How to put up a tent? Tips for Beginners

Anyone who has ever gone camping with an overnight stay probably understands how to set up a tent. For experienced travelers, the process of installing a house does not take much time. For a beginner, creating an overnight stay can cause serious difficulties.

How to put up a tent

Choosing the right place

Some novice travelers believe that the tent can be installed completely anywhere. Moreover, sellers in tourist shops often confirm this misconception. However, to rest was comfortable, you need to know where to put up the tent. When equipping an overnight stay, the following should be considered:

  1. The tent should not be set up where there are stones, sharp knots, tree roots or an anthill. Especially evil insects can greatly spoil the sleep of a negligent tourist.
  2. When spending the night on hilly terrain or in the mountains, it is important that during sleep the head should be higher up the slope, even if the slope on which the tent is mounted is small. Otherwise, in the morning you will suffer from migraines.
  3. The possibility of sudden rain cannot be ruled out for sure. Therefore, it is important not to install the tent inside the pit or funnel. Otherwise, at night, water will drain directly into the shelter.
  4. When setting up a tent, you need to think in advance about the place where the bonfire will be kindled. The tent ignites very quickly and must be protected from fire. In addition, it is important that smoke does not enter the tent.
  5. It is not recommended to install the tent directly next to the pond. This place is usually more damp and cold.

Every novice traveler must understand where to put up a tent, otherwise he will not be able to avoid a spoiled trip.

Where can I put up a tent?

Types of tents

Before you understand how to put up a tent for an overnight stay, it is important to find out what type it belongs to. Most often in stores you can find a hemispherical (frame), tunnel (half barrel) and gable (house) tent. The latter view is already outdated. A gable tent was very popular at the dawn of hiking. But recently, they have taken it extremely rarely with them. The thing is that such a house is going for a long time, has poor wind resistance and is rather bulky.

Half-tents are also set up heavily. But this species has a big plus - it has a lot of space. Undoubtedly, the best-selling tent is hemispherical (frame). It is quite easy to assemble and has high strength.

Camping Tent

How to put up a tent in nature, many beginner travelers are interested. The installation process of the most popular hemispherical (frame) tent is as follows:

  1. First you need to spread the inner tent on the ground.
  2. Then you need to install arcs. First you need to collect them. Namely, insert frame elements into each other. This type of tent should have at least two arcs. Then it all depends on the design of the tent. The arcs can be inserted into the holes at the corners of the inner tent, and after that they can be attached thanks to hooks or threaded through fabric grooves and attached to the bottom of the tent. Then the arcs should be fixed with a rope to the tent itself. Due to this, the entire structure will become more rigid.
  3. After the actions already done, it is necessary to pull the tent. It is important to compare the inlet on the tent with the exit, which is available on the inner tent. Awning can be attached in two ways (to arches or to the ground with pegs).

how to put up a tent

What you should not do for those who like spending the night in the forest

Some people who already know how to pitch a tent make the following mistakes:

  1. Use polyethylene so as not to stain the bottom of the tent. However, with oblique rain, such a nuisance will happen even faster. If you decide to use polyethylene, then you need to bend its corners and attach it to the bottom of the tent.
  2. The tent does not need to be set up on the low beaches of mountain rivers. Due to rain, the water level in the river can suddenly rise and flood the night.
  3. You need to be especially careful if the tent is set up in the mountains. It should be located away from avalanche hazardous places. For example, on slopes where there is a thick layer of snow. It is strictly forbidden to stop for the night on snow eaves.

how to put up a tent

Every lover of long trips should understand how to put up a tent. As a rule, in the company of travelers only a couple of people know about this. Some people forget that hiking is not only a vacation, but also a big responsibility.

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