How old is a passport issued in Russia?

How old do they issue a passport in our state? This question is often asked not only by adolescents, but also by the parents of schoolchildren themselves. So, according to the law of Russia, all persons who are over 14 years old must have a civil passport. To obtain this document, a teenager must contact the Department of the Federal Migration Service of his city or region, where he constantly resides and has registration. Learn more about all this from the article.


Passport issuance to the Federal Migration Service

How old is a passport issued in our country? This question is of interest to many parents whose children have already reached a certain age. So, according to the legislation currently in force in Russia, a person is required to receive his first civil passport after he turns 14 years old. From this age, a teenager acquires limited legal capacity and may even open his own bank account. In addition, a civil passport is required as an identity card, so you will need to get it.

What is it needed for

man got a passport

The main purpose of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is personal identification. Since the law states that this document must be obtained after the child reaches the age of 14, this must be done immediately after the teenager’s birthday. Or, at least start collecting the necessary documents.

Until the child is 14 years old, a document proving his identity is a birth certificate. Then, the parents of the teenager must make sure that he receives a passport.

In addition, only an identity document can confirm the citizenship of a minor.

It is also necessary to say that at present children over 14 years of age are no longer included in the passports of their parents. You need to know about this.

As it was before

passport in the USSR

How old is a passport issued in Russia? In this case, we need to return to this issue once again. So, at present, a passport is issued when a teenager reaches 14 years of age. Moreover, parents need to know what to delay with the execution of an identity document is not worth it. Every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a Russian passport confirming his citizenship. This must be remembered.

Nevertheless, people of the older generation still remember that earlier they issued the passport to boys and girls a little later than now.

What time did you issue your passport in Russia before? This question is often asked by many young people. So, earlier boys and girls who reached the age of 16 years received a passport. Until this moment, this document was not required by minors. It was enough to have only a birth certificate.

Document exchange

passport issued at 14 years old

So, all citizens should be aware that upon reaching a certain age it will be necessary to replace a passport. Due to the fact that over time, the appearance of a person changes greatly. For example, men and women will look different at twenty or forty-five. The legislation provides in this case for the following:

  • obtaining the first civil passport at age 14;
  • replacement of the above document should be made upon reaching a boy or girl of 20 years;
  • when a person reaches 45 years old, the previous passport must be replaced by another, but already without its validity period.

Once again, it is necessary to dwell on the question of how many years a passport is issued in Russia? As mentioned earlier, every person who is 14 years old is required to have his own identification document. In the future, a minor will need a passport for issuing school certificates, for admission to educational institutions and, in general, for identifying a teenager. This must be remembered.

Where can I get

a man came to get a passport

So, many people do not know where to apply in order to obtain a passport, and what documents will be required for this. So, in order to get a citizen’s identity card, a person needs to contact the Department of the FMS of his city or region. Previously, this institution was called the "Passport Office". Currently, only the Federal Migration Service is engaged in the registration of both civil and foreign passports. Therefore, to obtain an identity card you need to go there. The police are no longer dealing with these issues.

To the above

How many years in Russia issue a passport? What documents do I need to bring with me in order for this document to be done more quickly? Immediately it should be said that the passport is not made so long, but still have to wait a couple of weeks. Every citizen who has reached the age of 14 years must have an identity card.

What should be the action? So, for starters, a teenager needs to contact the FMS together with his parents. There, take the application form for a civil passport. Of course, now everything can be done through the website of the State Service or the MFC. But those people who do not own the Internet or do not know what needs to be filled in there, can turn to the FMS directly for help. Employees will help fill out an application and tell you what documents are needed.

It will be necessary to bring photographs in the amount of two pieces, as well as pay a state duty in the amount of 300 rubles. In addition, you will need to remember the birth certificate of the child and the passport of the parent (to confirm the citizenship of the teenager). Nevertheless, it is best to submit these documents through the MFC. So it will be much faster.


How old do they issue a Russian passport in our country? Once again, it must be said that every citizen who is already 14 years old must have an identity card. That is the law. Moreover, when changing your name, including marriage, you must change your passport. This is done within one month after the official registration of the relationship. In the event that a woman married, but did not change her passport in a timely manner, she would have to pay a fine. Therefore, do not delay with re-issuing this document.

In another state

So, it has already been said above how many years a citizen of the Russian Federation needs to have an identity document. Nevertheless, for many Russians it would be interesting to know how things are going with obtaining a passport in other states. Because many citizens are simply sure that this document is issued from the age of 14 only in the Russian Federation.

How old is a passport issued in Kazakhstan? By law, only those citizens who are over 16 years old. Before this age, a teenager does not need such a document.

passport of a citizen of Kazakhstan

How old is a passport issued in Uzbekistan? Here, things are also somewhat different. By law, this document is issued an identity document not earlier than 16 years. But, it will be necessary to replace it after reaching 25 years. In other words, the passport will be valid for 9 years. This is the order.

Thus, only in Russia passports are issued to adolescents when the latter have reached the age of 14. This is primarily due to the fact that many minor citizens at this age already consider themselves almost adults, independently manage the funds issued by their parents.

In addition, it must be said that from the age of 14 a teenager can already be held accountable for a criminal offense in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The identity of a citizen is established in accordance with his documents.

On trips, a passport is also necessary, tickets are purchased precisely according to his data.

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