How to dye your hair without harm? Overview of methods and recommendations

Many women want to change their hair color. But paints spoil curls, make them dry, brittle, dull. How to prevent this? You should choose products that do not cause great harm to health. How to dye your hair without harm, is described in the article.

Useful Tips

Before staining, consider some recommendations:

  1. With the help of natural recipes it does not work out of a brunette to become a blonde. With them, the color changes no more than 2 tones. Brown hair changes by 1-1.5 tones.
  2. To achieve the desired result, usually requires several procedures. Due to the mild effect, a long processing time is required.
  3. For blondes, you should not choose products with cocoa, coffee, husk onions, walnuts. After the procedure, a strange tone will appear, such experiments will only spoil the mood.
  4. The effect of the composition for light strands should be checked in a small area.
  5. Enhancing the penetration of active substances provides a warming cap, consisting of a shower cap and a bath towel.

how to dye your hair without harm

Paint selection

Hair dyes are divided into:

  1. Natural.
  2. Physical.
  3. Chemical.

Henna and Basma are natural. The components are not harmful to the hair, on the contrary, they have a nourishing effect. But they cannot provide a variety of shades.

Physical dyes do not contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The coloring pigment only envelops the hair, but does not penetrate inside. Chemical paints include coloring paste and oxidizing agent. These funds are divided into:

  1. Unstable - tinted shampoos and balms.
  2. Medium - include oils and nutritional ingredients for care.
  3. Persistent - include chemical components, but the color does not wash off for a long time.

Chemical paints should be applied no more than 1 time per month. Tinting the roots should be every 2 weeks. If you want to change the image, the shade should differ by 1-2 tones.

Safe means

Harmless coloring means that after the procedure the quality of the hair does not deteriorate. Previously, this only happened with the use of natural dyes. Now there are many different products that can be used in the salon and at home. With them you can get the desired color. How to dye your hair without harm? You should choose tools without ammonia, as they lack harmful, destructive components.

how to dye your hair without harm

Safe dyes include:

  • henna and basm;
  • folk remedies;
  • tinted shampoos and mousses;
  • harmless dyes.

Organic paints

How to dye your hair without harm to their condition? Henna and Basma have been used since ancient times. Such staining is considered the safest. In addition to color, the components have other properties. Hair gains splendor and volume, shine and strength. Natural dyes have a positive effect on the scalp with dandruff. If you regularly use these funds, then you can forget about split ends.

Henna is a powder of leaves of the Lawsonia inermis shrub. How to dye your hair without harming your hair? The powder must be brewed with hot water in the required ratio, depending on the color, and then can be applied. The color will be bright and saturated, it remains for a long time. Although henna is sold in different shades, it is better to choose red and reddish.

Basma is the crushed leaves of the indigofer plant. With it you can dye your hair in dark colors. Basma is often mixed with henna to get dark tones. Only you need to choose the right ratio.

It should be borne in mind that basma is a strong remedy with which a persistent color is obtained. After the first procedure, the result may turn out unpredictable, and rinsing off the paint will not be easy. If curls were previously stained with a chemical dye, there is a chance of getting a blue or green color. To avoid unpredictable results, you first need to color a separate strand.


The proportions of henna and basma differ depending on the color. Before staining, an allergy test should be performed, since even natural dyes can cause this unpleasant reaction. It is important to observe the proportions:

  1. Chocolate color . You need to mix henna and basma in a 1: 1 ratio. The amount is selected individually, it all depends on the length, density and previous tone of the hair. Light curls are perfectly painted - light brown, red.
  2. Bronze tones. In this case, henna and basma will be required in an amount of 2: 1. It turns out a copper, brown, coffee shade. On blond hair appears red color.
  3. How to dye your hair black without harm? If the curls are dark, then it is better to choose a combination of basma and henna (2: 1). The initial shade will noticeably correct the result. For example, red hair will not turn blue-black, as there is a big difference between the colors. You need to increase the tool to 3-4 parts to 1 part of henna.

how to dye your hair black without harm

Folk recipes

How to dye your hair without harm, to also heal them? For this, herbs, plant flowers are used. Lightening is performed with honey, lemon juice. A light brown color will turn out by rinsing the head with a root of rhubarb in white wine. If soda (1/2 tsp) is added to the broth, then there will be a reddish tint.

