The concept and types of state forms

The state uses certain forms and models to manage society. Some countries copied neighboring or more powerful states, while others retained individual and traditional features in the organization of power. In the modern world, there are many types of forms of state: some formed long ago, and some only recently. It is interesting to observe from a historical point of view how one state can change several forms of state power in the course of its development. Let us consider in more detail the forms of government of the state, the concept, types and so on.

The concept of state form and its types

In legal and political literature there is no unambiguous concept of form. The concept of the state’s form, features and types consists of many components. But if we take the properties of this category, we can conclude that the form of the state is an organization of the territorial and political structure in the country, which answers the following questions:

  1. Who rules?
  2. How does he rule?
  3. How will the territorial administration and structure of state institutions of the country be implemented?
  4. What are the ways to exercise political power?

The types of state forms were never stationary, but changed under the influence of various factors: economic, social, ideological or political. Over time, the understanding and significance of the form of the state changed: from aristocracy and monarchy to the republic and dictatorship.

Now in the literature there are three types of forms (monocratic, polycratic and segmental), as well as types and functions of state forms (government, form of government and political regime).

Ancient Greeks on the form of state

The ancient Greeks in their works devoted a very important place to the concept and types of state form , believing that the proper organization of political power is an important way to success and prosperity in the country.

Senate in Ancient Greece

Plato was convinced that the best model of state power is the aristocracy and the oligarchy. Power, which is concentrated in the hands of a narrow group of rich people, according to Plato, is better and more useful for the state than democracy. Plato was an ardent opponent of the "power of the people", he thought that excessive freedom could lead to tyranny, a form of state where human rights are not respected, and coercion is at the forefront.

Aristotle considered the features of state forms and their types depending on how many people rule and towards which layer of society the government is oriented. He considered monarchy and aristocracy to be ideal forms of the state, and called democracy, oligarchy and tyranny the wrong and harmful forms of organization of the state system in the country.

Classification of state forms

The following main types of state forms are distinguished: monocratic, polycratic and segmental. Let's stop and talk about each form separately.

Monocratic power. The word itself says that the power in the state belongs to the sole ruler or state body. Such a monopoly may be:

  • monarch;
  • dictator;
  • ruling party.

In a monocratic state there is no separation of powers, people do not participate in the political life of the country, and local government is absent. The monocratic system is characterized by coercion, terror against the population, the obligatory adherence to state or religious ideology. A characteristic feature of this form of state is the lack of private economy, business and democratic principles of governance.

The following types of monocratic forms of states are distinguished:

  1. Theocratic. The central and authoritative set of rules is Scripture - the Qur'an or the Bible. Social, spiritual, political and economic life is based on the Holy Books, which prescribe people the right way of life. Examples of such states are: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran and the Vatican.
  2. Extremist. Lack of rights and freedoms, violence against alien elements, including forced treatment, imprisonment and hard labor. There are no such states in the modern world, but in the history of the 20th century everyone remembers the existence of such fascist systems in the past in Germany, Spain, Italy and Cambodia.
  3. Militaristic. Power belongs to a military authority or army. Examples (from modern countries) include Fiji and Myanmar, and in the past, Iraq and Pakistan.
  4. Totalitarian socialism (dictatorship). Nationalization of state ownership and property of citizens. Settled in the country to overcome the economic crisis, but then remained as the main mode. Examples: USSR, North Korea.

Each of the above monocratic forms tends to usually hide behind parliament, elected bodies, but in reality the administration is carried out by one person or party.

The monocratic form of the state is opposed by the polycratic one. The characteristic features of a polycratic system are the following features:

  1. Management is not carried out solely, but the principle of separation into legislative, executive and judicial powers is in effect.
  2. Regions can independently pass laws that do not go beyond the scope of the Constitution. Delineation of powers between the state and territorial entities (regions, republics).
  3. Executive and legislative power is formed by the people through elections and referenda.
  4. The state encourages the private economy.

The polycratic form is divided into two types: traditional and postsocialist.

The traditional form of the state with the inherent features of democracy is typical of most modern states: USA, England, Canada, France, Italy.

The post-socialist form is characteristic of the countries of the former socialist camp, which are moving along the path of democracy to a developed economy. Such countries include countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia.

The third form of state is segmental. This is a kind of middle ground between the monocratic and polycratic forms of the state. Such states are characterized by democracy mixed with authoritarianism. A segmental state is characterized by an oligarchy, that is, the country is governed by a narrow circle of individuals or family. Distinctive features of a segmental form:

  • no separation of powers;
  • freedoms are recognized only on paper, in fact they are not respected;
  • local government autonomy is very weak;
  • creation of a limited number of parties is permitted or parties are prohibited;
  • there is a visible separation of powers, but in fact the country is ruled by a government or president.

Segmental states include Morocco, Senegal, Indonesia, Egypt, Jordan, and Nigeria.

Features of the form, types

By external signs, the state consists of a form of government, a form of government and a political regime. Consider each type of state form separately.

