Unemployed women cannot receive maternity benefits in some situations. This is due to the fact that the funds are paid from the FSS fund, so for their purpose it is required that the employer transfer the necessary contributions annually. Benefit for unemployed pregnant women can be presented in several forms. All payments are calculated on the basis of the minimum wage, if there is no information about the average earnings of a woman.
Grounds for maternity benefits
Maternity payments are paid to citizens for whom certain payments by the employer are transferred to the Social Insurance Fund. Cash is paid at the womanβs place of work. But according to Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Art. 1 UK, even unemployed women can count on maternity benefits. These funds are allocated from the state budget. They are paid after childbirth, as well as during the period of child care.
Not only mom, but also the official guardians of the baby can count on benefits. To receive such payments, certain conditions must be met.
When are funds paid?
Unemployed pregnant woman benefits represented by maternity benefits are paid in the following situations:
- a woman engaged in raising a child up to 1.5 years old was fired from her main place of work, but the allowance should be drawn up until the moment the employee went on vacation;
- the mother is forced to resign for various reasons during the decree;
- the girl leaves during pregnancy.
Since employers do not have the right to dismiss pregnant employees, work usually ceases in connection with the liquidation of the company or declaring the company bankrupt.
What benefits do unemployed pregnant women have?
If the girl really does not have an official job, then she will not be able to count on maternity benefits, which are calculated on the basis of average earnings. Therefore, benefits for pregnant unemployed who are registered in the clinic are presented in the following forms:
- lump-sum payment assigned immediately after the birth of the child and equal to 16350 rubles .;
- the care allowance, which is paid for 1.5 years, moreover, it is equal to 3066 rubles for the first baby, and when the second or subsequent child appears, 6131 rubles are transferred.
Maternity payments are transferred only on condition that the woman was dismissed from the company during pregnancy or when raising a baby under 1.5 years of age for significant reasons. If before pregnancy the girl did not work officially, then she does not receive maternity benefits, which are assigned from the 30th week of pregnancy.
Who is unemployed?
Benefits for unemployed pregnant women do not include maternity benefits, so it is important to know who will not be able to rely on this cash payment. These include the following girls:
- women who worked informally, therefore, in their workbook there are no entries about the place of employment, and for them the employer did not transfer funds to the Social Insurance Fund;
- girls who were dismissed a year before going on maternity leave, and there may be different reasons for stopping work, but women are required to register with the employment center;
- young mothers who study in full-time at any university or secondary special educational institution;
- women who are private entrepreneurs, but do not pay for themselves in the FSS or who have been deregistered by the Federal Tax Service before making payments;
- girls engaged in private practice, therefore, are represented by lawyers or notaries, but at the same time they must terminate their powers before applying directly to the FSS for payments;
- wives of soldiers working on fixed-term contracts.
For the above women, payments are made from the state budget. You can apply for benefits for unemployed pregnant women only after the girl is registered in the clinic.
Payment Transfer Rules
Payments due to pregnant women depend on their average earnings. If a girl was fired during pregnancy or during the year before the decree due to the reduction or closure of the company, then she can count on the minimum payments from the Social Insurance Fund. The rules for transferring benefits to unemployed pregnant women include:
- money is paid within 10 days after the sick leave received at the clinic where the woman was registered is transferred to the place of employment or directly to the Social Insurance Fund;
- maternity leave lasts for 140 days with standard pregnancy, but it can increase to 156 or 194 days with various complications or multiple pregnancy;
- if a woman was dismissed from a liquidated company, then she receives benefits on the basis of the minimum wage, therefore, with standard births, she is transferred 34,522 rubles. in the form of maternity payments.
A wife who is on maternity leave can count on such a minimum allowance if, during this period, the company in which she worked was liquidated. The payment intended for early registration in the clinic is assigned exclusively to working women.
Payments at birth
When studying what benefits are given to an unemployed pregnant woman, it should be noted the payment that is assigned immediately after the birth of the baby. It is one-time, and is also paid not only to the mother, but also to the guardians if necessary. For example, if a woman abandons a baby in a maternity hospital, then she does not receive these funds. They are paid only to the adoptive parents of a baby who is not yet three months old.
