Helix Laboratory: reviews on the quality of analyzes, reviews of employees

In this article, we will tell you what a so-called independent laboratory called Helix is. Anyone can leave a review of this organization, and it will certainly be evaluated on the merits. But it’s difficult to determine the integrity of the company. Indeed, for employees one picture may develop, but for visitors it is completely different. Therefore, we will have to consider this corporation from all sides. Maybe they recommend working here, but take tests somewhere else? Or vice versa! What do people think about the Helix lab? How does this corporation live up to expectations? Is it worth it to mess with her in one sense or another? Let's get it right.

helix review

About Activities

What does Helix focus on? Everyone can leave feedback on this organization. And it does not matter who it is - a client or an employee. The fact remains. But the first thing that all citizens pay attention to is the activity of the company.

How is Helix doing in this area? It’s quite good. After all, we have before us a private independent laboratory. It helps citizens quickly and accurately pass a medical commission or pass some specific tests. The range of services provided pleases customers. But is Helix really good? Employee and visitor reviews may not match. Let's start by exploring the corporation from the inside, by workers. After all, it is they, or rather, their activities, that influence the opinions of customers!


Positive opinions in all senses are formed about the organization due to its prevalence in Russia. In general, so far there are only a few cities in which the Helix laboratory operates. Reviews about her are encouraging. Moreover, it is indicated that every year it develops and expands.

At the moment, it is planned to create corporate offices in each city of the Russian Federation. That is, it will be possible to work here from almost any subject of the country. A trifle, but nice! There will be no need to relocate if you want to become part of the company.

Just now, at Helix, they are mainly employed in those cities where this laboratory is located. Nonresident employees are extremely rare. This is a normal occurrence. And it should not cause you any suspicion of dishonesty of the company.


The Helix company, the reviews of which we provide in the article, can also boast about the conditions offered for employment. It's no secret that working in medical institutions can be difficult. Especially in government. There is often no necessary equipment, and the working conditions are extremely uncomfortable.

But at “Helix” in this area everything is in order. This is obvious, because before us is a private clinic, which means that they will take money in it for certain services. And, of course, the conditions in which doctors and other staff work must correspond to the prestige of the company. In the same way as the comfort of visitors. No one will turn to a private company if it does not offer comfort and quality!

helix test quality reviews

So the working conditions are very good. Helix reviews employees (St. Petersburg, for example, or Moscow and Kaliningrad) earns exclusively positive directions when it comes to the atmosphere in which they have to work.

The laboratories have everything you need - and equipped cabinets, and high-quality supplies, and just the external gloss and chic. It’s nice to be at the workplace - the walls do not press. And if a new employee is generally created for medicine, then the proposed conditions at the workplace may seem ideal to him. There is no shortage of drugs and supplies, everything is always at hand. And it pleases.

Job interview

A very important role is played by the first conversation with a potential employer. To be honest, here, too, so far there are no particular complaints from the applicants. Employees are generally satisfied. All meetings are held in Helix offices, specially equipped offices. Here, in general, the process is no different from employment in any other company. All the same conversation on which your professionalism will be evaluated. Do not forget your portfolio. And, of course, a diploma of education, without which it is impossible to become an employee of Helix (laboratory service).

Employee reviews about recruitment managers, by the way, are also very favorable. When communicating with them, there is no arrogance, the conversation is held on an equal footing, without hypocrisy, lies and other unpleasant moments. Friendly atmosphere and the opportunity to get answers to all your questions - this is what Helix offers. This approach cannot but rejoice. So pay attention to it.


What else can you hear about Helix review? As a clear plus for the described organization, it can be noted that even in the field of earnings, its employees as a whole are satisfied. Yes, negative moments still slip here, but they are much smaller than those of competitors.

Already at the stage of the interview you will be told that the work is paid adequately. They do not promise any golden mountains, but they provide a decent payment and bonuses / bonuses (based on the norms fulfilled for the month). The official salary will be prescribed in your employment contract. And he is the real guarantor of your rights. After all, Helix is ​​a prestigious private laboratory that appreciates and respects all its employees and customers.

Sometimes, of course, there are delays in payments, which is why Helix receives not the best reviews. Nevertheless, the stability of payments in the corporation takes place. Only occasionally with respect to earnings do any nuances and discontent arise. So you can safely trust the described organization.

helix employee reviews


True, not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. Yes, Helix is ​​a laboratory that really deserves attention as an employer. It gives its applicants certain guarantees, career opportunities and decent pay. But, nevertheless, negative points also slip here.

Too many employees say that they put too much strain on Helix. Reviews about the employer in this area differ. This is not to say that they are all negative. Rather, it’s just that people don’t want to work hard, since the lab’s employment is medicine. And here fatigue, like nowhere else, can affect the result of analyzes or the quality of their capture.

Will have to work a lot. If you want to find a job in a prestigious corporation in order to do nothing, then Helix is ​​not the place that suits you. Quite often, employees are asked to stay on part-time jobs or just have to voluntarily stay overtime. The truth concerns this moment, as a rule, only office personnel. But doctors and nurses, although they have a busy, busy schedule, but they often leave work when necessary.

