How to lower the pressure at home? Methods

In modern society, the most common diseases include hypertension. The overwhelming majority of patients belong to the retirement age category. However, each time to seek help from a doctor is either not possible or inconvenient, so everyone is interested in how to lower the pressure at home. Ardent opponents of drugs argue that this can be done through the use of natural remedies.

How to lower the pressure at home? We change our attitude to food!

how to lower pressure at home

Everyone with all responsibility to approach their own diet. The fact is that any product that enters the body carries a certain energy charge, that is, it acts like firewood to maintain a bonfire. However, not all dishes are equally useful. In the presence of hypertension, it is better to permanently abandon the use of alcoholic beverages and coffee, as well as too salty, spicy and fatty foods. Heavy foods such as meat and fish should be steamed, and fresh vegetables and fruits should be preferred as a side dish. A sharp transition to proper nutrition and the addition of certain foods to the diet will quickly lower the pressure. To maintain strong immunity, at least three apples should be eaten during the day. Refusal of salt helps to normalize the water balance and stabilize the work of all body systems.

How to lower the pressure at home? Alternative Medicine Methods

lower pressure quickly

Doctors recommend drinking tea with the addition of natural fruits and herbs. For example, in a teapot with black tea, you can throw several berries of viburnum or grapes, cut into small segments of grapefruit. The drink will turn out not only insanely aromatic and tasty, but also very useful. The use of hibiscus tea or plain green tea without additives will help get rid of mild hypertension. Positive properties are famous for decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, mint, lemon balm. No less obvious effect is beet kvass. To prepare kvass, you will need a half kilogram of beets, a small handful of dill seeds and a liter of clean still water. Beets are cut into small slices, laid out on the bottom of the container, then filled with water and insisted until a characteristic foam begins to form. After that, you need to add seeds and put kvass in the refrigerator for several hours. The course of treatment is a week, take half a glass three times a day.

How to lower the pressure at home? Acupuncture is the most effective method.

quickly lower the pressure

The use of various decoctions and tinctures will really give the desired result, but only with regular use. Among the emergency response measures include a technique called acupuncture. It involves achieving a result through massage of certain points. In order to lower the pressure quickly, it is necessary to find the point located in the dimple under the earlobe and draw a straight vertical line with your finger to the collarbone. This gap is what we need. For the desired effect, it is enough to hold light strokes with periodic pressure for five minutes.

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