What is a bankruptcy trading platform? Terms

The final stage of the debtor liquidation procedure is the sale of property, which is carried out at the bankruptcy trading floors. It is thanks to the sale of property that it is possible to fully satisfy all the requirements of creditors.

The functions of evaluating the property to be sold are assigned to the bankruptcy trustee. He also conducts all organizational activities.

Whose property can be realized?

Until recently, only property belonging to a legal entity could be put up for auction. However, in 2015, amendments were made to the current legislation, and it is already possible to sell property for which individuals have ownership rights.

bankruptcy trading floors

Features of the sale of property of the debtor

Property may be sold by:

  • open bidding or auctions in which anyone can take part;
  • holding contests. This happens when property related to the historical heritage is subject to sale or has a different value for the whole nation.

In the latter case, property can be acquired only after it has been proved that the bidder will be able to ensure safety and security for him.

Bankruptcy electronic trading platforms are available to all, without exception, both legal entities and individuals.

Tender Terms

Persons wishing to participate in the auction must fulfill certain conditions, the failure of which entails a non-admission to bidding.


First of all, you need to file an application for the selected bankruptcy bidding site. After that, the potential bidder and the organizers of the auction conclude a deposit transaction. As a rule, its size does not exceed 5% of the property being sold. This payment is a guarantee of the seriousness of the intentions of the applicant. After payment, the auction participant provides a payment order with a bank mark. A payment document should be submitted no later than 1 day before the start of bidding.

Initial price

The initial value of the lots that will be put up for trading on bankruptcy are formed on the basis of the assessment made by the arbitration manager. Pricing is carried out by a meeting of creditors. As a rule, it is below the average level. The sale price is already being formed at the auction.

site bankruptcy bidding

Electronic digital signature

Participation in electronic auctions at the bankruptcy trading floors implies the presence of an electronic digital signature. This is a modern way to verify information about its owner. Lack of EDS is an obstacle to bidding.

The main purpose of the signature:

  • affixing a secure signature to any documents;
  • proof of identity of the person affixing the signature;
  • the ability to transmit information through secure channels;
  • the possibility of submitting proposals at electronic bidding;
  • conclusion of a transaction upon completion of bidding.

Before acquiring a signature, you must familiarize yourself with the list of possible sites to which access can be granted. For a low price, a limited list of sites that can be electronically signed may be hidden. The validity period of the key is usually 1 year, and renewal for the next period is also paid.

If the digital signature is not required in everyday and business life, it is better to pre-select the site, lot, and only then purchase it. At the same time, if a person who wants to participate in the auction is registered for the first time, it will take some time to get acquainted with the site and configure the software.

Only after purchasing an EDS you can get accreditation on the bankruptcy trading floor. You may need to download additional documents that are required to participate in the auction. Accreditation usually takes 3 to 5 days.

trading floors bankruptcy auctions

Tender Stage

All stages of electronic bankruptcy trading on the trading floor have clear rules, deviation from which may lead to their cancellation.

Initial bidding . Participants are entitled to raise bets with a step value, which is agreed in advance. The next increase is only possible after 30 minutes. Typically, the step size varies from 0.5% to 5% of the starting price of the property being sold.

Repeated bidding . If the initial bidding is declared invalid, regardless of the reason, then re-bidding is scheduled. At the same time, the cost of lots increases by 10%.

Public bidding . If it was not possible to sell the property at previous tenders, then it is held public. The main goal is to sell property by reducing the cost of certain rules. The β€œdiscount” may be 99%, but the main thing is that the interested participant can complete the transaction on time.

Equally important is the value of property valuation. Most often, the price is already attractive.

electronic trading floors

What can be purchased at the auction?

Few people realize that at the bankruptcy trading floors you can acquire quite interesting assets. The most popular ones include:

  • production capacity;
  • Appliances;
  • trademarks;
  • equipment;
  • all kinds of rights;
  • securities;
  • means of transport;
  • land.

If you find a trading platform for bankruptcy with auctions, where a small number of people take part, then there is a big chance to acquire property for nothing.

electronic bankruptcy trading floors

Most popular sites

You should start your search for a bankruptcy auction trading platform from the official bankruptcy information website. This resource contains all the data on open bankruptcy proceedings. The information on the site allows you to evaluate the property that will be put up for sale.

Popular sites:

  • "Sberbank AST", which posted information on upcoming and current auctions. The property of borrowers who could not repay the loan is displayed on the site.
  • "Fabrikant.ru", perhaps, has the largest number of lots.
  • The Sales Center is mainly engaged in the implementation of industrial complexes.
  • "Electro-bidding" - a "young" platform, but quickly gaining momentum.

Also on the network there are bidders, that is, information-gathering sites for all current biddings.

Thus, a person who owns the situation and is clearly guided in the stages and rules of the bidding has a great chance of acquiring property at a great discount.

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