Presentation: how not to spoil your work

An abstract is a summary of material found on a given topic and presented to an audience. Teachers usually begin to practice essays from the school bench in order to prepare students for further independent processing of information in a higher educational institution. Here, at school, help to draw up an abstract by standards.

It is a mistake to think that an abstract is a rewriting of other people's thoughts in a large volume. This can be “sinned" at school, but not at the university. In addition to reflecting the general material on the chosen topic, the abstract should also reflect the author’s own point of view expressed in the conclusions on the topic. In addition, in the abstract one can evaluate not only events, but also existing points of view on a particular phenomenon. This is the so-called aerobatics, which students achieve already in senior courses.

The rules for writing an abstract are quite simple. They are set out in the form of GOST and are sent to educational institutions in a package of mandatory documentation. It also contains standards for exam tickets, journaling, etc. The teacher is obliged to acquaint students with certain rules, because an abstract whose design does not meet the requirements will not be accepted. Although, to be honest, it all depends on the personality of the teacher - many turn a blind eye to minor trifles, especially if the essay is written for an "internal" assessment, and not for participation in a competition where all standards must be met 100%.

Before you write an abstract, you need to think it through in accordance with the requirements. How many parts (chapters) will be in the abstract, are subsections needed, how justified are their introduction and breakdown? The abstract should not become a pile of facts, everything should be displayed in it as concisely and succinctly as possible. After the chapters are written, they must be re-read. It often happens that the author discards some parts or, conversely, adds others.

After the proofreading is completed, you can begin practical design of the abstract. First, a cover sheet is made that contains the source data. It is worth noting that the more carefully the student draws up an essay, the better it will look in the eyes of the teacher. Such pedantry indicates that the student seriously approached the work and his essay is impeccable both on the cover page and on the rest. Often, the correct design of the first page covers minor flaws within the abstract.

The abstract is standardly printed on A4 format sheet, font size number 14 with a line spacing of 1.5. Fields are set everywhere the same everywhere: you need to do two centimeters on the top and bottom, one and a half on the right, and three on the left (for binder). The abstract, sustained in such parameters, is most favorably perceived by the human eye - it is convenient and tireless to read it.

Registration of the abstract on the title should consist of such information. At the top is indicated the ministry, to which the higher educational institution is subordinate, further - the full name of the institution without abbreviations, the department at which the abstract was performed. A little lower in the center indicates the topic of the abstract. Even lower, centered on the right side, the abstract is signed in the form of “completed” - student, group, course, and “supervisor” - full name the teacher in charge of the work. If necessary, the name of the person who evaluated the work is indicated on the abstract. At the very bottom is the place of execution (usually only the city, since the university is indicated above) and the date (year). Following the title page, content is made according to the already prepared text, the pages of sections of which are already known. Typically, pages are numbered from the third to the bottom right, since the first page is the title page and the second is the content. The content indicates the pages of all structural elements - introduction, sections and subsections, conclusions and references. At the very end, as necessary, you can make applications. They are numbered in the general order, however, they are the last and are not included in the mandatory amount of work. A review (review) of the person who checked the work is attached to the abstract.

Making an abstract takes a little time, especially if the student has experience. In any case, this issue must be approached with maximum responsibility so that the work makes a good impression.

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