Damage to suspended ceilings: myth or reality

In the past few years, stretch ceilings have gained particular popularity among those who make modern repairs in their apartment. They have more than enough advantages: they do not require preliminary surface preparation, their installation takes little time, and all the irregularities and imperfections are perfectly hidden under the PVC film. In addition, a variety of colors and surface types allows the entire interior to be made exclusive. However, with increasing popularity, rumors appeared about the harm of stretch ceilings. Proponents of environmental materials insist that the use of artificial film in a residential building can cause irreparable damage to the health of residents.

damage to suspended ceilings

Of course, before deciding which finish to give preference, it is worth reading reviews about stretch ceilings. Harm is the last thing many users of such a service think about. The goal they pursue in the first place, choosing this method of decor, is to quickly and inexpensively make the ceiling in their apartment beautiful . So is there real harm to suspended ceilings?

suspended ceilings

To begin with, most often they are made of polyester, PVC film, polyurethane and polyester film. All these materials are considered environmentally friendly and do not emit any harmful substances that can be harmful to health. In addition, the undeniable advantage of a stretch ceiling made of PVC film is its antistatic property - it does not accumulate dust, and therefore it is indicated for people suffering from asthma or allergies to a dust mite. If you still doubt this fact and consider that the damage to suspended ceilings is connected with the fact that they are made of a toxic film, select fabric as the material. Of course, such a ceiling will come out many times more expensive, and it will even have to be painted, but then you will be sure of its safety.

It is also believed that the damage to suspended ceilings is due to the fact that they create a greenhouse effect in the room and interfere with natural ventilation. This is true, however, moisture does not form at the top, as it might seem at first glance. And this minor problem can be solved by regular ventilation of the room, which, in principle, is necessary with other methods of decoration.

Another fact that confuses owners who make repairs in their apartment is the persistent smell of film for several hours after they installed stretch ceilings. This smell will not bring harm, and the discomfort that you will experience for a short time will be forgotten very soon.

suspended ceilings reviews harm

Thus, we believe that stretch ceilings have a lot of advantages and only a few minor disadvantages. In any case, you should only contact trusted suppliers of this service, who will be able to provide you with a certificate of conformity and an environmental passport for the material from which the ceiling is made. So you protect yourself from unscrupulous installers, who, in fact, can offer a low-quality fake.

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