One of the important hematological parameters is MID in the blood test. What it is? MID means the ratio of different types of white blood cells. To determine this indicator, you do not need to undergo a special examination, it is enough to pass a general blood test (KLA), which is taken from the finger.
What is MID?
White blood cells are white blood cells that form in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. These blood components play a large role in protecting the body against infections. White blood cells are divided into several types:
- eosinophils;
- neutrophils;
- basophils;
- lymphocytes;
- monocytes.
The relative or absolute content of a mixture of eosinophils, basophils and monocytes shows the MID in a blood test. What it is? Relative content is measured as a percentage of the total white blood cell count. The absolute indicator is calculated in the number of cells per 1 liter of blood. Currently, the percentage of MID is more commonly used. Otherwise, this indicator is called MXD.
How is the analysis delivered?
Blood for general clinical analysis (KLA) is usually taken from the finger, in rare cases, a vein is taken. The skin area is treated with a disinfectant, a small puncture is made and the material is collected into a test tube. Such a study does not require special preparation. It is advisable to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach. General analysis is taken at any clinic. In addition to MID, such an examination reveals other important hematological data: hemoglobin index, ESR, the number of red blood cells and platelets.
When is the test prescribed?
KLA is the most common clinical trial. It is recommended to undergo it when contacting a doctor about a disease, as well as for preventive purposes during medical examination. An analysis can be prescribed if you suspect the following diseases:
- infections
- inflammatory processes;
- allergy;
- tumors;
- anemia.
Shortened and detailed blood test
With a shortened version of the study, the MID in the blood test is necessarily determined. What it is? If a person has no complaints, and the KLA is carried out for the purpose of prevention, then do an abbreviated analysis. In addition to MID, the following indicators are calculated:
- hemoglobin;
- ESR;
- platelets;
- red blood cells;
- total white blood cell count.
If abnormalities were found with reduced KLA, then a more detailed study is carried out. For example, if the MID norm is exceeded in a blood test, decoding is necessary for each type of cell separately. For this purpose, a detailed examination is prescribed with the determination of the leukocyte formula.
MID standards in a blood test
The relative indicator of MID in the general analysis of blood is 5-10%. This is considered the norm. The study is fairly accurate, and errors in the results are extremely rare. The percentage of leukocyte cells is calculated automatically.
The absolute indicator of MID should be 0.2 - 0.8 x 10 9 / L. It should be noted that the MID norms in the decoding of blood tests in women and men are the same. Slight fluctuations in these data are possible only during the menstrual period due to hormonal imbalance.
Abnormality MID
If the concentration of MID in the blood test is increased or decreased, then this usually indicates pathology. This indicator is not affected by random causes, and survey results are rarely distorted. But it is impossible to diagnose only by abbreviated KLA. Therefore, in such cases, a leukocyte test is prescribed.
If the MID in a blood test is elevated, what does it mean? Such indicators indicate that the body has to deal with pathology. And for this reason, white blood cells are produced in large numbers. To suggest the nature of the disease, a more detailed analysis is necessary.
More common are pathologies in which the MID in the blood test is elevated. A low level of this indicator is less common. This can be with impaired blood formation, taking certain medications, intoxication, anemia, and a decrease in immunity. In these cases, an additional detailed study is also prescribed for eosinophils, basophils and monocytes.
Eosinophils are the cells that the bone marrow produces. When an infection gets into the body, the immune system produces antibodies. Complex complexes are formed from the antigens of microorganisms and cells that fight foreign proteins. Eosinophils neutralize these accumulations and purify the blood.
The norm of the percentage ratio of eosinophils in the leukocyte formula is from 1 to 5%. If these indicators are exceeded, then doctors talk about eosinophilia. This may indicate the following diseases:
- helminthic invasion;
- allergy;
- malaria;
- bronchial asthma;
- skin diseases of non-allergic origin (pemphigus, epidermolysis bullosa);
- rheumatic pathologies;
- myocardial infarction;
- blood diseases;
- malignant tumors;
- pneumonia;
- lack of immunoglobulins;
- cirrhosis of the liver.
In addition, eosinophilia can provoke the use of drugs: antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormones, nootropics. The reasons for this deviation in the analysis of blood for a leukocyte formula can be varied. To clarify the diagnosis, additional examinations are required.
If eosinophils are reduced, then this condition is called doctors eosinopenia. This suggests that cell production is inhibited due to the depletion of the body's defenses. The possible causes of eosinophil decline are:
- severe infections;
- sepsis;
- appendicitis complicated by peritonitis;
- infectious toxic shock;
- emotional overstrain;
- injuries
- burns;
- operations;
- lack of sleep.
The results of the analysis may be affected by recent births, surgical interventions, and medication.
