How to set a thermometer? How much to keep a thermometer under your arm

Body temperature is one of the main indicators of human health. Her deviation from the norm indicates the presence of the disease. Therefore, it is important to know how to set the thermometer correctly so that its value is the most accurate.

Mercury thermometers

The thermometer is a glass flask with a capillary filled with mercury. Such devices for measuring body temperature appeared the very first and are still considered the most accurate. Their error is only 0.1 degrees. The shelf life of the device is unlimited if it is used carefully and not damaged. It is the most common and has an affordable price.

how much to keep a mercury thermometer

The disadvantage is the presence in such a thermometer of mercury, which is very dangerous for health. Since there is a high probability of damage to the thermometer due to its fragility, it should not be used for rectal, vaginal and oral temperature measurements. It is important to consider how much to keep the mercury thermometer. To obtain an accurate result, an average of 7-10 minutes is required.

Some manufacturers produce mercury thermometers with a stronger glass base for mercury and a plastic tip. Such thermometers are equipped with a special prism that increases the scale, and also have a more compact size.

It is important to know how to set up a mercury thermometer. Before measuring the temperature, it must be shaken off so that the mercury drops to a mark not lower than 35 degrees. In order not to damage the device, it should be done in an open space, preferably in bed. During shaking, you need to use the hand most of all. The head of the thermometer should rest against the palm of the hand, and the mercury tank should be pointing down. In this case, the middle part is between the thumb and forefinger. For safety reasons, the device should not be taken with wet and slippery hands.

After use, the thermometer should be washed under running water with soap, packed in a case and hidden in a place inaccessible to children. Any damage to the measuring device should be disposed of.

Electronic thermometers

This type of thermometer is affordable and is absolutely safe. It is equipped with a touch sensor that responds to heat and displays the value on the LCD. In the thermometer there is also a sound signal that it gives at the end of the procedure. Often such devices make a sound ahead of time, so you need to withstand another 1-2 minutes additionally.

how to set a thermometer

Some thermometers have a display backlight that provides ease of use in the dark. There are models in the form of nipples for young children, they have the same principle of operation.

Their disadvantage is inaccuracy of measurement. It may fall due to low battery. This thermometer must be checked periodically with mercury. An error of 0.1 degrees is permissible. It can be affected by how many minutes the thermometer was set. The appliance must not be washed under running water and sterilized. After measuring the temperature, the thermometer must be wiped with alcohol and stored out of the reach of children.

Thermal strips, thermal indicators, thermal tests

Thermometers of this type are made in the form of stripes or paper cards. They consist of a heat-sensitive film, which contains crystals that change color under the influence of body temperature. The indicator of such a thermometer is divided into two zones: normal and elevated temperature, or has a step of one degree. This device allows you to know the result after 10-15 seconds, but the value will be approximate.

Dummy Thermometer

The nipple-shaped thermometer is designed specifically for young children. But this device can only be used if the babyโ€™s nose breathes well, and in case of illness it is often stuffy. The sensor located on the dummy must be in close contact with the baby's tongue for the reliability of the testimony. Therefore, the child should be calm, not cry or play with the device. The thermometer measures the temperature for 2-3 minutes. The result appears on the display after a beep.

how to put a thermometer in your mouth

The dummy thermometer needs to be washed after each use. To do this, you need to disconnect the nipple from the device with a temperature sensor and boil it for 1-2 minutes. But if the design of the device does not provide for its further disassembly, then this cannot be done. It will be enough after use to wash it with soap in boiled water at room temperature, then dry and put in a case.

Infrared thermometers

This type of thermometer is similar in its functions to digital: sound signal, display, measurement memory, backlight. But unlike the first, he is able to measure the temperature in just 1-5 seconds, without contacting the human body. If used correctly, the error in the indicators will not exceed 0.1 degrees. The thermometer responds to human infrared radiation, displaying the measurement result on a digital display.

The device does not contain hazardous substances and is completely safe for health, so it can be used from birth. But it is important to know how to set the thermometer correctly. To measure the temperature, it is sent to the region of the temple, ear or forehead at a distance of 2-2.5 cm. At values โ€‹โ€‹above 38 degrees, the device automatically emits an audible alarm. Also, a thermometer can measure the temperature of water and air.

