement may depend. A visually impaired driver may not notice a person walking across the road or some sign. This can lead to accidents with very serious consequences.
Thus, oculists try to pay special attention to eye examination for all drivers without exception. After all, this is one of the main components of road safety.
Existing Norms
What vision can you drive with? The answer to this question excites many future motorists who want to drive a car on their own.
So, for those citizens who wish to drive a category "B" vehicle, visual acuity should be at least 0.6 units. in one eye and at least 0.2 in the other. Accordingly, if a person has very bad eyes, then he will not be allowed to control the machine.
For those who want to drive vehicles of category "C" a prerequisite is a vision of 0.8 units. on one eye and not less than 0.4 on the second. This is a prerequisite for those who are already driving a truck or are just going to get rights in this category.
If a person has the same vision in both eyes, then the permissible value should be at least 0.7 units. on every organ of vision. Therefore, if a citizen sees very poorly, then it is better for him to abandon the independent control of the machine.
Once again, we need to return to the question of what vision can drive a car. Indeed, despite the foregoing, many citizens still think that these indicators can be reduced. This is actually not the case.
In this case, it must be said that visual acuity should not be lower than the standards established for certain categories. For car drivers, visual acuity here will be slightly lower than for those who wish to drive a truck. You also need to know about this.
To the above
With what vision can one get rights? Here it must be said that if a person sees the tenth line, then they will be given access to control the machine. Moreover, there is no need to try to deceive an experienced ophthalmologist. A professional doctor will immediately understand what a citizen's vision is.
If a person has any problems with his eyes, then the specialist will take this into account when admitting to driving a certain category. This is exactly what happens in practice.
People with poor eyesight will not be given
Some motorists sometimes share with others the secrets of obtaining a driver’s license and the successful passage of a medical commission. This applies to those cases when people with very poor eyesight, by coincidence, go through an ophthalmologist.
Here it is immediately necessary to say that if one eye does not see at all, and on the second - vision is not lower than 0.8 units, then the citizen has a chance to get a driver’s document.
It is also worth noting that you do not need to memorize letters from the table for the successful completion of an oculist. Because in the office of this specialist there is not only a letter, but also a graphical table for checking the organs of vision. And, if the ophthalmologist asks you to name the person where the circle closes, then a visually impaired citizen is unlikely to answer this question.
Driving with glasses or lenses
What vision can you drive with? In this case, it is necessary to return to this issue again. Is it possible to drive if, due to poor vision, a person is forced to wear glasses or lenses?
So, the car can be driven only after the ophthalmologist issues an opinion on admission to the management of transport. Here it is also necessary to say that with a difference of vision of the eyes more than 0, 4 diopters - it is forbidden to drive a car.
If we talk about driving with glasses or lenses, then by law - this is allowed, but only if the optometrist signs a permit for a person to drive a certain category of transport. For example, due to poor vision, a citizen may not be able to drive trucks (category "C"). This fact must be taken into account when passing the medical commission.
With what vision can you drive a car without glasses? This question is asked by many citizens who do not see very well, but dream of driving their own car, as well as experienced motorists.
So, if we talk about category "B", then here you need to have vision of at least 0.6 units. on one eye and not less than 0.2 on the second organ of vision.
In the presence of certain indications, it is possible that a citizen will be prescribed to wear glasses. Accordingly, he can only drive a car in them. But for some reason many people forget about this and find themselves in unpleasant situations on the road.
With what vision can you drive a car with glasses? The answer to this question can only be given by a professional ophthalmologist after examining both eyes of a candidate for a car driver. So, if a person wears glasses constantly, then he must be in them when passing a medical commission. At the same time, the strength of the glasses should not exceed 0.8 diopters.
What vision can I use to drive a car? Is it allowed to drive a vehicle if a person cannot correctly determine the color and suffers from color blindness? These questions interest many people. So, to determine color blindness, ophthalmologists use the Rabkin table in their work, which allows you to understand what color vision the future driver has, because it is very important. Suddenly, the driver will confuse the traffic signals and begin to move to a red light and commit a traffic accident.
To obtain a driver’s license, a person’s vision must comply with the law. The basis for conducting medical examinations of drivers is Government Decision No. 1604 of January 6, 2015.
It should also be noted that people with color blindness in our country do not have rights to drive vehicles. This is the order.
Again, I would like to return to the question of what kind of vision you need to ride with glasses? This question is really very relevant at present. So, with glasses you need to drive only if there are certain indications and appointments of an ophthalmologist for this.
In this case, a note is made on the driver’s license that a person can only drive with glasses while driving. This rule must be observed, otherwise you can get a considerable fine from the traffic police.
What vision do you need to drive with glasses? The answer to this question is very simple. If vision is below normal, then a person should drive only with glasses or lenses. Appointment for wearing corrective devices for the eyes gives only an ophthalmologist.