Tar soap to wash the face: reviews, properties, benefits and harm to the skin

Tar soap is a popular cosmetic product used not only in traditional medicine, but also in the official one. It copes with many problems of the skin of the face and decollete. Is it helpful to wash your face with tar soap? Reviews indicate the effectiveness of such a procedure. The rules of use are described in the article.


The tool consists of 10% birch tar. Excellent effects on the skin are confirmed by numerous reviews. The properties of tar soap for the face allow you to use it for regular care. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect.

face wash tar soap reviews

The soap contains no dyes, harmful additives and fragrances, which eliminates allergies, irritants, redness. The soap base includes sodium salts of fatty acids, water, chloride, sodium and palm oil. More manufacturers add citric, benzoic acid, salt, thickeners.

Tar is actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. This is a natural component produced by the decomposition of wood bark during heating in the absence of air. In appearance, soap is similar to household soap, but its hue is darker. The difference is a specific smell, which is not absorbed and is quickly eliminated after washing off the product.

The product is perfectly soaped, creates a medium-density foam, is easily washed off with water, without forming an adhesive film. It has a natural origin, soap does not dry even with regular use. This product is sold not only in the pharmacy: it is almost always found in many perfumes, cosmetics or industrial stores. At the same time, the price of soap is not more than 35 rubles.

Can I wash my face?

According to cosmetologists, tar tar soap for the face is suitable, since it is a universal remedy. It is used not only for the body. It is believed that it is used only for medicinal purposes. But he has not only a healing effect. You can just wash your face with tar soap. Reviews confirm that it is used as a conventional skin care product.

tar soap for facial skin reviews

According to dermatologists, the product is suitable for washing with dermatitis, skin itching, inflammation on the skin. If you regularly use it, it perfectly eliminates irritation, makes the face tone even, tightens pores, eliminates acne, blackheads, and oily sheen.

This soap is safe; it is used for bathing children with wounds, abrasions, and scratches on their bodies. It quickly tightens cracks, injuries, restores cells. Soap for skin care is especially appreciated. Its regular use eliminates many problems.


Although the product has an unpleasant odor, it is considered an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetic products, as confirmed by positive reviews. Wash your face with tar soap is allowed because of the possibility of treatment and prevention of skin diseases. This remedy is known:

  • drying and whitening effect;
  • exfoliation of keratinized epidermal cells;
  • disinfectant and therapeutic effect;
  • skin strengthening;
  • improved blood flow;
  • regenerative effect;
  • the property of eliminating parasites;
  • soothing effect;
  • antiseptic effect.

This is a unique and affordable tool. In cosmetology, it solves many problems of the skin of the face, body, and hair. Due to the therapeutic effect, soap is used to treat female ailments, burns, frostbite, insect bites, eczema, psoriasis, and herpes. It serves as a replacement for oxolinic ointment.

This is an effective tool, the result of which persists for 2-3 weeks with regular use. According to reviews, washing your face with tar soap should be due to the fact that it eliminates many skin problems.

When is it used?

According to reviews, the benefit of tar soap for the face is provided only if it is used for normal and oily skin. Dermatologists recommend that adolescents wash their face with this product. Tar soap allows you to:

  • eliminate age spots;
  • get rid of grease;
  • improve the structure of the epidermis;
  • restore the natural healthy tone of the face;
  • eliminate the skin tick on the face;
  • cure acne, acne;
  • narrow the pores;
  • eliminate neurodermatitis, dermatitis;
  • restore the skin after burns and frostbite;
  • normalize cells after wounds;
  • remove dead skin cells of the dermis.
tar soap for acne on the face reviews

It turns out that many skin imperfections can be eliminated by this simple and effective means. And you donโ€™t have to spend much on this.


Tar soap is not harmful to the skin, does not have a negative effect on the body. But because of the smell, it does not fit pregnant women. If nausea is observed during use, it is advisable to put off the detergent and replace it with something else, which does not lead to unpleasant sensations.

The tool should not be used for individual intolerance. It is able to increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays, so in hot weather it is better not to use it. It is undesirable to use soap for asthmatics, with sensitive, dry, thin skin. If there is dryness after this, moisturizing the skin of the face with a nourishing cream is required. Soap should be washed off well, otherwise a film will appear that does not allow air to reach the pores.


