Analysis of educational work for 1 half year at school

Any educational institution performs not only educational, but also educational function.

School goal

A qualitative analysis of educational work for a quarter requires the correct setting of goals. The main task of educating schoolchildren should be the creation by the teacher of favorable conditions for the full development of the children's personality, self-development and self-expression of students. This goal is reflected not only in the preliminary work plan of the class teacher, but also in the reports for the quarter, half year, year.

analysis of educational work for 1 half year

Educational tasks

Analysis of the educational work of the class involves assessing the integration of teaching skills in extracurricular, extracurricular, sightseeing events. The tasks that are taken into account when summarizing the work of the class teacher are as follows:

  • the formation of civic-patriotic consciousness, moral and spiritual values ​​among students;
  • Wellness work with the class, the formation of healthy eating skills;
  • improvement of communicative qualities, development of tolerance;
  • activation of self-government in the classroom team and the creative potential of students;
  • interaction with parents, work on the formation of family values.

Sections of the report on educational work

The usual analysis of educational work should include a detailed report on the activities of the civil-patriotic, aesthetic plan. In addition, an indication of the activities of the class in the sports, health and environmental direction is mandatory.

classroom educational analysis

Civil-patriotic direction

The importance of this direction of the educational work of the class teacher is explained by the need to develop among the younger generation the general civic qualities: love for a small homeland, own country. With purposeful activities according to this vector, not only the teacher, but also the entire school team, children learn about their constitutional responsibilities, the importance of fulfilling a duty to the homeland. A full analysis of educational work for the first half of the year may include a photo report on the events on May 9th. Recently, it has become popular to call the school the names of the heroes of the Soviet Union. In order for an educational institution to be awarded such an honor and officially receive the right to be named after a hero, an action plan is first developed at the school related to familiarizing with the life and achievements of this person. All contests, discussions, excursions are planned so that children learn the features of the hero’s biography, and this is also included in the plan of the educational process. At the end of the planned activities, the results obtained are included in the analysis of the educational work of the school.

In addition to listing all the holidays, contests, quizzes held during the six months or a quarter, the conclusions on this section must be recorded.

In conclusion, they write about the need to continue creating favorable conditions for the formation of an active civic position of schoolchildren and the system of universal values.

half-year analysis of educational work

Moral and aesthetic development

The analysis of educational work at school will be incomplete without such an important link as aesthetic and moral education. This direction in the activity of any class teacher involves the development of tolerance (tolerance), respect for cultural values, artistic taste, and moral rules of communication among students. This direction involves conducting and reporting on the following events: the day of self-government, initiation into high school or first graders, family sports, cooking fights between schoolchildren and parents. Also, an analysis of the educational work of the class in this area can be accompanied by photographs from the holidays, as well as a presentation of the results of the work done by the class teacher. In the same section of the report, you can mention the cleaning of the territory, gardening of the school site. The conclusion indicates the effectiveness of the work, the reduction of offenses, an increase in the interest of parents, and also write about future plans.

analysis of educational work for the year

Analysis of sports and fitness activities

Recently, educational institutions have been paying serious attention to physical education. The analysis of educational work for the six months in this area reflects all the work that the class teacher conducted on educating children in the field of physical health, and also lists specific activities that were aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle. Almost all schools have developed special programs "Health", including the third hour of physical education, a rational educational process (training sessions, lesson plan, extracurricular activities). A detailed analysis of the educational work for the year in terms of the physical development of schoolchildren involves listing all school, district, and regional sports holidays: “Cross of Nations,” “Ski Track of Russia.” The educational work that the teacher conducts with the children is also reflected in the reports. This section describes the organization of nutrition, the prevention of colds and infectious diseases. As conclusions in this area, you can write down in the report the need for further work, replenishment of children's knowledge to strengthen physical health. We can also note the importance of further increasing the motor activity of schoolchildren by holding sports contests, holidays, and competitions.

analysis of educational work at school

Environmental direction

A detailed analysis of educational work for the first half of the year is impossible without an indication of the environmental work carried out by the class teacher. 2017 was declared the year of ecology in the Russian Federation - this confirms the importance of environmental education of the country's growing population. Among those events that can be held in the classroom, school, all are aimed at caring for wildlife, using the knowledge gained in ordinary life. The choice of flowers for planting in school flowerbeds, the manufacture of bird houses, and garbage collection help the class teacher to develop a careful attitude towards nature and bring together a cool team. All this needs to be written while analyzing educational work for 1 half year or for the entire academic year.

analysis of educational work of the school

What to indicate in the analysis of educational activities?

Conducting an analysis of the educational process for the first half of the year, the report states the effectiveness of the initial goal setting, as well as the effectiveness of planning for a given period of educational work in the assigned class. Specific educational tasks can be set as follows:

  1. The formation of a culture of behavior in relationships with peers (in clothing, speech).
  2. Stimulating knowledge.
  3. The formation of intellectual data of pupils.
  4. The development of collectivism and responsibility for classroom and school-wide affairs.
  5. The formation of organizational abilities, as well as improving the skills of self-management in a classroom team.

Also, an analysis of educational work for the first half of the year shows that the content, main directions and forms were chosen by the class teacher motivated.

On the dynamics of the social situation of self-improvement of students

Work in this direction can be considered successful if the following results are achieved:

  1. Between the guys in the classroom team formed a trusting and friendly relationship. There are no rejected, isolated schoolchildren in the class; everyone has friends and friends in the team. Successfully passed the adaptation of a new student in the class, which indicates a positive microclimate in the classroom team.
  2. Parents fully fulfill their educational responsibilities, helping the class teacher in their work. Thanks to the support of parents, it was possible to organize a tour (indicate the name of the organization).
  3. For 4 months, we managed to rally the class, stimulate interest in learning. In a classroom team, consisting, for example, of 25 people, where boys (indicate the number), girls (number), many were involved in various circles and studios. In addition to studying at an educational institution, for example, 15 children are additionally engaged in sections, music, sports schools, and theater studios.
  4. The guys take public opinion seriously, value hard work, modesty, and intelligence among their classmates.
  5. Class leaders (indicate the names of the children) are the initiators of all class and school affairs, the first assistants of the class teacher. Thanks to their activity, the class carries out volunteer activities, helping veterans and participants in the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans, and children of war.
  6. The communication between the boys is friendly, conflict situations, misunderstandings, disagreements, disputes and grievances are less common between them.
  7. If the girls in the class were divided into several separate groups and problems arise periodically between them, then in order to smooth out the situation, make them friends, measures are being taken, for example, dedicated to March 8. It is girls who become active participants in these events: they are involved in the production of a joint wall newspaper, which partially smooths out interpersonal conflicts.
  8. In conclusion, a conclusion should be drawn about the state of students' social activity and what needs to be done to correct the situation or maintain it at the proper level. Be sure to indicate the names of the most active children, noting their initiative, independence and creativity in extracurricular activities.

classroom training analysis


Summing up the educational work for the analyzed period, the class teacher draws certain conclusions (if the work was done correctly, they will be mostly positive):

  • significant progress is observed in the development of the classroom team and the self-improvement of individual children;
  • the quantitative indicator of classroom activities has increased, the number of participants has increased;
  • positive trends were observed during the study period and in studies: the percentage of academic achievement increased, the quality of the knowledge acquired by the guys increased.


In order for the analysis of educational work for the first half of the year to allow the teacher to count on stimulating payments (premiums), all ongoing activities must be included in it. To confirm the effectiveness of the work, the report is supplemented with copies of award documents: diplomas, diplomas.

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