What is individualization. Differentiation and individualization of education

Let's try to understand what individualization is. The classical system of upbringing and education used in the Soviet Union did not imply the identification and development of the creative abilities of each child.

Currently, significant changes are taking place in domestic pedagogy. In order to keep up with the times, in school and preschool practice, modern, innovative methods are used that fully meet the needs of the modern generation.

The essence of teaching methods

Individualization of training has the following features:

  • allows you to take into account the mental abilities of students;
  • select individual educational trajectories for each child;
  • accelerate the process of informing the younger generation.
What is individualization?

Specifics of the approach

Individualization involves taking into account the personal characteristics of children in all methods and forms of learning. Differentiation is an option for organizing the educational and educational process with the obligatory consideration of the opportunities and interests of schoolchildren.

Differentiation and individualization of activities are interconnected methods. With their proper application, you can reveal the strengths of students, develop unique personal qualities in them.

The teacher gets the opportunity to monitor the dynamics of their students, understand their priorities, provide support at different stages of the learning process.

Differentiation training

The essence of individualization

The process involves the creation of sets of tasks of different volumes and levels of difficulty. Individualization of training is associated with the development of organizational and educational activities in different classrooms with the obligatory consideration of the individual abilities and capabilities of each student.

The main goal of this type of approach is to reveal the individual abilities and characteristics of children, to promote the formation of independence and responsibility in the younger generation.

Individualization of education provides for:

  • specific support for students in the recognition of individual priorities, needs, learning goals;
  • creation of conditions for the disclosure of natural inclinations;
  • the implementation of assistance and support for self-realization of students.

The essence of this approach is to adjust the process of development of the child, taking into account living conditions, specific parameters of his personality.

Individualization of law

The specifics of differentiated learning

Individualization of education involves the selection of a specific developmental trajectory for each student. The teacher's task is to help and support the child, the selection of theoretical and practical material, taking into account its individual and age characteristics.

The differentiation of the educational and educational process determines the creation of opportunities for the full development of the personality, capable of socialization in modern conditions.

Among the distinctive parameters of differentiated learning, we note the division into two groups:

  • external differentiation aimed at the creation of specialized classes, gymnasiums, correctional educational institutions;
  • an internal version aimed at working within a classroom team.

Stages of internal differentiation

Arguing over what is individualization and differentiation, we note that for the internal form there are several main stages:

  • first, primary diagnostics are carried out aimed at identifying the individual characteristics of students;
  • according to the results of the questionnaire, students are divided into groups: according to the speed of assimilation of the material, concentration of attention;
  • specific tasks for each group are selected.
How to work with talented children

Advantages and disadvantages of the analyzed approach

Arguing over what individualization is, we highlight the positive and negative parameters of an individual approach in the educational process.

The main advantages include:

  • departure from averaging of students in the process of acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
  • the ability to make adjustments when children are lagging behind for some indicators;
  • highlighting the strengths of the child, the development of cognitive interest in children;
  • increase in the share of independence.

We continue the conversation about what individualization is. Note that the main disadvantages of this pedagogical approach cannot be left without due attention:

  • increasing inequality between children;
  • negative psychological results of self-perception of those students who fell into weak groups;
  • the impossibility of competition between lagging children and leaders;
  • imperfection of the diagnostic process, leading to falling into the group of "weak" children who could not demonstrate their hidden abilities and talents.

Differentiation of education is carried out due to a change in the content, adjustment of the duration of certain tasks, and the selection of special tools for the methodological support of students, taking into account their level of preparedness and training.

how to choose a teaching method

Individualization of a person is possible in cases where the teacher has a clear idea of ​​the purpose, objectives of the lesson, its place in the educational program.

The teacher should have information about the difficulties that students may encounter in the process of learning new material in the course of performing differentiated tasks.

In his work, the teacher should use differential learning in the system, and not occasionally.

Such training is carried out using individual and group tasks. A similar approach is justified in the following situations:

  • if the content of the exercise is the same for the class, but strong guys are given less time to complete it;
  • a general task is offered to the whole group, but the teacher offers additional support material to weak students, which significantly simplifies their work. For example, children receive reference schemes, tables, response samples, algorithms;
  • at one stage of the lesson, tasks of different contents and difficulty levels are used, designed for weak, medium, strong students.

Differentiation and individualization are methods of education and training that fully comply with federal standards of the second generation.

Learning Features


Individualization of the right to receive quality free education is the main task of schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums. To fulfill the social task, state educational institutions choose innovative methods, modern pedagogical techniques.

The individualization and differentiation of the educational and upbringing process fully complies with the requirements of the second generation GEF.

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