According to reviews, the benefit of tar soap for the face is provided with its regular use. The tool is in the form of a solid bar, cream and liquid. In addition, you can make the product yourself at home, if you buy birch tar in a pharmacy.

The liquid product has a transparent yellow tint and is available in 250, 300, 500 ml bottles. It may have a thin, creamy consistency. This soap perfectly cleanses the skin and eliminates pigmentation, although it does not tighten the skin.

tar soap facial reviews with photos

Liquid soap has a drying effect, whitens age spots, eliminates rashes. During soaping, the skin softens, the foam is soft and velvety.

For oily skin, it is advisable to choose a solid soap. It reduces the production of sebum, makes it dull, eliminates acne, blackheads, and red spots. A gentle peeling that destroys the structure of cells is performed with it. The best are brand remedies:

  1. "Nizhny Novgorod."
  2. "Stork".
  3. "Spivak".
  4. "Agafia."
  5. "Neva cosmetics."

Solid soap is available in the form of a bar weighing 90, 100, 140, 150 g. Which volume to choose depends on personal preference.

The choice

Tar soap is sold in a supermarket, pharmacy and eco-store. Shampoo option is often used for washing hair. If there are problems with the skin, then the liquid product is suitable for use instead of the usual one. The natural color of a quality product is dark, almost black. Do not choose beige tones.

The special smell of soap is its feature. This is a minus that manufacturers of natural products do not struggle with, since it will not work to remove it. And if you use fragrances and fragrances, then the products will not be natural. Therefore, the presence of a characteristic odor is a sign of quality.

Attention should be paid to the manufacturing method. Better to choose a cold way. An important factor in the quality of the product is considered to be the presence of excerpts. Their amount should be at least 5%, otherwise there will be a strong overdrying of the skin. Read the information on the label. Tar should be at least 10%. With a decrease in this indicator, healing properties worsen. You also need to pay attention to the shelf life of the products.


According to reviews, tar soap for facial skin enhances the flow of blood to the cells of the epidermis. Its therapeutic effect is soft and delicate. The result is noticeable after 1 procedure. According to reviews, tar soap for acne on the face affects large areas of rashes, reduces inflammation, irritation and redness.

The period of removal of the problem depends on its severity. But in any situation, a therapeutic effect is visible. The face will be younger, cleaner and more well-groomed. Even with long procedures, the soap does not dry out the skin. It quickly eliminates boils. In addition to removing the dermatological problem, the product has a disinfecting effect.

According to reviews, tar soap for acne on the face should be used as part of complex therapy with drugs. This will eliminate the inflammatory process. But you should not use many tools at the same time, so as not to harm the skin.

Face wash

Judging by the reviews and photos, tar soap for the face brings a positive effect. This is best done with washing. To eliminate inflammation, irritation, the procedure must be performed every day for at least 2-3 weeks.

Washing is carried out in the usual way. Soap should be foamed, applied to the face with your fingers and washed off. If necessary, the foam is left on the face, left for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water. With oily skin, it is better to wash 2 times a day. And with dry you need to do this 1 time in 3 days.


Reviews indicate that these are also effective procedures. With the correct performance of the masks, it will be possible to quickly eliminate acne, blackheads. More procedures provide a lifting effect. Results are visible after 1 application.

According to reviews, tar soap from brylya on the face can be used in the form of masks. It also quickly and effectively eliminates acne, acne, and inflammation.