Golden brown color is obtained using a decoction of onion peels. It must be used after each wash. Chestnut colors are obtained after decoction of chopped leaves and twigs of linden or walnut peel. How to dye your hair without harm for them with home remedies? Decoctions usually rinse your head after washing. So the changed shade appears.

Home remedies are cheap, harmless, they perform hair care, making them strong and shiny. But for some, these methods are complex, especially since not after each procedure the desired tone is obtained.

Hue Shampoos

How can you dye your hair without harm if you do not want to prepare natural compounds? There are no aggressive substances in tinted shampoos, so the hair structure is not damaged with them. Due to the content of nutrients, vitamins, oils, plant extracts, such products change the color of curls, and also strengthen them.

how to dye your hair without harming your hair

You can use tinted shampoos regularly, as they are safe. It should only be taken into account that an unstable color is obtained, it is washed off if you wash your hair several times. This is due to the fact that the tint shampoo does not penetrate deep into the hair, but only creates a color film. It can not be used after perms, as curls are vulnerable. You should wait 2-3 weeks.

Shampoo "Alchemist" and conditioner

This tinting agent is made by the Italian company Davines. The lineup has silver, copper, tobacco, chocolate tones. To get the maximum effect, you need to use these funds in pairs, that is, after the shampoo, use conditioner. Such cosmetics are expensive, but the hair looks luxurious.

How to dye your hair without compromising its beauty? Hue shampoos are easy to use. It is enough to wash their hair with them like an ordinary shampoo, and then rinse with clean water. The exposure time is indicated in the instructions, which must be read before the procedure.


This tint shampoo is based on natural ingredients. It is used to enhance dark cold shades, painting warm tones. The composition contains extracts of mallow, aloe and black tea, so the shampoo gives the curls silky.

how to dye hair without dye at home

Shimmering Blond by ALTERNA

This is a tinted mousse that allows you to renew the color of your hair. At the same time, they become flickering. How to dye hair without dye at home with this mousse? The product is applied to wet hair. Rinse it off after 5 minutes. Hair takes on a changed shade.

Safe dyes

In stores harmless paints are sold, allowing you to get the right color. They have little or no ammonia, especially since they are enriched with the components necessary for nutrition and healthy hair. Some paints have a restorative effect.

how best to dye your hair black at home

What is the best way to dye your hair black at home? The procedure with ammonia-free paint can be performed in the cabin and at home, you just need to read the instructions. According to its rules, it is necessary to dilute the composition using the devices necessary for the procedure. The duration of the procedure also depends on the instructions.

Materia by Lebel Cosmetics

In this tool there is little ammonia, in addition, it is supplemented with a therapeutic cell-membrane complex, with the help of which the restoration of curls occurs. Therefore, they will be shiny and natural. The color is sparkling due to the presence of liquid crystals. Persistence lasts up to 8 weeks. This paint still includes ammonia, albeit a little. If there are concerns about this component, then you can perform staining without roots.

Color sync

The paint of the American company does not contain ammonia. There are a lot of caring substances in it, thanks to which the hair is kept healthy, an even color and shine is obtained. The assortment of flowers is rich. Moreover, you can perform not only the usual coloring, but also tinting, glossing, painting gray hair.

how to dye your hair without compromising its beauty

Persistent staining CHI

This technology began to be used not so long ago, it is used in professional salons. Dyes based on the CHI system are of high quality and provide color fastness. In addition, they restore the structure of the hair and treat them.

Silk cream and inorganic compounds are present in dyes. Retention of the coloring pigment is carried out due to the multipolarity of the ionic charges of the hair and silk cream. It is safe to dye and brighten up to 8 tones using dye.

Thus, it is possible to color the hair without harm by various means. It can be both natural dyes, time-tested, and the latest cosmetics sold in stores. You should choose a suitable dye for yourself and use it based on the rules set out in the instructions.

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