Why can’t you lie down after eating? The answer of doctors

The myth that everything that you eat right before bedtime immediately turns into fat is not true, but there are good reasons why you should not lie down after eating. The fact is that while you are resting, your body works hard, digesting a dish, and this can lead to problems such as indigestion and an increased risk of stroke.

Hearty meals before resting

Eating at bedtime is always tempting. We open the refrigerator, full of food, eat up and go to watch TV, lying on a soft sofa. But how will this affect our health? Some argue that eating before bed can help you fall asleep, while others say that it leads to weight gain. So, whether or not to eat is the question. Let's find out why you can’t lie right after a meal.

Weight gain

In reality, what matters is not what you eat, but what you eat. Many people mistakenly believe that the main reason why you should not flatly lie after a meal is because it leads to fat deposition. In fact, this is not entirely true. Being overweight is one of the “safest” consequences that sleep or lying down after meals can lead to. Remember: in order not to gain excess weight, a person needs to burn the amount of calories equal to the number of calories consumed. It doesn’t matter if you eat extra calories in the morning, evening or night. Eating late at night is more likely to be a danger to your willpower and, oddly enough, leads to fatigue.

Why can’t you lie down after eating? Heartburn

Lying on your back right after you have a good meal can be nice at first. However, while your body is resting, the digestive system continues to work. Heartburn is caused by an excess of acid in the stomach, which leads to a burning sensation that spreads from it to the chest, and sometimes to the throat. It may also be accompanied by belching. This can make it difficult to sleep well.

Avoid sweets and desserts

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also called GERD or acid reflux, is caused by the fact that the valve between the stomach and esophagus does not close completely. In the supine position, stomach acid enters the throat and lingers there, which causes a burning sensation. Gastric acid can damage the mucous membranes over time. This is why you can’t lie down after eating.


According to studies, sleep after eating can increase the risk of stroke. Scientists claim that acid reflux most likely causes sleep apnea, which in turn is associated with a stroke. Doctors also suggest that increased digestive function and their effect on blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol can increase the likelihood of a stroke. This is why you can’t lie down after eating.

Myth 1: eating at bedtime slows down the metabolism

There is a widespread belief that eating before bedtime leads to weight gain, because when you sleep, your metabolism slows down, which leads to the preservation of all calories eaten as fat.

In reality, the average nightly metabolic rate is the same as during the day. This means that your body still requires energy during sleep.

Myth 2: Better go to bed hungry

Nutritionists claim that going to bed hungry is not good, as this can cause a drop in blood sugar, which in turn can lead to insomnia or restless sleep.

Bedtime dinner should be balanced.

Do not go to bed hungry - just give preference to light food, because during sleep, your digestive system and body should still relax, and not digest a heavy dinner. For example, it is recommended to give preference to yogurt and milk - they contribute to the production of melatonin, which improves sleep quality. Also, as an evening meal, nutritionists recommend choosing a vegetable omelet, vegetable or bean soup.

Myth 3: eating at bedtime encourages bad eating habits

The real reason food at bedtime is a bad idea is that it can lead to unhealthy eating behavior and the development of appropriate habits, which in turn can lead to weight gain.

For many people, bedtime food is an appetizer — it could be a dessert cake or a packet of chips while watching a movie. Avoid foods high in unhealthy fats and sugar before bedtime.

Conclusion: is it harmful to lie after a meal?

In principle, eating at bedtime does not slow down the metabolism and does not lead to weight gain. However, a heavy meal before resting is still not a great idea, because it can contribute to the development of unhealthy eating habits and lead to weight gain, simply because you eat excess food. Ideally, eating should occur at least 1-3 hours before you go to bed, so your body will have time to digest food.

Avoid sleeping immediately after eating

To prevent a late night urge to eat, eat a balanced dinner that will provide you with the necessary amount of energy. And do not forget to stay hydrated throughout the day: drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

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