"Zenkor Ultra" - instructions for use and reviews

"Zenkor Ultra" is a highly effective herbicide, the main advantages of which are versatility and long duration. The drug can be used to destroy many varieties of weeds, dicotyledonous or cereal, both before germination and on them.

What plants destroys

To remove which weeds this drug is mainly used, you can see the table.

Dicotyledonous weeds


Blue cornflower

Bluegrass annual

Doctor's smoky

Rosichka blood red

White quinoa


Portulak garden

I spat hard




Field foxtail

Garden sow thistle


Not too good, this drug is suitable for the destruction of black nightshade, creeping wheatgrass, field bindweed, bedstraw and perennial cereals.

Main advantages

The advantages of using Zencor Ultra include primarily the fact that it:

  • can be used to protect against weeds of very many types of crops;
  • often used as the basis for the preparation of tank mixtures in combination with other herbicides;
  • It is highly effective in combating problem weeds;
  • It has no negative effect on cultivated plants.
    Zencore Ultra

When using the Zenkor Ultra preparation from weeds, there is no need to make any special adjustments to the crop rotation.

Operating principle

When treating the soil before emergence, the product creates a protective film on the surface. In order for the action of the drug to be effective, in the future, before germinating the culture, you need to try not to destroy this โ€œscreenโ€.

During seedling treatment, the agent suppresses the transport of electrons involved in photosynthesis, which causes the death of plants. A similar effect is exerted by the active substance of the drug - metribuzin (C 8 H 14 N 4 OS). It relates to systemic pesticides. The same substance is part of many other products intended primarily for controlling monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds. The duration of the effect of metribuzin is due primarily to the fact that it is able to penetrate into plants not only through the roots, but also through the leaves. However, it exerts the main effect precisely through the soil. Therefore, before or after treatment, it must be well moistened.

Zencor Ultra Weed Instruction

Before using the Zencor Ultra herbicide, it is advisable to inquire about the weather for a week in advance. Small daily rains can significantly increase the effectiveness of the drug. Heavy rains often, on the contrary, reduce the percentage of weeds destroyed. The fact is that in this case the herbicide is simply washed out of the ground.

Drug action period

A noticeable positive effect begins to appear about a week after spraying the Zenkor Ultra site. In wet weather, this can happen earlier, in dry weather - later. The protective action of the product is approximately a month. When using the herbicide before germination, weeds sensitive to it, as a rule, do not appear at all on the surface.

Zencore ultra reviews

Possible negative effect

There were no particular negative consequences of the use of this drug on plantings of cultivated plants. When testing in excess of the recommended dose, only weak manifestations of phytotoxicity were observed in the form of yellowing of the tips of the leaves. Especially strongly, this effect was seen on sandy soils.

Zencor ultra instructions for use


So, the drug is quite effective - Zencor Ultra. From weeds (instructions, reviews and standards will be discussed in the article below), it is certainly worth using it. However, despite the relative harmlessness of this tool, it is still not recommended to use it:

  • for cereals with legume replanting;
  • during the germination of crops;
  • during the period of frequent return frosts;
  • on sandy soils with a humus content of less than 1%;
  • on plantings of varieties and hybrids sensitive to the drug;
  • at elevated temperatures (more than 25 gr.).

Use with caution this drug should be planted on early potato varieties.

How to apply

So, how to use Zencor Ultra from weeds? Instructions for use are very simple. Previously, the soil is leveled, breaking up lumps. The drug is diluted with water in the recommended amount. Spray it best with a special tool. It is important to achieve uniform application. The drug must saturate the earth at least two centimeters.

Zencor Ultra Weed

When conducting pre-emergence treatment, the norm of the drug is chosen, taking into account the composition of the soil. For lungs use the minimum recommended dose, for heavy - the maximum. This provides the most effective action of Zencor Ultra. Instructions for use, as you see, describe only a few simple steps, however, some rules should be followed when processing the site. For example, in rainy weather, the amount of the drug should be slightly reduced. The optimal temperature for use is 10-20 gr. Seedling treatment is best done 4 hours before rain.

The consumption rate of the drug

As you can see, it is not so difficult to clear the beds with the Zencor Ultra weed. The instruction, however, would not be complete without specifying consumption rates. This herbicide is sold in plastic bottles of 10 and 100 ml. Large farms buy it in cans of 1 or 5 liters. Consumption rates depend on this particular culture. Below is a table from which you can find out in what quantities the drug is used for different plants.


Norm (l / ha)

Processing method



When 2-4 leaves appear



With a shoot height of 5 cm



In the phase of 3-5 leaves



Before germination



In spring - in the tillering phase, in autumn - when 2-4 leaves appear



Pencil-sized root



Before germination

Of course, in a garden, calculating the amount of a drug based on its use over large areas is difficult. Experienced summer residents are advised to simply use for processing about 10 g per hundred square meters on ordinary soils, 5 g on light soils and 15 g on heavy soils. For the preparation of a solution per one hundred square meters, 3 liters of water will be sufficient.

Zencor ultra instruction

Zencor Ultra: reviews

Due to the fact that this drug is relatively safe, does not accumulate in the soil and does not harm cultivated plants, it has earned very good reviews from gardeners. Summer residents praise not only its high enough efficiency, but also ease of use. This product is a small, easily soluble in water granules. All that is needed for cooking is to pour the product from the bottle into the bucket and mix thoroughly.

Deserved and for another reason, the good drug Zencor Ultra reviews. Its unconditional advantages include not too high cost. A bottle of 10 ml will have to pay about 100-130 rubles. Thus, the processing of the garden area of โ€‹โ€‹6 acres will cost about 650-800 rubles.

Tool compatibility

It is not recommended to mix Zenkor Ultra with other herbicides in dry form. It is usually added last to the solution. The drug is compatible with most known pesticides. However, when using, a check for the absence of a negative reaction should still be carried out.

Crop rotation

The following year, after application of the herbicide, almost any crop can be planted. The active substance of the drug - metribuzin - decomposes in the soil within 1-3 months. However, caution is still recommended with plants sensitive to it: onions, cabbage, beets, sunflowers, peppers and pumpkins.

Zencor ultra weed instruction reviews

In arid conditions, there is also some risk of damage to crops. To reduce it, before planting, the soil is plowed to a depth of at least 20 cm.

As you can see, the Zenkor Ultra preparation, the instructions for use of which were discussed in detail in the article, is quite effective and safe. Moreover, it is very inexpensive. However, caution should be exercised in its use, in particular with regard to compliance with flow rates, nevertheless. It is also worth remembering that the active component of the drug, metribuzin, belongs to the third class of danger for humans and to the fourth - for bees.

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