Learning words. "Flouted" is ...

Reading classical Russian literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, modern schoolchildren sometimes come across words that have not been used in everyday life for a long time. They became archaic, they were no longer needed. An example of one of these words is “fierce”.

Meaning and etymology

The etymology of this word goes back to the Old Slavonic languages, growing from the lexeme “vspry”, which means “upper” or “higher”. In other words, high-spirited - it means pompous, pompous, exalted. It is used, as a rule, when the author wants to describe something unreachably distant, located somewhere above, in a metaphysical sense.

High mountains

Another less popular, but similar, meaning of the word “lavish” is “the highest” in the literal sense, such as “the highest mountain”. The antonym of this word, respectively, will be "lower", "base", both in the direct and in the metaphorical sense.

In modern society, you are unlikely to be understood if you use this term. Better to use the word "grandiloquent."

Examples of use

As previously said, the outcast is an anachronism, an outdated word. You can meet it in old sources, such as medieval Bible translations, for example. There, this word is used in a less popular sense, as a highly placed something: "The Lord will visit the army more proudly at a height and the kings of the earth on earth." Here we see what is meant by the army of angels, which literally lives high in heaven.

Angelic army

And here is the second example of the use of the word from later manuscripts (in this case, Lermontov, XIX century).

But there is an end to everything

And even lofty dreams ...

Here, this term refers to dreams of something indescribably high, pure and bright. Which, as it were, are striving upward, they are so far from the base, earthly.

Unfortunately, beautiful words like "loutre" are gradually forgotten and go out of circulation, although they are still kept in the editions of Russian classics.

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