Igor Petrenko - movies list. Actor Igor Petrenko

Domestic cinema is full of paintings in which the actor Igor Petrenko starred. The filmography of the artist to date includes vivid and diverse roles.

Igor Petrenko filmography

How Petrenko became an actor

Igor was born in a military family (August 23, 1977), and his father, of course, dreamed of seeing his son with shoulder straps on his shoulders. But time was not stable, the army was falling apart before our eyes, and the family did not mind the guy entering the Plekhanov Academy and preparing to become a manager. Igor passed the exams, but did not want to study there. The story is known that, passing by the theater school, Petrenko saw the crowd and was surprised that the world of theater craft also needed to go through studies at special universities, before it seemed to him that only offspring of acting dynasties became artists. Out of excitement, the guy decided to try his hand at entrance exams and enrolled immediately in all theatrical universities of Moscow. I chose a theater school. Shchepkin, a young man, was struck by the inscription under the portrait of the famous Mikhail Semenovich: “Sacred or get out!” And he was fascinated by the courtyard inside the school, which seemed to him some kind of special "oasis" in which he saw his place. After graduation, the young actor Igor Petrenko began to serve in the Maly Theater.

Cinema: The Beginning

One of the first works in the cinema - the role of Roma Zolotov, the representative of the "golden youth" - the twenty-three-year-old actor played with great psychological acuity. The hero burns his life thoughtlessly , but being a thinking and sensitive young man, he thinks about whether he lives right. Such a character of the role to the taste and on the shoulder of such an artist as Igor Petrenko, whose filmography is full of images and charming villains, and selfless heroes.

actor igor petrenko

In 2002, Petrenko’s father’s dream came true to see his son in military uniform, however, this did not happen on a real parade ground, but on a film set. The actor was approved for the role of Lieutenant Travkin in Nikolai Lebedev’s film “The Star” based on Kazakevich’s novel just at the time when he dreamed of playing Fandorin in the television version of the novel “Azazel” by Boris Akunin. He did not have to be this detective on the screen, but Lieutenant Travkin became the “Discovery of the Year” at the Nika Film Festival. In the image of a brave and resourceful commander, Igor Petrenko, whose filmography contains many historical film images, was extremely organic. His heroic appearance, a serious open face became for many the image of a Russian warrior, brave, honest, internally free. So the audience saw him in the movie "Cadets", in the fantastic action movie "Forbidden Reality", in the adventure film "We are from the Future-2".

Facets of character

The best films with Igor Petrenko differ in the ambiguity of the character’s personal qualities. In the melodramatic thriller “Driver for Faith” by Pavel Chukhrai (2004), Igor Petrenko created the image of a handsome sergeant who had not yet taken shape, who, having turned out to be a chance in the higher spheres of the then nomenclature, aims to make himself a good career and does not think too much about moral values. But in an extreme situation, he shows an unexpected nobility for himself.

Igor Petrenko photo

Pechorin and others

In 2006, the actor created an image of the textbook character Grigory Pechorin on the screen. In Petrenko’s interpretation, the smart and bile hero was deeply unhappy. In an interview, the artist said that he sees Pechorin as a bright romantic, whose ideals were deceived by reality, why he began to mock human weaknesses and passions and suffer painfully himself.

actor igor petrenko filmography

In the same year, Igor Petrenko appeared in the image of the treacherous Luchesar in the box-office adventure action movie “Wolfhound”. And in 2009, in a duet with actress Maria Poroshina, he participated in the documentary-game series “World History of Betrayal”, where the actor had to talk about people who, for some reason, fell to betrayal, or play these characters. The film came out unusual and interesting. In 2009, she saw the light and the tape on the story of the same name by Nikolai Gogol “Taras Bulba”, a cruel story with a heroic and tragic ending. Petrenko played the youngest son of Taras - Andriy, a romantic who is true to his Cossack honor. Love and duty tell him to go over to the side of the enemy, and the brave Andriy does this and dies at the hands of his uncompromising father.

films with igore petrenko

Our new Sherlock Holmes

If you carefully read the stories of Conan Doyle about the great detective of all time, you can see that the image created by Igor Petrenko (photo in the article) very accurately falls into Holmes's character and habits. A young, impetuous, intelligent, direct, stepping over conventions, a brilliant specialist in detective affairs, who refused wide erudition and deep knowledge in those areas that are not connected with forensic science. That was our new Sherlock Holmes. Evgeni Mironov, Konstantin Khabensky, Sergey Bezrukov claimed this role, but it was Igor Petrenko who became Sherlock. The filmography of Doyle's immortal works is so great that playing another Holmes was a certain risk. At first, Petrenko avoided the samples, was not sure that he would succeed. But he played this role perfectly and was completely unlike either the legendary detective performed by Vasily Livanov in Russian tape thirty years ago, or the eccentric and rational genius in reading the Englishman Benedict Cumberbatch, or the purely Hollywood version of the hero performed by Robert Downey Jr.

Igor Petrenko photo

Hero for all time

Fans of historical films probably remember the action-packed series "Cedar Pierces the Sky." The breakthrough into space of the two superpowers was dramatic and colored by the unique aura of the national idea. Petrenko played the young scientist Sergei Lykov, obsessed with the dream of flying into space. The duration is 1940. On an involuntary denunciation of his beloved woman, Lykov is arrested, in Stalin's dungeons he meets with one of the founders of the Russian cosmos, Korolev. Life is severely treated with the hero, after the conclusion he remains in the Siberian wilderness. The final scene of the film looks especially touching, when the Queen is represented by several applicants for the right to be the first cosmonaut in the history of the earth, and he chooses Yuri Gagarin, because he sees on the face of the young man the same sunny open smile of a romantic and a dreamer that he remembered in Lykov’s face.

Another courageous and noble image actor Petrenko created in the adventurous series "Detachment". Here the material was the theme of the Stalinist repressions and camps, familiar to the actor. At the center of history is a daring and wonderful attempt by non-free, by virtue of circumstances, but independent internally people escape on a floating Karelian island. And again, in the role of Alexei Mitrokhin, the magnificent actor Igor Petrenko was unusually convincing and manly charming, whose filmography to date contains more than forty works in the cinema.

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