There are several types of masks:

  1. For loose skin. A little soap should be grated, mixed with water until a thick slurry forms, foam and apply to problem areas. The duration of the procedure is not more than 15 minutes. If you increase the time, then the appearance of burning, peeling, dryness is likely. Rinse off the mask first with warm and then with cool water, which ensures narrowing of the pores. Such procedures should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week.
  2. Based on herbal infusion or soda. Water can be replaced with herbal infusion by mixing it with grated tar soap. And if acne should be removed, soda (a pinch) is added to the soap. The product is applied to the face and hold for up to 10 minutes. The effect of the mask is noticeable immediately after application. Do not exceed the duration of the procedure, so as not to lead to skin irritation.
  3. Point applications. Soap is effective for combination skin. This method eliminates acne and ulcers. For application, it is advisable to use liquid soap, applying it to the site of inflammation for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Effective mask. In addition to the basic recipes for tar soap add simple ingredients that are always at home - an egg, aloe, herbal infusions. From it you can cook a scrub, adding to 2 tbsp. l shavings 1 tsp sea โ€‹โ€‹salt. To exclude harm to dry skin, fat sour cream is added to the composition. A nutritious mask is added to it a little honey.
  5. With a bactericidal napkin. It must be soaked with a composition of soap and water, then put on top of the slurry of bran and egg protein. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes, and then the mask is removed, washed with water.

To eliminate many problems, it is effective to use tar soap for the face as a mask. Reviews indicate excellent effects on the skin. When the product is no longer needed for hygienic procedures, it must be removed in a soap dish and tightly closed with a lid. Not everyone can inhale this particular aroma. According to reviews, tar soap from demodicosis on the face is effective if you wash it or perform masks.

Self cooking

The tool can be done on its own, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Tar soap for washing your face, if you cook it yourself, will be no less effective. This is a creative work that does not take much time. There will be an unpleasant odor in the room, so it is advisable to prepare the product alone.

tar soap facial benefits reviews

For the procedure you will need:

  • baby soap - 100 g;
  • base oil - 30 ml;
  • birch tar - 10-15 ml;
  • purified water - 0.1 l.

Soap should be ground on a grater, heated in a water bath, and then add oil and cool. Tar is added to the mass after it cools. Then it must be poured into molds and removed in a cold place. Cures the soap for several days.

Features of use

According to reviews, the use of tar soap for the face is effective only if it does not cause allergies. Although the product has a healing effect, its unpleasant odor and drying effect do not always lead to the desired result. Therefore, when using it, the following rules must be observed:

  1. This remedy is prohibited for use with a tendency to allergies to tar or birch pollen.
  2. Soap can not be used in combination with acidic products.
  3. It is not suitable for very sensitive and dry skin.
  4. In diseases of the renal excretory system, it is advisable to use such a remedy after consulting a doctor.

For the treatment of acne and blackheads, it is advisable to wash with soap. It is advisable to perform the procedures in the morning and evening. Before that, you should remove makeup with lotion or milk.

tar soap for the face reviews of cosmetologists

Soap should not be used constantly, but in courses. The first is 14 days. Then a break of 10 days is required to evaluate the result. If necessary, a second course is carried out. If acne and blackheads are still on the face, then you should wash yourself with soap for another 14 days. And when the skin is clean, but rashes periodically appear, then they are treated with soap pointwise.

Tar soap can lead to allergies, which increase redness and inflammation. To eliminate this reaction, apply foam to a small area of โ€‹โ€‹the face or elbow. After 30-40 minutes, you need to assess the condition.

Soap can also be used for the body, for example, it eliminates small rashes on the buttocks and thighs, provides healing for micro-scratches. It also has a non-intense whitening effect, it is used for washing in the spring, when freckles and age spots form on the skin due to the first rays of the sun.

The smell of soap disappears in 30-40 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to wash your hands with warm water using ordinary toilet soap. Then the unpleasant odor will disappear immediately.

What else is used for?

The product is intended for external use. Most often it is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. But do not abuse it. Tar soap is used for:

  • intimate hygiene;
  • body wash;
  • shampooing;
  • washing;
  • prevention of skin ailments.

Even if the skin does not have rashes, blackheads, soap can be used to protect against their appearance. To do this, wash and all the specified masks. Only after using any recipes do you need to use a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

tar soap for face reviews

The use of soap for washing your hair is effective, as it perfectly eliminates dandruff. It is rubbed with light movements, left for several minutes and thoroughly washed with warm water. A few regular procedures are enough to make the effect visible.

Soap is foamed before application. The use of body washcloths is suitable for this. You can wash your hands or sponges. Tar soap is an effective and cheap facial skin care product that almost always leads to a positive result.

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