School essay "What is courage?"

The work “What is courage?” - This is a job that is predominantly given to high school students. The children of 16-17 years old have already formed awareness, understanding of many things, they are capable of deeper reasoning than middle and primary school students. So for them this task should not present special difficulties. However, for many, writing an essay or essay is a real problem. Not everyone knows how to start the essay “What is courage?”, How to develop an idea, draw a conclusion. Well, it's worth telling about it.

composition what is courage


An essay on the topic “What is courage?” You can start in different ways. Someone in the introduction denotes the topic and poses a question to the reader, which he then answers. Someone begins with reasoning, thereby paying attention to the text. There are many ways. The following words can be a good introduction: “Sometimes we can hear someone invoking another person to be more courageous. This happens quite often. Many people understand the words as they are, that is, by default. Not everyone is trying to discern a deep meaning in any familiar expression. It seems to be natural. On the other hand, each of us must know the true meaning of the words that he uses in speech. The word “courage” also has its deep meaning. And we should talk about him. ”

essay on the subject of courage

This kind of introduction is good because it immediately traces the theme of the composition, and it also becomes clear what is planned to be discussed further. The method of reflection is one of the most popular in this regard and, it must be said, effective.

Parsing the term

Many decide to approach the issue literally. That is, not philosophizing, but initially giving an exact definition of the word. A similar technique can be found in such work as the essay “What is courage?” But definition is also difficult. You can, of course, rewrite it from the dictionary, but we must remember that an essay is a work of art in its essence, intended for easy, sometimes entertaining reading. It should not bother the reader. So the term should not be described in the official style, but in the usual, colloquial.

courage in war composition

You can write the following: “Masculinity is a quality associated with men. And you can understand this truth only by looking at the root of the word. To be courageous is to act like real men do. And then each term supplements the term for itself. Some believe that a man should be strong, confident, purposeful. Others - that he should have certain manners, high morals, decency. Still others support both opinions. ” This kind of description of the term is quite suitable for a literary text. It is extremely clear, concise and, most importantly, given without unnecessary complicated words.

Reasoned reasoning

The work “What is courage?” It should be not only interesting, but also justified. Everyone knows that in the essay there are often elements of reasoning. In fact, this is the basis of any text. But here it is important that the reasoning is based on something. Facts, arguments, examples from life - all this is suitable. The main thing is that the author succeeds in convincing his reader that his opinion is correct.

courage and heroism composition

An example is the following: “Masculinity can have several manifestations. The first is the lack of cowardice. But this is not about sacrifice and endless fearlessness. A courageous person takes courageous actions only when everything is thought out, and any risks, as well as their likelihood, are previously known, as well as ways to deal with them. ” In this small example, you can see that there is both a statement and reasoning based on thoughts and beliefs. This technique is quite suitable for the essay “Courage and Heroism”.

Composition and his main idea

What should be written about is already a matter for each author. Some decide to do work on an essay called “Courage in War”. An essay of this kind is not easy to write. The theme is exciting. But, nevertheless, “Courage in War” is an essay that can turn out to be very colorful, impressive and vivid, since it is based on recent events, and many in the family have their own Hero, who is able to tell about those fears with which courageous fighters had to face.

composition courage and stamina

Others decide to devote an essay on the topic “Courage” to girls and the destruction of stereotypes. Because in our society, which has become much more modern, there are still prejudices regarding the fact that women are the weaker sex. But we can actually see with examples that this is not so. Large mothers of heroines who single-handedly brought up five beautiful children, iron business women who independently achieved a multi-million state, fearless savior - can these girls be called weak? In general, the theme of courage can branch out in many different directions. And here everyone already chooses what he cares about, what should be told.

Opinion of the author

Some students write an essay from an uncertain person, as if abstract. Others, on their own, expressing personal opinions. In fact, both options are correct. Simply, everyone chooses what he likes best. But in the second case there is one caveat. If the author expresses a personal opinion in his work, then it should be properly framed. In no case should you propagandize it and inspire others. It is necessary to arrange it as if the author simply shared it, unobtrusively, between the cases. This is an art, not everyone can keep their emotions in writing. But everything comes with experience, so if you want to share your thoughts, you should do it. Literary texts are alive with this.


Pupils who have already written essays more than once know what structure he has. In fact, there is nothing complicated. “True courage is eloquent” - an essay that has three main parts. This is an introduction, the main idea and conclusion. The beginning denotes a topic and brings the reader to it. In the content, it is most fully revealed and supported by interesting information, facts, examples and thoughts. And the conclusion seems to draw a line and put an end to history. There is nothing complicated - any literary texts, whether it is an essay, article or book, are built on this principle. Including an essay on the theme "Courage".

true courage eloquent composition


Many students are faced with the question of what should be the completion of the essay. The work “Courage and Resilience” can be completed in different ways. In the same way as in the case of the introduction. But the most popular way is quotation completion. This is a couple of phrases from the author that summarize the above and sometimes express his own opinion, complemented by a beautiful quote. The aphorism must be on the topic. Fortunately, there are many citations on the topic under discussion. An example of a logical conclusion can be something like this: “Brave and courageous people have always been in value. After all, as Aristotle said, courage is a virtue by virtue of which people, when in danger, do wonderful things. ”

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