If two babies are born, then the necessary amount of funds is paid for each baby. Parents independently determine to whom this payment will be transferred, since it is allowed that the money be transferred to an account opened on the baby's father. This amount is paid only to a working family member.
If both parents are unemployed, and at the same time study at a university, then you will have to apply to the social protection department of a particular region to receive money. Additionally, you can contact the personnel department of the educational institution.
Care allowance policy
What benefits will an unemployed pregnant woman receive after giving birth? This includes a baby care allowance. The following persons can count on him:
- parents, legal guardians, or other relatives of the baby who actually care for the baby;
- Mom or dad, performing civil service in various military units of Russia;
- one of the parents who was reduced or dismissed from the company being liquidated during the pregnancy of a woman;
- persons who care for the child, but at the same time ceased to work as an individual entrepreneur;
- mothers working under an employment agreement or undergoing municipal service.
Funds are transferred only for 1.5 years. This benefit is drawn up in the social protection departments for unemployed pregnant women. How much money is paid? Since the woman is not officially employed, she can only rely on the minimum payment. It is calculated on the basis of the minimum wage established in a particular region. This requires that a woman, before going on maternity leave, be registered at the employment center, since only in this case is she officially recognized as unemployed.
What to do with a generic certificate?
It is issued by employees of a medical organization in which a woman is registered. According to this document, a woman independently chooses in which institution the birth will take place. The main purpose of this document is to improve the quality of services offered by organizations.
A generic certificate is a document issued on the basis of a special presidential program. Using this documentation, you can choose any institution where a woman can give birth. Based on the certificate, the hospital receives a cash payment for the services provided. You can use such a document already at 30 weeks of gestation.
How are payments made?
It is important to understand not only what benefits an unemployed pregnant woman will receive, but also how to properly arrange any payment. Initially, you should make sure that really the girl can count on benefits, since she was fired or cut from the company being liquidated. It is already impossible to contact the company where the woman used to work, therefore, when making payments, the rules are taken into account:
- you can apply for money in the FSS department or in social protection authorities, which should be available in each region of the country;
- in order to receive money, it is necessary to prepare certain documentation that proves that a woman actually has the right to apply for benefits;
- the social security authorities check the documents received within 10 days, after which the applicant is notified of the decision.
Refusal to transfer benefits may be due to various reasons. This includes the lack of the right to receive payments from the state or the registration of benefits by the father of the child.
What documents are required?
Women should independently understand what funds a pregnant unemployed woman can get. What benefits are assigned? It depends on the reason why the young mother was left without work, as well as when her labor activity was terminated. To make any payment, you need to contact the social security department with a specific package of documents. The number of papers depends on the status of the applicant. Therefore, the following documentation can be transferred to the social protection department:
- a free-form statement containing a request for specific payments;
- a certificate from the medical institution in which the woman is registered, and with the help of this document it can be proved that the applicant is actually in position;
- copy of the passport;
- a certificate received at the employment center confirming that the applicant has official unemployed status;
- certificate from the Federal Tax Service on the liquidation of the company in which the woman previously worked;
- a copy of the work book containing information on the latest places of employment.
You can apply for payments within six months after the birth of the child. Most often, benefits are issued to pregnant unemployed before childbirth, namely after 30 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman was dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the company, then for her the calculation will be made on the basis of the average earnings that she received at the place of work. For this, it is important to register with the employment center in a timely manner. Additionally, in many regions, other types of state support are expected for pregnant women who are unemployed.
Legal advice
To count on different payments from the state, the following tips are taken into account:
- if a woman leaves, then you must immediately register with the employment center;
- It is necessary to deal with processing payments independently;
- Some types of benefits can be issued by a working spouse.
Under such conditions, you can get significant help from the state.
Even unemployed women can rely on different types of benefits. Their size and the possibility of obtaining depend on the reason why the young mother was left without official work. Various payments are made in the social protection department of any region.
Even girls who study at a university can count on financial assistance. You can apply for payments at the place of study.