Archipelagic states of the world. Which country is located on 474 islands?

There is such a thing as an archipelago country. What does it mean? What states can be attributed to this type? And which country is located on 474 islands? The answers to all these interesting questions are in our article!

Archipelago as a geographical concept

If you look at the map of the Pacific Ocean, concentrating on the southwestern part, you can see a huge number of islands of different sizes. Very often they are located in groups, forming the so-called archipelagos.

The term itself is of ancient Greek origin and consists of two words: pelages - "sea" and arche - "old, ancient". Initially, this term meant precisely the group of islands of Ancient Greece.

countries on islands

Islands within the same archipelago, as a rule, have a common genesis and are located on the same base (bottom). There are archipelagos of continental, volcanic and coral origin.

Archipelagic countries (list)

Each country has its own geographical location. Some states are located within the mainland, other countries - on the islands.

Archipelago countries mean those states that occupy groups of islands located close to each other. And we are talking about island groups. That is, for example, it is difficult to attribute Croatia to this type, because its main part is located on the mainland.

All archipelagic countries are listed below (list):

  • United Kingdom;
  • New Zealand;
  • Indonesia;
  • Kiribati;
  • Comoros
  • The Bahamas
  • Marshall Islands;
  • Solomon islands;
  • Seychelles
  • Palau
  • Tuvalu;
  • Tonga;
  • Japan;
  • Philippines;
  • Denmark.

the country is located on 474 islands

It is worth noting that most of the states from this list are located in Southeast Asia and Oceania - the most "island" regions of the planet.

Which country is located on 474 islands?

As we see, in the modern world there are more than a dozen states-archipelagos. In this list, one country is located on 474 islands. What is it called?

This country is Denmark. It is located in Northern Europe, just between the mainland and the Scandinavian peninsula. Indeed, this country is located on 474 islands. All of them differ in lowland relief and sandy soils. Only 70 of these islands are inhabited by humans. The largest of them are Zealand, Bornholm, Lolland.

countries archipelagos list

Denmark is one of the oldest powers in Europe. The Danish Kingdom was formed in the tenth century. By the way, the national flag of Denmark is also the oldest in the world. The banner with a white cross on a red background has been known since the 13th century.

Modern Denmark is in the top ten of many world ratings. We are talking about the level of education, health care, democracy, human development and GDP per capita. In addition, the Danes have been called the happiest nation in the world more than once.

Denmark: interesting facts and records

We offer you some more interesting facts about Denmark:

  • in the Danish capital Copenhagen, there is the famous Tivoli Recreation Park, which served as the prototype of the famous Disneyland;
  • Denmark is the first European country in which gay marriage has become legal;
  • The Faroe Islands are known to belong to Denmark. However, few people know that the Danish king won them in cards against the Norwegian monarch;
  • Stroeget Boulevard in central Copenhagen is the longest pedestrian street in Europe;
  • It was in Denmark that Hans Christian Andersen, one of the most famous and recognizable writers on the planet, lived and worked on;
  • Danes are forced to pay one of the highest private car taxes in the world;
  • perhaps the most famous Danish product on the world market is the Lego childrenโ€™s designer.


Now you know which country is located on the 474 islands. In the world there are 15 archipelagic states that are located in different parts of the world.

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