Starting from the school bench, throughout our lives we are engaged in self-education. Most often, we resort to the help of higher or specialized institutions, courses and trainings, when choosing which we are faced with the concept of “academic hour”.
Studying the ABC and the multiplication table, we never thought about why the lesson lasts exactly 45 minutes, we just regularly followed the system. But this is all for a reason. It was precisely this time that was derived from the totality of sanitary-epidemiological and physical-psychological factors. For the youngest students use a shortened academic hour, which is equal to 35-40 minutes. Think for yourself how to keep our little fidgets in place for a long time? After all, their life runs much faster, new experiences and adventures attract children. And to share news or to relieve a natural need? The latter, by the way, is not of the last importance, since many children may be shy to ask the teacher to leave during the lesson, and enduring, you know, is harmful. That is why academic time is divided into academic hours, between which breaks are arranged.
Older children are already accustomed to such loads, so the academic hour increases over time to 45 minutes. And in higher education institutions, usually, they also use such a timeline. As a rule, one academic hour involves studying one subject, but in universities there is not enough one academic hour, so they are combined in pairs. Therefore, two academic hours are equal to one pair.
Based on the planning of the lesson by the teacher or teacher, this period of time is enough to test previously acquired knowledge, study a new topic and explain tasks that are given for independent study. The process of integrating the domestic education system into the Bologna (European) system fully meets such standards.
The entire education system is built on the concept of "academic hour." This is how much goes beyond the entire course of study, you can calculate for yourself. The academic hour is 45 minutes, one month is four academic weeks (usually five days). Usually, one year of study of each subject includes from 72 academic hours (lessons).
When you receive a diploma of higher education, you will also receive an application to it. It shows all the courses that you studied, and how many academic hours were allocated to study each subject individually. Based on these data, your employer can determine the extent of your training.
Visiting all kinds of courses and trainings, you will also come across this concept. But in this case, this time will be commercial in nature. Therefore, before making payment for the provision of services to you, you should clarify the duration of the classes. Sometimes many people are mistaken, having paid the service for one academic hour, they think that they were supposed to allocate 60 astronomical minutes. But, as it turns out, only 45 minutes were originally intended. Although some private offices can increase the time to an hour or more without interruption.
Based on the information received above, you can now easily plan your time. So, for example, knowing that the lesson will last an hour and a half, you will recalculate the time according to the formula “one academic hour + break + one academic hour”. Given that the break usually lasts 10-15 minutes, your lesson will last 1 hour 45 minutes. This information will be very useful for those who often have to use flight routes, or just going on a business trip to continuing education courses in another locality.