Electrophoresis is a treatment complex for delivering drugs to the body through the skin or mucous membranes using direct electric current. The procedure has a double effect on the body, associated with the influence of current and medications. For the first time in medical practice, electrophoresis was used in the 19th century. Its therapeutic effect is based on the ability to dissociate drugs in solution into cations and anions, which can move in an electric field of direct current and freely enter the human body through the skin. Today, electrophoresis is widely used in therapy, neurology and traumatology.
Electrophoresis, although a rather complicated procedure in terms of explaining its effects, is completely painless and useful for the treatment of certain diseases. During electrophoresis, most drugs do not penetrate deeply, but remain in the subcutaneous fat layer, which ensures a long-term effect of drugs on the human body. In addition, it has been proven that direct current increases the sensitivity of tissues to drugs, and at the same time, the action of the drugs themselves increases under the influence of current.
If necessary, electrophoresis for children is prescribed from four months. Very often, the doctor makes this decision when diagnosing child hypertension . In this case, using electrophoresis, aminophylline is introduced into the child's body. Getting into the muscles of the child, the medicine improves blood circulation of tissues and helps to build cartilage. Due to the fact that the procedure is short-lived, electrophoresis for children does not cause any discomfort. Usually, in combination with electrophoresis, the child is prescribed massage procedures.
Electrophoresis is also prescribed for children to treat bronchitis. This method allows you to create a high concentration of drugs in the focus of the disease. At the same time, calcium chloride is used as a medicine for copious amounts of sputum, and calcium iodide for dry coughs. These medications help resolve the inflammatory focus. A similar treatment for bronchitis is prescribed for adults.
Electrophoresis for children and adults is a gentle treatment for the whole body. With the introduction of drugs in this way, the possibility of side effects is reduced.
Novocaine is an analgesic with the effect of local anesthesia. Electrophoresis with novocaine is prescribed to relieve pain in arthrosis and osteochondrosis. For this, the anode is mounted on the area of maximum pain. A special gauze or paper pad moistened with a 0.5% solution of novocaine hydrochloride in an amount of about 2-10 ml is placed between the anode and the body. Electrophoresis with novocaine is usually prescribed for 15-30 minutes. Procedures must be carried out daily, and with persistent pain - 2 times a day. The course of treatment includes from ten to twelve procedures.
Copper electrophoresis is often used to treat furunculosis and acne. Copper has prophylactic and antitumor properties. Therefore, copper electrophoresis is prescribed for skin cancers such as melanoma.
When conducting electrophoresis, contraindications to the drug that is used are taken into account. In addition, it is not shown in the presence of a pustular infection on the skin, chronic heart and kidney failure, and general intolerance to electric current. Also, you should not do electrophoresis on the face in the presence of metal dentures.