If the patient has complaints of an allergic reaction, then the study of basophils plays a big role with increased MID in the blood test. What it is? Basophils fight allergens that enter the body. In this case, the release of histamine, prostaglandins and other substances that cause inflammation.
Normally, the relative amount of basophils in the blood in adults is 0.5-1%, and in children 0.4-0.9%.
The increased content of these cells is called basophilia. This is a pretty rare occurrence. Usually it is observed with allergic reactions and hematological pathologies, such as leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis. And also basophils can be increased with the following pathologies:
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- diabetes;
- chickenpox;
- early stages of respiratory tumors;
- hypothyroidism;
- iron deficiency;
- taking thyroid hormones, estrogen and corticosteroids.
Basophils can sometimes be slightly elevated with minor chronic inflammations. Slightly increased indicators of these cells are observed in women at the beginning of menstruation and during ovulation.
If, with a reduced MID, the decoding of a blood test for basophils shows results less than normal, then this indicates a depletion of the leukocyte reserve. The reasons for this analysis result may be different:
- physical and emotional stress;
- increased activity of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands;
- acute infections;
- exhaustion.
It must be remembered that in women during pregnancy, false test results are possible. This is due to an increase in blood volume, because of this the relative number of basophils decreases.
Monocytes are blood cells that fight primarily against a viral infection. They are able to digest not only foreign proteins, but also dead white blood cells and damaged cells. It is because of the work of monocytes in viral inflammation that there is never suppuration. These cells do not die in the fight against infection.
The normal percentage of monocytes in the blood is 3-10%. In infants up to 2 weeks, the norm is from 5 to 15%, and in children under 12 years old - from 2 to 12%. Exceeding this indicator is noted in the following conditions:
- viral infections;
- helminthic invasion;
- diseases caused by fungi and protozoa;
- tuberculosis;
- syphilis;
- brucellosis;
- autoimmune pathologies (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis);
- monocytic leukemia and other malignant blood diseases;
- bone marrow disease;
- tetrachlorethane intoxication.
In childhood, the most common cause of increased monocytes is infectious mononucleosis. This is how the immune system reacts when Epstein-Barr virus enters the body.
In women, during the period of menstruation, a slight increase in the monocyte index to the upper limits of the norm is possible. In the first months of pregnancy, moderate monocytosis is possible, as the immune system responds to the embryo.
Sometimes monocytes deviate from the norm to a smaller side with a reduced MID in the blood test. What does such data mean? Monocytopenia can occur with the following pathologies:
- shock conditions;
- purulent-inflammatory diseases;
- general depletion of the body and immune system;
- excessive intake of hormones;
- blood diseases.
Lymphocytes and neutrophils
A MID blood test shows the content of monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. However, with a comprehensive examination, you need to pay attention to other types of leukocyte cells: lymphocytes and neutrophils.
Lymphocytes play a major role in the formation of immunity against infections. Normally, their content is from 20 to 40%.
Lymphocytosis is observed in serious infectious diseases such as HIV, whooping cough, hepatitis and others. The number of these cells can be increased in case of blood diseases and poisoning with lead, arsenic, carbon disulfide.
Lymphocytopenia (decreased lymphocytes) can occur with the following diseases:
- immunodeficiency states;
- acute infectious pathologies;
- tuberculosis;
- autoimmune processes;
- anemia.
Neutrophils are subdivided into stab (normal 1-6%) and segmented (normal 47-72%). These cells have bactericidal properties, they rush to the focus of inflammation and destroy microorganisms.
An increased neutrophil count is called neutrophilic leukocytosis. This may be due to the following reasons:
- any inflammatory processes;
- malignant diseases of the blood and bone marrow;
- diabetes;
- preeclampsia and eclampsia;
- the first 24 hours after surgery;
- blood transfusion.
A decrease in the number of neutrophils is observed in the following conditions:
- acute viral infections (measles, rubella, chickenpox, mumps);
- severe bacterial diseases;
- intoxication with chemicals;
- radiation exposure (including radiation therapy);
- anemia;
- high body temperature (from 38.5 degrees);
- taking cytostatics, antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- blood diseases.
What to do if the MID deviates from the norm?
If you deviate from the norm in a blood test on MID, you must undergo additional diagnostics. It is impossible to detect the disease only by OAK and leukocyte formula. Treatment will depend on the type of pathology.
If deviations from the norm are caused by infectious diseases, then antibiotics and antiviral drugs will be required. With an increase in basophils due to allergies, antihistamines are prescribed. If changes in the leukocyte composition are associated with blood diseases, then such pathologies are treated for a long time with complex methods.
Sometimes deviations in the analysis do not require special therapy. To improve the composition of the blood, a change in the patient's lifestyle is enough. But this is possible only in the absence of serious diseases.
The results of a blood test must be shown to a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to prescribe further diagnosis and determine treatment tactics.