Training: learning objectives, objectives, principles

Education is a managed, specially organized process of interaction between the teacher and students, aimed at mastering the system of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as at shaping the worldview of students, developing potential opportunities and consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals.

learning learning objectives

Learning Objectives. Tiered approach

The purpose of training is the planned result of the learning process, in fact, what this process is aimed at. I.P. Podlasy proposes to differentiate learning objectives by three levels:

1. Political : the goal acts as an object of state policy in the field of education.

2. Administrative : the goal is a strategy for solving global problems of education (at the regional level or at the level of an educational institution).

3. Operational : the goal is considered as an operational task in the process of implementing training in a specific class with a specific composition of students.

The problem of differentiation of learning objectives

The basis for the classification of the concept of the goal of the learning process are the following criteria:

1. A measure of generality: general / private, global.

2. Attitude to the educational structures responsible for their formulation and achievement: state (prescribed in state educational standards) goals, university, faculty, department, etc.

3. Focus on the development of certain personality substructures: need-motivational substructure, emotional, volitional and cognitive.

4. The language of the description of goals: subject-conceptual form, subject-activity.

The taxonomic approach of B. Bloom

In turn, B. Bloom offers its own target classification that defines learning. He considered the learning objectives in terms of specific taxonomies (taxonomists). The first taxonomy is aimed at the formation of a cognitive region. It includes six categories of goals:

- category of knowledge (in relation to a specific material, terminology, criteria, facts, definitions, etc.);

- category of understanding (interpretation, explanation, extrapolation);

- category of application;

- category of synthesis (development of a plan / system of actions, abstract relations);

- category of analysis (relationships and principles of construction);

- assessment (judgment based on available data, and external criteria).

learning purpose is
The second taxonomy is directed to the affective sphere.

Principles of constructing training tasks

N.F. Talyzina offers a transition structure for the allocation and description of typical tasks in the learning process. These tasks are presented in the form of a hierarchy, being simultaneously a hierarchy of the goals of higher education. Each of the levels has its own focus, depending on the specific field of application of the skills of future specialists.

First level

The highest level of the hierarchy is occupied by tasks that all specialists must be able to solve, regardless of the particular personnel profession, the purpose of personnel training, or geographical location. However, they may be due to the nature of the historical era. In relation to our time, among such tasks are:

- environmental (minimizing the negative impacts on the nature of industrial or other human activities, etc.);

- tasks in the system of continuous postgraduate education (effective work with information - search, storage, applied use, etc.);

- tasks related to the collective nature of the prevailing types of modern activities (forming contacts within the team, planning and organizing joint activities, analyzing the specifics of the human factor in the process of predicting work results, etc.).

purpose of teaching a foreign language

Second level

At the second level, a set of tasks specific to a specific country is singled out. In relation to the domestic education system, the most urgent tasks are those related to the formation and development of market relations (conducting market research, economic feasibility studies, searching for appropriate partners and sources of financing, promoting goods on the domestic and foreign markets, etc.).

Also at this level, the goals and objectives of training associated with problems in the field of interethnic relations (national traditions and customs, the development of a tolerant attitude towards national feelings, the rejection of nationalist and chauvinistic positions, etc.) are distinguished. Finally, the goal of developing training for a modern specialist is also to form the skill of solving production, managerial and economic problems in the socio-political conditions of modern society (democratic politics, transparency, religious tolerance, etc.).

Third level

The third level is the most voluminous and consists of professional tasks. In general, these tasks are divided into three main types:

- research (skills in planning and conducting research in this field of activity);

- practical (obtaining a specific result - building a plant, publishing a book, recovering a patient, etc.);

learning goals and objectives

- pedagogical (teaching a certain subject in an educational institution or in the context of industrial training - for example, when the goal is to teach a foreign language).

Consider the goals and principles of education on the example of preschool children.

The basic principles of the system of training and education of preschool children

The general tasks that determine learning, the goals of teaching and educating preschoolers can be differentiated as follows.

1. The first year of life:

- maintain and strengthen the health of children, ensure their full physical development, maintain a positive emotional state of each child; provide a daily regimen corresponding to the age and physical condition of the child;

- form visual-auditory orientations; expand and enrich the sensory experience of children; develop the ability to understand adult speech and carry out preparatory steps for mastering active speech; encourage inclusion in the process of self-care, form elements of moral behavior, maintain emotional responsiveness and goodwill of children.

- form the prerequisites for aesthetic perception - arouse interest in paintings, music, singing, etc., systematically analyze the results.

- contribute to the development of the child skills corresponding to his age indicators.

2. The second year of life:

- strengthening and hardening of the body; development of the basic system of movements;

- the formation of the simplest tidiness and self-care skills;

- expansion of vocabulary and activation of the need for communication; stimulation of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, etc.);

- the formation of skills in manipulating objects;

- the formation of behavioral culture skills (say hello, say goodbye, give thanks, etc.);

- the development of aesthetic perception (emphasis on color, shape, smell, etc.).

- the development of musical taste.

staff training objectives

3. The third year of life:

- strengthening physical health; cultural hygiene skills

- the formation of elements of visual-figurative thinking; development of cognitive processes;

- development of sensory experience;

- the formation of elementary knowledge about the structure of nature and its laws;

- development of speech, expansion of vocabulary;

- stimulation of communication between children with each other; conducting role-playing games;

- development of artistic perception.

learning objectives

4. The fourth year of life:

- health promotion, hardening of the body; development of correct posture; the formation of active motor activity;

- stimulation of interest in adult life, focusing on objects and phenomena of the sociocultural environment;

- development of the ability to elementary analysis, the ability to establish the simplest connections between phenomena and environmental objects;

- development of speech, the ability to correctly build sentences;

- the development of listening skills, the ability to follow the events of works (books, cartoons, etc.);

- the development of elementary mathematical representations (one / many, more / less, etc.);

- the formation of a positive attitude to work;

- the development of interest in various kinds of games, team competitions;

- development of aesthetic and musical abilities.

Physical education in the child's education system

Improving the health of the child is the main fundamental component of the educational process at all age stages that determine development and learning. Learning objectives directly in the field of the educational process may vary. The age parameters, as well as the specifics of a particular subject, will serve as a criterion. As for the physical education itself, there are no special variations. In this case, the purpose of training is, first of all, the formation of adaptive mechanisms (protective and adaptive forces - chemical, physical, etc.) and strengthening the child’s immunity.

Factors that reduce the protection of the child's body include: starvation, fatigue, anxiety, violation of the daily regimen. Factors that increase the body's defenses: walks in the air, hardening, cheerful mood.

developmental goal

Accordingly, the task of the educator in this area will be, on the one hand, to neutralize and reduce the impact on the physical development of the child of factors that weaken his immune system; and on the other, in the formation and stimulation of the protective and adaptive forces of the child’s body due to a properly organized diet, system of physical exercises, hardening, a favorable psychological atmosphere, etc., the prevention of infectious and chronic diseases, as well as the prevention of injuries and the provision of first medical treatment help. It is also important to take into account the peculiarities of the environment in which the child is located, and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in a system aimed at learning.

Learning goals, principles and objectives, thus, constitute a complex socio-pedagogical complex, directly determined by the specifics of the learning sector, the expected result, as well as the socio-historical context.

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