Speaking is ... Interpretation of the word

What is your favorite pastime for politicians? They really like to give a speech, talk about something for a long time and hope that they are listening. In this article we will talk about a verb that is directly related to long and tedious speeches. It's about the word "rant." We will indicate the interpretation of this verb, give examples of use, as well as synonyms.

Word interpretation

To rant is a common word. Used in colloquial style of speech. Unacceptable for texts of scientific or business subjects.

The explanatory dictionary indicates what this verb means: to speak meaninglessly and for a long time, to talk arrogantly about something.

That is, one can describe the action of a person when he pushes strange and unnecessary speech, but at the same time tries to look important and hopes for the favor of the audience.

Man rants

Examples of offers

Here are some examples of the use of the verb "to rant" in the sentence.

  • The politician ranted before the voters, but few believed him.
  • Speaking is the habit of the talkative person.
  • Stop talking, you need to act immediately, otherwise misfortune will happen.
  • While you ranted there, we applied water from the well and cleaned the hut.
  • Here a man can only rant and knows how, and as it comes to work, he quickly retreats.
  • How he ranted, what beautiful speeches he appealed to us, how expertly he hung noodles on his ears!
  • Is it possible to believe a man who rants, but does nothing at all?
Rant about something

Synonyms Selection

By the word "rant" you can pick up verbs that are endowed with approximately the same meaning.

  • To reason. Do you like to reason and scatter words with clever words, instead of empty conversations it would be better to do business.
  • Talk. The preacher spoke for a long time, but no one believed his speeches.
  • Develop a thought. It is not necessary to develop such a thought so far, you must express yourself as concisely as possible.
  • Babble. And here the scammer began to babble, make excuses and speak up teeth.
  • To spread. You should not spread too much, let your arguments be clear and understandable.
  • Go into details. The narrator liked to go into details, he described the smallest details, which, perhaps, were not so important.
  • Floss. Instead of twisting, it would be better to help us.
  • Preach. Stop preaching and chilling out here, grab a shovel and go dig potatoes.

Now you know the meaning of the word "rant." Also, you can easily replace it with synonyms.

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