The meaning of the word hate and examples of sentences

Do you know the lexical meaning of the word β€œhate”? This is a verb. It refers to an imperfect species. Answers the question "what to do?". Using the explanatory dictionary, you can determine what value it has. It is worth noting that the meaning of the word "hate" has several shades.

Do not tolerate

For example, you physically cannot bear something. You are not too comfortable in some conditions:

  • I just hate the heat, I feel bad.
Hate the heat
  • The girl hates fatty foods, as she provokes an indigestion.


Some things or people can cause burning rejection. That is, you despise them with all your heart:

  • I hate all liars who are scattered with false phrases, mislead others, promise from three boxes.
  • You have a reason to hate all sneaks, because these people constantly wear a mask of cordiality, but actually curse you behind your back.

Wish someone evil

Here, "hate" in the meaning of "treat unkindly" and "strive to do harm." This is quite natural, because for a person who is disgusting to you, you will not wish well:

  • A beggar with all his heart hated a wealthy gentleman who refused to give him a pretty penny.
Beggar asks for a pretty penny
  • He hated his father so much that he only wished him the worst that could ever happen in this life.

Feel disgust or even fear

In life, things happen that deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations. You can hate certain procedures, certain actions. For example, not everyone likes going to the dentist with the subsequent extraction of a tooth:

  • The girl hated going to the ophthalmologist.
  • We just hate being around kids who have tantrums.

You may notice that the meaning of the word β€œhate” has shades that are interconnected. They all express a negative attitude of the author to what is happening.

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