Electric blood pressure monitor: description, principle of operation, selection tips, reviews

A tonometer is a device that is designed to measure blood pressure. Today, it is used by everyone who monitors their health and regularly checks the state of blood pressure. The types of tonometers, the correct choice of this device and the rules for use will be discussed in this article.

blood pressure monitor

Types of blood pressure monitors

Keeping track of blood pressure is very important for everyone. This is especially true for people who have problems with the work of the cardiovascular system. For them, an electric tonometer or any other type of it will become an indispensable assistant at home.

Tonometers are divided by the place where the cuff is applied, and by the method of use:

  1. Mechanical tonometers.
    woman measures pressure
    The cuff in it overlaps just above the elbow. A manual air blower is always included. This type is most common among medical personnel in hospitals. Its use, unlike an electric tonometer, requires special skills. Therefore, you need to be able to use it.
  2. Semi-automatic tonometers.
    blood pressure measurement
    The only similarity between a mechanical and a semi-automatic tonometer is that in both types the air must be forced manually. However, the "semiautomatic device" has a display on which you can see the measurement result. This mechanism works on batteries. Many blood pressure monitors of this design have a memory that helps to monitor all changes in blood pressure in the last days and weeks. According to statistics, pharmacies sell more than 90% of semi-automatic blood pressure monitors for home use.
  3. Automatic electric blood pressure monitors require absolutely no effort. It is enough to fix such a device on the wrist, and press one button with a finger.
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    An automatic blood pressure monitor consists of a cuff and a compact display. Air is also collected automatically. Such models allow not only to measure blood pressure, but also to calculate the heart rate. Also, with the help of an electric tonometer, you can monitor the presence of arrhythmia. Some models of "machines" have the function of re-measurement for greater accuracy.

The main advantages of devices

Mechanical tonometers have one advantage over other types - this is their cheapness. Compared to semi-automatic, they are inexpensive. And if you compare with electric tonometers, then they are really cheap. Because of this, pensioners often give preference to them. However, using it is not entirely convenient, and not everyone knows how to do it correctly. In addition, when working with them, it is important that there is complete silence around. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting the wrong result.

woman and medical girl

The main advantages of automatic blood pressure monitors include ease of use. Even a child can measure their pressure to their grandmother. You only need to put on the cuff and press the button.

Also, doctors who are constantly in the process of working with a variety of devices for measuring blood pressure, noted that measuring pressure with an electric tonometer is simpler, since it is less susceptible to ambient sounds. Thanks to what the results are more accurate. They are much less likely to malfunction than other types of blood pressure monitors.

A very important point in electric blood pressure monitors is their ability to calculate the average figure from recent measurements. Even on the display of some models, you can see the correct position of the body when measuring blood pressure (blood pressure).

How to choose a tonometer

Electric blood pressure monitors are very popular. However, many when choosing do not know the main criteria that should be paid attention to. Almost all models have the same features. But not every one of them can boast of reliability and durability.

So, before you go for such an important purchase, you need to thoroughly research all the manufacturers. Carefully read reviews about the electric tonometer of a particular company. The responses of real customers today are one of the main indicators of the reputation of many well-known manufacturers. Those who specialize in medical equipment, including.

An important point is the mark on the package with the Clinically validation device. It indicates that the tonometer is clinically tested in patients.

How to use a tonometer

Pharmacies and shops that sell medical equipment have about 25-35 different models of devices for measuring blood pressure. Each of them is accompanied by the necessary component devices and instructions that will help you figure out how to use an electric tonometer. The accuracy of the testimony depends on its correct location and on the pose of the person.

So, you have an electric tonometer. On the forearm you need to put on the cuff, as shown in the figure in the instructions, and press the button.

If you are a happy owner of an automatic electric tonometer, then you need to use it by putting a cuff on your wrist and pressing the specified button.

Where it is better to get a tonometer

To date, the variety of medical equipment is so great that you just get lost in the range, manufacturers, models.

sad woman

So, there are specialized stores where they will help you with the choice, they will pick up a device that is suitable for the price, ease of use.

You can also find in many pharmacies separate shelves with tonometers. Pharmacy owners enter into contracts with suppliers and sell tonometers with a higher percentage of wrap.

The online store is by far one of the most popular for the sale of many products. However, he has one big minus: the inability to feel the goods and look at them with their own eyes. But you can agree with a consultant that you will test the device upon receipt and pay for it if it suits you. If not, send it back by mail.

The most popular tonometer manufacturer

A huge selection of names of firms that produce tonometers, models, types do not allow many customers to adequately choose a product. So, many “rush” at the lowest price, others - at the appearance.

According to the statistics of purchases of this type of product, one of the most popular and reliable manufacturing companies is Citizen. Models of this brand differ from many in compactness and lightness. That will allow you to take the device with you on the road or to successfully use it at home. Citizen is not the first year in this market and has many positive customer reviews. In particular, they note the high accuracy and convenience of the device.

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The pricing policy of these tonometers allows you to choose a device for absolutely everyone. Plus, the manufacturer guarantees that in case of failure it is possible to eliminate malfunctions as soon as possible and at its own expense.

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