The disadvantages include the high cost and inaccuracy of measurements. Deviations in the readings may occur due to contamination of the surface of the sensor, so you must regularly wipe it with a cloth moistened with alcohol.

Ear thermometer

The device is equipped with a soft tip, which in its form does not allow you to enter it too deep into the ear canal. With the help of an ear thermometer, you can find out the result in 1-2 seconds. But it is undesirable to use it for inflammation of the middle ear.

how to put a thermometer under your arm

It is important to know how to set a thermometer. To insert it well into the ear canal, it is necessary to pull the earlobe back and up. The use of an ear thermometer allows you to get an accurate result faster, since the eardrum is supplied with blood from the same system as the temperature control center in the brain. The result will be known in 2-3 seconds.

This method of measuring temperature is not suitable for children under 6 months, since the result will be inaccurate due to the peculiarities of development at this age. If a person has just come from the street, it is necessary to wait 15 minutes before the procedure so that the body warms up and the result is accurate. Other types of thermometers cannot be used to measure temperature in the ear. They can injure the eardrum.

How to measure temperature?

Before using a mercury thermometer, you must prepare it. To do this, shake the thermometer so that it shows a temperature of at least 35 degrees. You should know how to put a thermometer under your arm. The device must not be pressed too hard against the body so as not to break, but also kept so that it does not fall out. Its tip should be located in the middle of the armpit and in contact with the body. It is important to know how much to keep the mercury thermometer. On average, it must be held for at least 7-10 minutes to get an accurate result.

how to put a thermometer under your arm

It should be borne in mind how to properly install an electronic thermometer. To obtain accurate results, the patient should be at rest. In this case, you can stand, lie or sit, but not walk. It is important to know how much to keep the thermometer under your arm. An electronic device measures temperature for 3 minutes. But usually the sound signal may sound too early, so after it the thermometer must be held for another 1-2 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the device cannot be pulled out sharply, as this may affect the measurement result. The error can be a few tenths of a degree.

What temperature is considered normal?

A person with a body temperature of 36.6 degrees is considered healthy. But sometimes the temperature can vary depending on the environment, physical fatigue, and even the time of day. In this case, the person feels completely healthy. Often an increase in temperature can be seen in children, especially during activity. Normal are considered indicators up to 37 degrees. In older people, on the contrary, the temperature can be lowered. This is due to their lower activity. Therefore, for an elderly person, a temperature of 36 degrees will be considered normal.

In addition, indicators may vary depending on the time of day. A healthy person has the lowest body temperature in the morning, from 5 to 8 hours, and the highest - in the evening, from 16 to 18 hours. Therefore, slightly increased indicators are not always signs of the disease. In this case, you should monitor the condition of the person during the day.

How many times do you need to measure body temperature?

The procedure can be performed several times a day. If the disease progresses, then the temperature is measured every hour. With small deviations from the norm, the thermometer is used 3-4 times a day.

Methods for measuring temperature normally can give the following indicators:

  • orally - 35.7-37.3;
  • rectally - 36.2-37.7;
  • inguinal fold - 36.3-36.9;
  • vagina - 36.7-37.5;
  • axillary (in the armpits) - 35.2-36.7.

The most accurate indicators can be obtained with the rectal and oral method of measuring temperature. With the axillary method, there may be an error of 0.1 to 0.3 degrees.

The correct setting of the thermometer

To obtain more accurate parameters, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The temperature in the room should be from 18 to 25 degrees. If the indicators are slightly less, then you must first warm the thermometer in the palms of your hands.
  2. If there is sweat in the armpits, wipe them with a dry towel or napkin. Thus, the device will not cool during temperature measurement.
  3. The tip from the thermometer should be in the middle of the armpit. Adjacency should be the same throughout the procedure.
  4. You can not measure the temperature immediately after physical exertion, a hearty lunch, a warm bath, nervous excitement. It is necessary to wait 15 minutes.
  5. The thermometer must be reached smoothly so as not to increase the indicators by several tenths of a degree.
  6. During the procedure, you can not talk, drink, eat and move. It is important to know how much to keep the thermometer under your arm.
  7. The temperature is measured before taking antipyretic drugs or 30-40 minutes after it.
  8. It is necessary to periodically wipe the thermometer, which is used by all family members. To do this, any disinfectant is suitable, after which you need to wipe the thermometer dry.

