How to treat uterine fibroids? Is there an alternative to surgery?

Myoma is one of the most frequently diagnosed benign neoplasms in the uterus. There are fibroids at any age, unfortunately, the disease has become very young recently and affects even young women under 30 years old. How to treat uterine fibroids, when a disease can develop and how to recognize it in time?

Not always visiting the gynecologist on time, women often learn about myoma at a fairly serious stage - the sizes can reach more than twelve weeks, which is an indication for surgery. At the same time, cervical fibroids, the treatment of which is mainly surgical, are diagnosed in only five percent of cases - in the remaining ninety-five percent, surgery is not the only way to get rid of fibroids in the early stages. Most often, to avoid the recurrence of fibroids, doctors recommend removing the uterus. Since the problem of fibroids is very acute, and the operation itself is quite expensive, the Internet resources are full of proposals for a quality operation to remove the uterus and an easy recovery period. By doing business on this, the clinics hide the true consequences of a hysterectomy - removal of the uterus, which for a woman is truly deplorable.

Recovery after surgery requires months, not a week, as broadcast sites. In addition, psychologically, a woman feels her inferiority, she is detached from loved ones, children, husband. This is the underlying psychological crisis that overtakes a woman at a fairly early age.

How to treat uterine fibroids conservatively? Leading doctors ask this question, but such therapy in the treatment of fibroids is quite doubtful. It does not help many, but the hormonal system experiences an imbalance. But there is no direct evidence that myoma leads to cancer. So, it’s worth choosing not a radical treatment - an operation, but trying to influence myoma with other means. By the way, it is worth noting that alternative methods of treating uterine fibroids are mostly ineffective and only lead to a delay in the process when the neoplasm already reaches non-therapeutic sizes.

There is nothing unnecessary in a woman’s body, which, once having worked once or twice, can be removed. Even after childbirth and if you do not want to reproduce offspring, you should not remove the uterus and ovaries, because these are the organs that determine the health of a woman in many ways. Before treating uterine fibroids surgically, it is necessary to exclude all the possibilities of non-surgical treatment, so as not to reproach yourself for the early menopause and the inability to have more children.

Removal of the female genital organs leads to dire consequences:

  • postoperative syndrome - a disorder of the psychoemotional background, which can lead to thoughts of suicide and intentions to die;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • pelvic pain;
  • a significant decrease in sexual desire;
  • lack or weakening of orgasm;
  • premature menopause.

Today, there is every opportunity to remove only that myoma that affects the quality of life. In this case, you can leave the uterus, eliminating only the node itself. If the myoma does not cause discomfort, then it is best not to operate it, but treat it hormone, and get pregnant naturally. After pregnancy, in a significant part of women, the growth of fibroids stops, endometriosis disappears, the hormonal background and the external condition improve. When asked how to treat uterine fibroids, the specialist will answer that pregnancy is the best and natural way out, however, he cannot give a 100% guarantee that the fibroids will disappear. Medical statistics and the advice of doctors with many years of experience are clearly inclined towards re-pregnancy, especially if a woman with a myoma has thought about replenishing the family again. After all, this is an opportunity not only to give birth to a baby, but also to save one’s health and extend a full life for many years to come. And it is worth a lot.

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