Features, trends and analysis of migration processes in Russia

The term “migration” comes from Latin and is used to refer to the mass movement of people from one country to another. This phenomenon is always in the center of attention of various sciences: sociology, economics, psychology and demography.

Features, trends and analysis of migration processes in Russia

The term is not limited to the designation of movement from country to country. Migration can be considered moving from village to city, changing the region of residence within the country and other forms of changing the place of residence. But in all cases there are common denominators. For example, migration processes in Russia and post-Soviet countries are mainly economic in nature.

In a new place, people are attracted to career opportunities, a higher standard of living, safety in society and the level of education. The most common migration option is moving to large cities. The larger the city, the more population there is - a potential consumer. Accordingly, in such places a large number of enterprises are being created. The more enterprises, the higher the demand for labor of different stripes.

The analysis of migration processes in Russia shows one more regularity: if there is a choice between two cities, then migrants choose the one that is closer in geographical parameters. Although the traffic intersection is quite well organized throughout the country.

Migration processes in Russia

Classification and types

Migration has clear differences from other types of movement. For example, moving within the same city or village does not apply to migration. Features of migration processes in Russia are that the analysis should rely on a number of signs:

  • Territorial features, or else this type of migration is called as crossed borders. There are two of them: external and internal. External means leaving the country, internal means moving the population from one city to another within the country. External migration is divided into two subspecies: emigration - outflow of the population - and immigration - the influx of population from other countries. Countries dominated in the world in which emigration is higher than immigration. Among the countries where new citizens prefer to enter and settle in are the following: Germany, France, Canada and the USA.
  • Temporal durations, or in terms of time, distinguish between permanent, temporary, seasonal and pendulum migration. If everything is clear with the first three categories, the fourth requires clarification: pendulum migration is a periodic movement of a group of people. This is usually associated with study or work.
  • Forms of implementation are spontaneous or organized. Trends in migration processes in Russia show that domestic immigration is mainly spontaneous.
  • For reasons. The reasons can be very diverse. But to decide at one point to leave the familiar circle and lifestyle is not always easy. There are good reasons for this. Usually they have a political, economic or social character.

The most remarkable is the migration of the working-age population. This phenomenon is the primary task of many neighboring states, but in Russia these indicators are relatively low.

The problem is relevant around the world.

Common view

The most common type of migration is depending on the participation (or lack of participation in certain processes) of the state. According to this factor, migration is divided into two types: voluntary and forced migration. In the first case, some prevailing circumstances are implied in which citizens do not see any reason to stay in their country.

As a rule, in such cases there is a lack of the basic components of life: safety, confidence in the future and access to food. The case of forced migration arises due to natural disasters or the environmental situation in which the life and health of citizens are at risk.

Current picture

In recent decades, dynamic changes have taken place in the migration industry in Russia. During this time, the picture changed depending on two types of factors:

  1. Positive, associated with the development of democratic principles in society, with the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens, which include freedom of movement. It should also be noted that during this time market relations have been actively developing, and Russia has confidently entered the international labor market as a potential employer for many countries.
  2. Negative ones are associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, when waves of nationalism broke out in many post-Soviet countries, terrorism developed and the economic situation worsened.

Over the past 10 years alone, more than 8.6 million people have moved from the Baltic countries and the CIS to Russia. Meanwhile, the massive illegal influx that arose in the early 1990s and continues to this day is gradually disappearing.

"Brain drain" is bad for the country

"Brain drain"

Features of migration processes in modern Russia are no exception to well-known social phenomena. The term "brain drain" has long been used in sociology, demography, economics, and geopolitical sciences. But for Russia it has become relevant relatively recently.

In fact, the term refers to the outflow of intelligentsia from the country. At the same time, potential scientists, engineers, research and inventions are leaving the country. The state does not have official levers of influence on this phenomenon. But there are glaring facts.


According to statistics from the Russian Ministry of Science and Technology, about 8,000 Russian scientists work in the framework of the scientific programs of the Pentagon and the US Department of Energy. In addition to everything, they use Russian technologies, equipment and other research results of Russian scientists in their work. The reason for this picture is the fact that the management of migration processes in Russia in the field of intellectual property and related migration has no legislative basis.

World Migration Map

Migration trends are clearly tracked through the labor market. According to data from this industry, the following areas of population movement can be clearly distinguished:

  • Residents of neighboring countries prefer Russia.
  • Russians usually travel to foreign countries.
  • In a smaller quantity - from the Russian Federation to neighboring countries.
  • There is also an influx to the Russian Federation from non-CIS countries.

Migration processes in Russia show that, on the whole, the influx of labor predominates than the outflow.

