There are diseases that are considered not very decent in society - these are sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms in men manifest themselves in different ways. It is customary to talk about this only in the company of close friends. Well, if these friends are doctors by profession, they can give the right advice and set the right path. But in most cases, everything happens not as we would like - sometimes there is not enough basic information about the signs of sexually transmitted diseases, a complex of false modesty is triggered in men. Instead of visiting a specialist, many go for advice to "experienced comrades" who often carry authoritative nonsense.
Venereology today knows more than 20 types of infections. Signs of sexually transmitted diseases in men can be caused by viruses, simple microorganisms, bacteria, yeast. Depending on the type of pathogens, modern medicine distinguishes several types of sexually transmitted diseases :
- The classic diseases are gonorrhea, syphilis and mild chancre. Mankind has been suffering from these diseases for many centuries. Venereal lymphogranulomatosis and donovanosis are less common.
- "New" diseases. Over the past few decades, scientists have significantly expanded the list of sexually transmitted diseases. These included genital herpes, human papillomavirus, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection.
- Skin diseases transmitted through sexual contact: scabies, pubic lice, molluscum contagiosum.
- Diseases transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, but affecting other human organs: viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis C, HIV.
All these diseases are dangerous in themselves, but much more dangerous are the consequences that may appear after an illness. Some are incurable, some can cause significant harm to health, some can lead to irreversible changes (impotence, infertility, death).
Timely and correctly diagnosed will help to quickly cure sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms in men and women are approximately the same. How to diagnose possible sexually transmitted diseases (symptoms in men):
- Frequent urination and pain during urination (pain, pain, burning).
- Discharge from the penis.
- Genital ulcers (can be painless).
- A rash on the body and in the genital area.
- Sometimes fever.
- A sore throat.
- Pain and discharge from the rectum.
- Enlarged lymph nodes.
However, the absence of these symptoms does not guarantee the absence of infection. Most sexually transmitted diseases do not appear immediately after infection. From the moment of infection to the manifestation of noticeable symptoms, it may take from several days to several weeks, in some cases several months. The incubation period of the disease and the period up to four weeks after taking antibiotics can adversely affect the accuracy of the diagnosis. During this period, it is highly advisable to avoid sexual intercourse (risk of re-infection, high probability of infection of the partner).
Some diseases are generally asymptomatic - a sick person may not feel any negative changes in his body for several years. In some cases, secondary signs of infection (rash, fever, decreased libido, pain during intercourse) are not regarded by patients as symptoms of the disease. All this greatly complicates the ability to correctly diagnose sexually transmitted diseases: the symptoms in men are false or simply absent.
What else I would like to draw attention to: the diagnosis of such diseases can be accompanied by errors. By mistake they can make a non-existent diagnosis, by mistake they can "not notice" the disease. This is not a whim of doctors or the incompetence of staff. It must be understood that the specificity of sexually transmitted diseases involves the complexity of diagnosis.
The most effective protection today is a condom. However, there are situations in which contact occurs without it, or a condom becomes unusable. If you had unprotected random sex (oral, anal, vaginal) - specialists recommend a mandatory examination with a venereologist.
It is very important not to do the treatment yourself! Only a venereologist can accurately diagnose sexually transmitted diseases, put the signs into an integral picture and prescribe an effective treatment.