Concept, types of government

The form of government is the organization of power in the country, state bodies and institutions. The following forms of government are distinguished:

  • monarchy;
  • republic.

Based on the meaning of the concept and types of government forms of government, it is possible to characterize each type of government.


Power in the country belongs to one person (king, sultan, king) or is partially limited by parliament. Most monarchies in the modern world have constitutional status. The monarch takes office any term, and his power passes by inheritance.

Reign Wedding

The monarchy is of the following types:

  1. Absolute. Power is exercised solely by the monarch. There are few such monarchies: Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE, Kuwait.
  2. Constitutional. The power of the monarch is limited by parliament (legislative branch), government (executive branch) and the judiciary. The monarch in such countries does not exercise control, but only legally holds the post of head of state. Most monarchies belong to this species: Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Belgium.
  3. Dualistic. Power in the country is demarcated between parliament and the monarch. The parliament is bicameral: the lower house is elected by the people, and the upper house is appointed by the monarch. Laws are passed by parliament, but the monarch can reject the law. The government is appointed by the head of state. Examples of states: Nepal, Jordan, Morocco.


The type of government, where the government in the country is exercised by the public authorities elected by the people. The following features are considered characteristic of the republic:

  • the people empower the head of state and parliament;
  • the head of state is elected for a fixed term and is responsible for his actions.

There are three types of republics:

  • parliamentary;
  • presidential;
  • mixed.
Revolutionary crowd

Distinctive features of the parliamentary republic are: the parliament appoints the president, and the government is created from among the party that won the majority of seats in the parliament elected by the people. A government in such a state must report to parliament, which can dissolve it at any time. Parliamentary republics are Italy, Germany, Turkey, Austria.

Parliamentary republic

In a presidential republic, the head of state is the president, who is elected by popular vote. The government reports to the president. Presidential republics are the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria.

Finland is a unitary state

There is a mixed republic. In states such as France, Peru, Russia, Belarus, there are signs of a presidential and parliamentary republic.

Forms of government

The state system (as a type of state form) is how a country is geographically structured and how its subjects are subject to central authority. Allocate the following forms of government: unitary, federation and confederation.

A unitary state is characterized by a single center of government, a single constitution, and a single currency. Unitary states can be centralized and national (multinational): China, Estonia, Japan.

Federated states are countries that are made up of many national provinces and entities that are subject to federal laws, but have the right to establish local rules that do not contradict the Constitution. Allocate federations territorial, mixed and national. Territorial federations are the USA, Germany, mixed - Russia, and India can be attributed to national federations.

Presidential Republic of USA

A confederation is an intermittent, short-term alliance of states formed to overcome the difficult tasks of political or territorial significance. The Confederation does not have a centralized government, budget, or national citizenship. These states include the European Union, the Union State of Russia and Belarus.

Political regime

The state has a set of methods and techniques for exercising power in the country, this is called the political regime. In the literature, there are two types of political regime: democratic and undemocratic.

Democratic and non-democratic regimes

A democratic regime has the following features:

  • law supremacy;
  • separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial;
  • the population is guaranteed freedom, respect for rights;
  • power is chosen, institutions of power in the subjects of the state are replaced;
  • opposition is not prohibited by the state;
  • multi-party system in the state.

An undemocratic regime prohibits the opposition, a multi-party system, there are no freedoms in the country, and there is coercion and terror. The undemocratic regime is divided into two types: fascist (domination of one nation in the country) and totalitarian (observance of the only correct ideology, submission to the party or dictator).

Types and forms of international responsibility of states

Every state bears legal responsibility for its actions, which may be not only legal in nature, but also aggressive. The following types and forms of international legal responsibility of states are distinguished in the world:

  1. Material: reparation and restitution.
  2. Intangible: satisfaction, limitation of sovereignty.

Reparation and restitution

The types and forms of responsibility of states in material terms can act as restitution and reparation. Restitution is a material obligation of the aggressor country to compensate for the damage that was caused as a result of an unlawful action, to restore the status that existed before the commission of the international crime: the return of the seized property. Allocate as a type of restitution resturant. The purpose of the restaurant is the non-material restoration of the rights of the country: the release of hostages and the abolition of the occupation policy, the abolition of all decisions that harm the state.

International Responsibility in Syria

Reparation - monetary compensation, which must be carried out in connection with the infliction of an unlawful act. Reparation is due to the signing of a peace treaty, according to which the losing country is obliged to pay a sum of money to the winning countries.

Intangible forms of international responsibility

In the world, aggression against another state is considered a terrible international unlawful act. In addition to liability, the victorious countries can introduce restrictions on the sovereignty of the aggressor country, as well as govern the state until the centers of aggression are destroyed. There may be a possibility of deprivation of independence, the division of the country, but this is a very extreme measure.

Satisfaction is also applied as a measure of responsibility. What is satisfaction? This is a moral recognition by the aggressor state at the highest level of the committed illegal act: verbal and written regret about what happened. Satisfaction includes such actions as: investigation of a crime; the imposition of punishment on people who have suffered moral damage; the promise that such an international offense will not be repeated.

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