We study the artistic features of Russian epics

Of great importance for folklore are epics. The school curriculum for literature is based on the study of this genre in 7th grades. Our article will help students learn the artistic features of Russian epics. But before you study this issue, you need to consider the definition of this genre, as well as many interesting facts related to it.

artistic features of Russian epics

The term "epic" and its origin

Bylina is an epic song, events and their heroes are chanted in it, as well as many episodes from the history of Ancient Russia. Initially, epics took shape in the period of early Kievan Rus. They expressed the worldview of the Eastern Slavs. Thanks to epics, the historical events of the 11th-16th centuries are forever imprinted in folklore. Thus, it is necessary to start writing an essay on the theme “Artistic Features of Russian Epics” with a definition of the term.

Readers in this genre see images of brave and strong heroes, as well as their amazing exploits. Thanks to the artistic word, the heroic epic combines reality and fantastic fiction. The epic and fairy tale are united by mythical images of adversaries (enemies), in parallel, the reader observes the metamorphoses (reincarnation) of the characters, as well as the interaction of the main characters with animals. However, the elements of science fiction in epic songs turned out to be subject to historical vision, as well as a reflection of reality. All these elements make up the artistic features of Russian epics.

artistic features of Russian epics

When the epics were on paper

Many mistakenly believe that the epic refers to Russian literature, this is partly true. However, folklore (oral folk art) is engaged in the study of epics . This means that they have been passed down from generation to generation, word of mouth. They were recorded on paper no earlier than the 19th century in Karelia, on the shores of the White Sea, and also in the cities of the Arkhangelsk province. In Siberia and the Urals, epics were recorded from the 18th century. At this time, the heroic epic was actively rewritten in the central provinces of our homeland (Voronezh, Moscow, Kaluga, Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Vladimir and so on). The artistic features of Russian epics are diverse. The student’s composition should reflect them as fully as possible. Therefore, we turn to the features of the plot and content of the epic.

Content and Stories

In their studies, philologists write that the epics are quite diverse in content. Today, folklore is known about a hundred stories, and recorded more than 3000 versions and versions of texts. As a rule, epic songs have a novelistic or heroic character. The ideological plan of the heroic epic was concluded in the glorification, unity, and also independence of the Russian land. Novelistic epics glorify fidelity of spouses, true friendship, condemnation of the bad qualities of a person. In addition, there are also such works in which people condemned social injustice, which consisted in the arbitrariness of the authorities. The goal of all epics is to exalt the social, national, as well as moral and ethical ideals of the Russian people.

artistic features of Russian epics 7th grade

"The old lady"

You may be surprised, but our ancestors did not use the term "epic." They called this genre "old-fashioned", "old-fashioned". From this name it was clear that the song is about events that took place a very long time ago. In the first half of the 19th century, Russian folklorist, ethnographer, paleographer and archaeologist Sakharov Ivan Petrovich proposed to call the old-fashioned epics. He took this idea from "The Words of Igor's Campaign".

Poetics, as well as artistic features of Russian epics (7th grade, Russian literature)

The artistic world of bylina is very different from other genres and ordinary life. Language and poetics obey the task of a grandiose and significant image. The singer, who tells the epic, spiritually merges with the heavens and the sea, as well as with the vast expanses of the Russian land. Poetization of the youthful daring, power-law will, appearance of the Russian hero, as well as his faithful horse takes listeners and readers into the imaginary world of the era of Ancient Russia, which majestically rises above the ordinary and ordinary reality.

artistic features of Russian epics essay grade 7


We continue to consider the artistic features of Russian epics. The compositional basis of this genre is mainly based on the antithesis, where the main character is opposed to the enemy. So, for example, Alyosha Popovich is fighting Tugarin, Dobrynya Nikitich is opposed to the Serpent Gorynych. There is another trick in the composition - this is tripling. This feature also exists in fairy tales, but in contrast to them, the hero of the epic acts independently. If schoolchildren need to indicate the artistic features of Russian epics in the composition (grade 7 assumes this task), then be sure to write about it.

The stories of epics are built according to the classical scheme:

  • conception
  • tie
  • development,
  • climax
  • denouement.

The main means of creating images

And we continue to study the artistic features of Russian epics. The student’s composition on this topic should contain a variety of techniques that were used to create epics. Collector of epics A.F. Hilferding perceived hyperbola (exaggeration) as a real image in the maximum manifestation of features and qualities. For example, the heroes during a feast at Prince Vladimir drank a glass of wine, which was equal in volume to a large bucket! The storytellers used this technique in order to idealize the image of a hero.

composition on the theme of the artistic features of Russian epics

Means of artistic expression

The artistic features of Russian epics are also in the trails. The thing is that the storytellers took them as authentic and historical events. This factor influenced the poetics of the epic. Surprisingly, there are no metaphors in epics! But they abound in epithets and comparisons. Often the hero was compared with a clear falcon. Almost always in an epic field is clean, the arrow is red-hot, the hero is strong, and the enemy force is filthy.

As you can see, studying the artistic features of Russian epics in grade 7 is not so difficult. It is important to read texts in a timely and informed manner.

You can study history not only with the help of a textbook, but also thanks to the literature. Read, broaden your horizons!

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