How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

If the patient has a fever, then you can touch his forehead with his lips. They are more sensitive than hands. And you can also determine the fever by heart rate. According to medical research, an increase in body temperature of one degree means an increase in heart rate by 10 beats per minute. A high heart rate indicates fever in the patient. A pulse is considered to be the norm at about 80 beats per minute, so an indicator of more than 100 beats will be at a temperature of about 38 degrees.

how to put a thermometer to a child

You can determine the presence of heat by external signs and well-being of a person. The most pronounced symptoms are body aches, chills, acute thirst, bright yellow urine, and excessive sweating. Red spots may appear on the skin, and the eyes become sore. It is also possible to detect the presence of temperature by respiratory rate. Increased performance in this case will indicate a fever. The norm for children is considered to be 20-30, and for an adult - 15-20 breaths per minute.

What to do if the mercury thermometer crashes?

This type of thermometer has a dangerous "stuffing". Mercury vapors can cause significant harm to human health. You need to know how to behave in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

If a mercury thermometer crashes, then you canโ€™t:

  • create a draft - this speeds up the evaporation process;
  • collect balls of mercury with a vacuum cleaner;
  • Throw hazardous substances into the trash or sewer.
thermometer instructions

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before you start cleaning a broken thermometer, you must first protect yourself from mercury vapor. To do this, wear special protection: gloves, a mask.
  2. Large balls of mercury can be collected with a rubber bulb, and small ones with a band-aid, adhesive tape. You need to start from the edge, gradually reaching the center.
  3. Balls of mercury should be collected in a bottle with a solution of 30 grams of soda and 40 grams of grated soap per 1 liter of water. The surface with which the substance was in contact must be treated with the same product. The capacity must be transferred to the Ministry of Emergencies at the place of residence.

What else are capable of measuring temperature?

There are many ways to get the result. But it is important to know how to carry out the procedure correctly, depending on the method chosen.

Rectally measure the temperature lying on your side, pressing your knees to your chest. The tip of the thermometer must be greased with cream or petroleum jelly, then carefully insert it into the anus. How to put a thermometer to a child? In this case, it is necessary to put it on your knees on the tummy, holding it with your hands, and carry out the procedure. The thermometer must be entered no deeper than 1.5-2 cm. The procedure lasts about 2-3 minutes. Rectal temperature measurement is considered one of the most accurate methods.

With the oral method, it is important to consider how to put a thermometer in your mouth. To do this, it is necessary to shove it under the tongue, so that it is in the so-called heat bag. During the procedure, the device must hold the thermometer with your lips for about 2-3 minutes. For babies, there are thermometers in the form of nipples. This method is also considered one of the most accurate.

To measure the temperature in the inguinal fold, it is important to consider how to correctly position the thermometer. To do this, it is necessary to bend the leg slightly in the hip joint and place the thermometer there. You can also use the elbow.

Why is there a different temperature under different armpits?

The axillary method has earned the greatest popularity due to the greatest hygiene compared to other methods, and not because of the accuracy of the indicators. Therefore, a small error is possible when measuring temperature under different hands (0.1 - 0.3 degrees).

Differences in readings sometimes depend on which hand to put the thermometer. For the right-handed person, the right side is the most involved, and for the left-handed person, the opposite. It is believed that the working side indicators can be slightly increased. For more accurate results, the right-handed person measures the temperature under the left armpit, and the left-handed person measures the temperature under the left armpit. Exceptions are made if there is damage on the right side or a boil in the armpit.

And also the difference in temperature under different axillary hollows may indicate a recent transfer of a viral disease, wet armpits, overheating. Do not worry if the values โ€‹โ€‹are slightly different. Urgently go to the hospital if the temperature difference is 2.0 - 3.0 degrees.


Body temperature is an important indicator of human health. Moreover, it may vary depending on external factors and time of day. There are a large number of methods for measuring temperature. The modern market provides a wide selection of different types of medical thermometers. Each of which has its drawbacks and advantages. It is important to first study the instructions for using a thermometer of the selected type.

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