Lose weight quickly and irrevocably - the dream of a modern resident of a civilized metropolis. What to do, mechanization and automation took away a person’s space for physical movement and, as a result, extra pounds in the form of fat reserves and health problems. A well-fed civilized world was swept by a struggle with appetite. How not to eat when you always want to? The answer is given by the technique of Dr. Kovalkov - victory over weight is possible, and it’s worth fighting.
Anyone who has at least once entered into this struggle knows what deprivation it costs. Do not eat this and that, remove the tasty from the diet, avoid fried and salty, smoked and spicy, and so on and so forth. The result is often insomnia and constant thoughts about food.
For martyrs of crushing diets, as Dr. Kowalkov warns, defeating weight can result in a loss of health and a bouquet of unpleasant complications, such as gallstones. There are sad statistics of operations to remove it from people who were addicted to stressful diets in the hope of becoming slim.
It’s not worth it to force your own body like that - the method of Dr. Kovalkov proclaims . Victory over weight is not hunger and severe restriction, but a soft and loyal compromise - an agreement with nature. It consists in following natural mechanisms, and not in opposing them at all. Dietitians differ from ignorant patients in that they know the laws of biochemical processes in the body and try to find ways to correct weight in accordance with them.
Only an individual approach to obese will give the result, as Alexey Kovalkov is sure. Victory over weight is inevitable if you draw up a nutrition plan based on the personal characteristics of this person. Only in this way can one really achieve something. However, if we talk about the basic principles of losing weight for everyone, it is precisely on them that the method of Dr. Kovalkov's “Victory over Weight” is based.
Following it, everyone will learn to live correctly and save themselves from inevitable diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension. No wonder these ailments are called the "sufferings of civilization." What prevents a person from being healthy? Bad lazy habits: move less, eat sweeter, think bad. So, it is necessary to overcome the temptations and accustom the body to live according to natural laws: first movement - then satiation; what I ate - I spent it.
Instead of a meager diet - proper nutrition, balanced across all the necessary elements of the body. The principle of replacement instead of exception. So, for example, do not remove flour, fat, sweet, but substitute with the right products: white bread from refined flour - bran, whole grain, black; fatty pork - lean beef; red meat - white; fried - stewed; sugar - juicy fruits; rice - buckwheat, etc.
It is only necessary to agree with the body, according to the technique of Dr. Kovalkov. Victory over weight in no way means starvation and stress, but rather a varied diet according to the rules and a positive attitude.