In Russia, outflow is less than inflow


As studies in different countries show, there are many reasons for changing the country of residence. For instance:

  • Economic or social.
  • Religious oppression in their homeland.
  • Aggravation of military-political factors.
  • Ecological situation.
  • Natural disasters and other emergency situations.

These and other factors that occur in so many countries of the world force residents to leave for neighboring or distant countries.

Features of migration in the Russian Federation

Migration processes in modern Russia are quite acute. The growth of inflow from other countries is associated with various external and internal factors. So, one of the main internal problems is the imperfection of migration legislation. The main external factor is the deterioration of the situation in other countries, which paves the way, in particular, to illegal migration. Today, the largest number of illegal migrants in the Russian Federation comes from Ukraine.

In general, having studied the trends of recent years, experts have drawn conclusions. To summarize, the migration processes in modern Russia have the following trends:

  • Internal migration increased several times. In almost all cases, this phenomenon has one reason - a job search.
  • Significant increase in the number of internally displaced persons and political refugees.
  • If we consider gender characteristics, then the main share is women.
  • The lion's share of movements is carried out by people of working age.
  • The scale of constant migration swept not only the capital, but also other cities of the country.

In connection with these factors, the largest population density of people is currently observed in large cities of Russia.

Severity of the problem

Migration processes in Russia currently require urgent action. The role of the contractor in this field is assigned to the Federal Migration Service. In particular, its competence includes the following tasks:

  • The exercise of control over those who cross the border of the country.
  • Keeping records of visiting citizens.
  • Registration of visitors.
  • Formation and issuance of documents for temporary or permanent residence.
  • Issuance of patents of a working nature.
  • Issuance or denial of citizenship.
  • Legalization of the stay of all foreign citizens.

State role

Nevertheless, migration processes in Russia require the direct participation of the state, contributing to the promotion of the following ideas:

  • Creating favorable conditions for the entry and permanent residence of compatriots from other countries.
  • Regulation of mechanisms for attracting foreign citizens to work.
  • Supporting the development of internal displacement of citizens. In particular, attention should be paid to the Far East, where there is an acute shortage of not only labor, but also residents as a whole.
  • Contribution to the development of migration of an educational and academic nature, which facilitates the entry of highly qualified citizens into the country.
  • Providing administrative and advisory support to those who have already moved within the country.
  • Improving migration legislation with a focus on simplifying the system of legalizing the stay of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation.
  • Diversified assistance to foreigners in adaptation and socio-cultural integration.
  • The fight against the illegal flow of migration, in particular, the full regulation of migration processes in Russia.
The bulk of those entering are Ukrainians and Moldova

Stages of government action

Talk about these and other measures from high tribunes has been going on for a long time. A clear action plan has been developed, and the task itself is divided into several stages.

  1. Organization of assistance centers for migrants, which will help in their early adaptation. These measures were planned for 2012-2015. and fully implemented.
  2. Monitoring through the introduction of the latest information technology, implementation years - from 2016 to 2020. Also during this period, the state’s priority task is to resist the outflow of the population from Siberia and the Far East by creating favorable living and working conditions for the local population.
  3. The results are planned to be announced in 2025. If weaknesses or low efficiency of a particular measure are identified, they will be introduced again with adjustment. In general, one of the main tasks is to stop the outflow from the above regions and to facilitate the inflow.
There is also internal migration

Russia in international migration processes

It should also be noted the situation and global migration trends. If we compare global indicators, the closest migration ties between the countries have formed in the CIS.

Undoubtedly, Russia plays a leading role in international migration processes, since a fifth of the total share falls on its share. As already noted, the prevailing number of people moving in.

Also, international data indicate that in recent years, external migration processes in Russia have undergone significant changes. In particular, there is a significant decrease in the outflow from Russia to non-CIS countries. At the time of the prosperity of the outflow, citizens mainly chose countries such as Germany, France and Israel.

The main labor mass of a migratory nature in Russia consists of residents of countries such as Ukraine, Moldova, China and the countries of the Customs Union. Visitors from these countries mainly work in industry or construction.

The working-age population is leaving


The migration pattern in Russia is often changing. But given the specifics of the phenomenon, it is impossible to draw hasty conclusions. Usually from the moment when a person decides to change his place of residence, and until the moment of implementation, years can pass.

Russia's priority is to reduce the outflow of highly qualified citizens, as after some time this will lead to a massive shortage of valuable specialists.

If we take into account the needs of traveling citizens, then the reasons in all cases can be reduced to a single denominator. For example, one of the most attractive factors abroad is the affordability of housing. Following is the quality of education and medicine. Given such data, the country should take appropriate measures. And there is enough potential to solve all problems.

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