Asked: how correctly do you do on a treadmill? Learn how to run on a treadmill!

A treadmill is a fitness machine used to lose weight. In addition, it is also a fairly effective cardio simulator. It helps strengthen the heart muscles. Many people ask how to run on a treadmill in order to get a good result.

how to run on a treadmill

For training, special physical training is not required, but after the first classes it may turn out that even small loads will be noticeable for you.

How to run on a treadmill

Therefore, for a start, it will be enough to do a short time. Over time, the heart muscles will train, and the respiratory system will withstand longer loads. Many people who have been engaged in physical activity for a long time come up with various ways in order to load themselves according to the full program. For example, weights are put on legs, and small dumbbells are taken in hands. Due to this, all muscles begin to work simultaneously.


How to run on a treadmill? There are several rules here:

  • For starters, a simple walk at a moderate pace will suffice. A few minutes a day - and you will gradually prepare your body for more intense loads.
  • Do not tilt the track too high. Run on a flat surface first. And gradually, approximately every 5-7 minutes, increase the angle by five degrees. This is very important, especially for those who have just started running.
  • If you train only to lose weight, then two or three classes a week will be enough.
  • If you are not in the mood to do it, then it’s better to leave your workouts for tomorrow or just postpone it to a later time. There will be no benefit from running “through power”.
  • Do not drink coffee before training. Your heart will already receive a big shake.
  • Start running only after your body is fully awake, approximately twenty minutes after sleep. And you will be energized for the whole day.
  • If you get tired quickly, try alternating between running and walking.
  • The total training time should be approximately 15-20 minutes, but in the future you need to increase them to an hour a day.
  • Practice in special comfortable shoes. This will reduce the risk of ankle injury.
  • Be sure to take a shower after training on the treadmill, preferably a contrast shower.

How to run on a treadmill, you now know. Following the above rules, you will not only learn this skill, but also gradually enter the rhythm.

Lose weight

You can run not only to strengthen the entire body and maintain physical fitness, but also in order to lose weight. After all, such a track has established itself as the best tool in the fight against excess weight. But to achieve any results, it is not enough just to purchase a simulator. You need to be able to use it and know how to run on a treadmill in order to lose weight.

how to run on a treadmill to lose weight

To help the body get rid of excess fat with the help of a simulator, you need not only regular training, but also proper nutrition. Very often there are women who are constantly engaged in jogging on the simulator and complain that their volumes are not decreasing. Having learned a little tricks, you will understand how to run on a treadmill in order to lose weight. Before you begin, make yourself a workout schedule. It’s better, of course, to do this in the mornings, thereby launching metabolic processes in your body. Be sure to eat food an hour before each workout. It is desirable with a high content of carbohydrates, for example, porridge or bread, but after classes you can eat only after an hour or a half.


During training, you will lose a lot of fluid, so to replenish it, be sure to provide your body with fresh and clean water. It is necessary to drink at least a liter throughout the day. How to run on a treadmill to lose weight? Now we will tell.

how to run on a treadmill to lose weight

In addition to training on the simulator, you need to eat only healthy and wholesome food. And after just a few lessons you will feel better, pressure will return to normal, problems with insomnia will go away.

Remove the stomach

With treadmill workouts, you can not only lose weight, but also tighten your stomach. This place is the most problematic for both men and women. It is in this area that fat is deposited in the very first place. Let's figure out how to run on a treadmill to clean your stomach.

When running, the body accelerates, the heart drives blood several times faster than usual, as a result of which all cells are saturated with oxygen. Toxins and various wastes begin to come out. After long workouts, the liver and gastrointestinal tract begin to function normally. This is all accompanied by a decrease in the abdomen, and you begin to lose weight. You may also notice after a while that your muscles on your shoulders, hips, and legs increase in size. This is also a consequence of constant stress and training.

how to run on a treadmill to clean your stomach

When training on the simulator, a large number of skeletal muscles begin to work intensively. The biggest burden falls on the calf, they pull up and become strong. The thigh muscles develop very well. In short, the muscles of the legs are strengthened very actively. The shoulder girdle works energetically due to the fact that when you run, you make measured movements with your hands.

Many treadmills are equipped with handrails, this is wrong, because when running, the whole body should work just like on the street. With the help of classes on such a simulator, your body changes its appearance. You see remarkable results, but it’s impossible to pump up the muscles of the body without power loads and special simulators.


Summing up, we can say that the benefits of a treadmill are great. Your body will look firm, toned and young, and your muscles will be strong.

how to run on a treadmill to build muscle

Now it’s clear how to run on the treadmill in order to build muscle and lose weight. We hope that our tips will help you in practical exercises.

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