Electric skateboard is a small-sized version of the traditional transport models of this category. Thanks to the presence of a motorized drive, such devices can easily get to any destination without unnecessary effort.
What is the name of an electric skateboard? Four-wheel models are called electric boards. Unicycle electrical appliances are known as hoverboards. However, the key feature of both developments is the ability to move around without pushing back.
What does an electric skateboard look like? Photos of such vehicles, which can be seen in this material, show that such developments externally practically do not differ from ordinary four-wheeled skateboards.
On average, electric skateboards are capable of driving about 20 km on a single charge. The top speed here reaches 12-15 km / h. An electric skateboard can contain one or more engines with power up to 350 watts. Traction elements are powered by lithium-ion built-in batteries. As for full charge, in most models this takes no more than two hours.
Operational Features
Electric skateboard is set in motion by activating the motor by pressing a special button. Adjustment of speed and direction during driving is carried out using a remote controller.
An electric skateboard opens up the possibility of traveling in several high-speed modes. For users who are not particularly familiar with such developments, activation of the engine at low revs is provided. Accordingly, it is possible to switch the engine to the mode for driving at maximum speed, which may be unsafe for untrained people.
An electric skateboard is capable of reversing. However, unlike the change of speed modes, which can be done directly during the ride, a full stop is required to activate the rear thrust.
As practice shows, the braking distance of electric skateboards when driving at maximum speeds is more than 15 meters. Therefore, for comfortable riding and for personal safety, before using an electric skateboard, a sufficiently long acquaintance with such vehicles is required. This allows you to acquire certain skills, feel confident, develop a sense of balance. Preliminary preparation for the operation of a motorized board will avoid falls, serious injuries and bruises.
DIY electric skateboard
If you want, the availability of tools and materials, you can construct almost anything with your own hands. Electric skateboards are no exception. Burdening yourself with small financial and labor costs, you can prepare a homemade product that will be no worse than the developments of eminent manufacturers.
The work is carried out in the following sequence:
- To begin with, plywood or a light piece of wood is used to shape the future board. Sawing is worth a board the size of which is enough to accommodate the engine and the electrical unit.
- A small electric motor is being prepared, which should have decent power and high torque. An excellent solution would be to install an engine from a radio-controlled vehicle. You will also have to find a small, lightweight lithium battery, several batteries with a capacity of about 500 mA / h, connected in parallel.
- The interaction of the motor with the wheels is built. To do this, a gear with 5 and 36 teeth, respectively, is installed on the axis and engine. The connection of these elements occurs through the belt.
- The next step is to install the motor on the bottom of the product. It doesn’t matter what kind of fasteners to use for this. The main thing is that the engine rests firmly on the board. To protect the battery pack, the signal receiver of the remote controller and the motor from damage, you will have to build a durable and well-ventilated housing. It is best to use a metal mesh for these purposes, having previously calculated the location of all the functional elements of the future skateboard.
Based on the above action plan, you can assemble a pretty decent board with an electric drive. Most likely, a self-made skate will turn out much heavier than factory models. But assembly with your own hands will save a pretty solid amount of money. In addition, in the future, such a skateboard can be upgraded.