Thus, it is impossible to say exactly how much the employer loads its employees. It is known that in “Helix” everyone does his own thing. There are days when there is no work or it is not enough. But most often it is more than enough. So, you have to work, "rolling up your sleeves." This is worth considering.


What else is worth looking at before employment? For example, on the team. Here, too, there is a rather mixed opinion about the employer. Helix Laboratory Service is making dubious reviews in this area. And all this because mainly women work here.

A normal phenomenon - in medicine, it is most often the fair half of humanity that is involved. But, unfortunately, the female team is continuous misunderstandings and even personal conflicts, as well as competition and inability to concede. In principle, for a girl to work here is a pleasure. But men sometimes experience some discomfort.

helix lab reviews

But in general, the laboratory staff in all cities is friendly. There is no strong competition here, since everyone does only their job. Nobody puts sticks in wheels, this just doesn’t make sense. If you are not afraid to work in a women's team, then this is a great place to find a job.

About customers

Of course, reviews about Helix (in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities) often emphasize that you will have to work with different clients. No one is insured in the corporation from communicating with not the most pleasant and polite people. So get ready for the fact that you will not only be surrounded by diverse people every day, but also for each you need to find an individual approach.

There is nothing surprising in this. But sometimes it’s not so easy to deal with particularly arrogant clients. Helix has its own rules of conduct, which will have to be followed. You can say etiquette. So be prepared sometimes to step on your throat for the sake of visitors. Fortunately, not so often there are problems with customers - and this is also pleasing.

The only thing is that the Helix consultants quite often communicate with incomprehensible people. They cannot say exactly what they need - what kind of examination or analysis. It is difficult not to break loose, but it is possible. You have to restrain yourself at work, only it's really worth it. After all, Helix is ​​a well-known corporation. Many want to get into it. And as an employer, she is a very good option.

Negative for staff

Reviews about working at Helix (St. Petersburg are not singular), of course, are not always positive. Yes, we have a really worthy company for employment, but, as already mentioned, there are no ideal employers. And the negative moments slip in everyone.

What can be seen in the reviews of the "Helix"? For example, many, as already mentioned, complain about the high load during the work day and some visitors. Although this is a normal phenomenon, which should not be repulsive. When agreeing to work here, you need to be aware of what awaits you and take into account what kind of reviews Helix laboratory has. St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities where the service is mentioned, nevertheless, cannot attribute it to unscrupulous.

Often, employees (usually office workers and small staff) note that the employer imposes fines on them. And for the whole shift. Such is the corporate ethics of the company - one oversight was made, and all colleagues are blown away for it. The Helix penalty system is the most popular method of exposure.

If you recently work in a corporation, do not be surprised that you will often be fined. True, the higher your position, the less leaders punish. Doctors are practically not fined at all, only if they really made a mistake or mistreated visitors.

helix staff reviews spb

Range of analyzes

And now you can look at the described corporation from the side of customers. For employment, Helix (everyone can leave a review of the company, even on the organization’s official website) is very good. But what can consumers say? Maybe you don’t need to contact here?

Not at all. A huge advantage of this organization is the choice of analysis possible. Here you have every right to undergo a medical examination, and preventive measures, and cure any disease! If you look at the official website, you can see that customers are offered to order both single analyzes and their entire complexes.

This solution pleases Helix customers. Reviews on the quality of analyzes in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Penza, Kaliningrad and other cities can provide only positive. Descriptions for each type of analysis, as well as its interpretation are available on the official website of the corporation. So, if you do not know exactly what kind of research you need, you can quickly determine using the descriptions.

By the way, there are a lot of single options - from a general analysis of urine to any diagnostics of serious diseases of different directions (gynecology, proctology and other diseases). Without any problems, you will find what you need.

Speed ​​and quality

"Helix" reviews on the quality of analysis earns mostly good. The fact is that the delivery of these takes place with the maximum comfort for the visitor. And it pleases. In principle, it is quite logical - you pay not only for fast, but also for quality service. If we compare this process with the delivery of tests in an ordinary state medical institution, the difference will be visible immediately. Quickly, with polite treatment and care for each visitor - this is how this company works. Patients are satisfied with this approach.

They are also pleased with the reviews available at Helix about the quality and speed of analysis. The patient is initially warned that he will receive health information in a form convenient for him after about 4-5 days, but in practice, most often, after a day the tests are ready.

By the way, you can pick up and see them the way you like. It is possible to electronically view the results (via the Helix official website), or to issue relevant papers if there is a receipt for payment for services directly in the laboratory. Queues here, as a rule, do not happen. And the waiting time for the result is the speed of printing the document. It turns out that the analyzes are not only quickly processed, but also issued almost instantly.

helix employer reviews


Helix receives different reviews from its customers. But in general, as in the case of applicants, they are positive. A huge role is played by the accuracy of the tests. Yes, everyone wants to get the result quickly and without problems. But it is worth remembering - we are dealing with a private clinic. And here, substitutions and frauds are not ruled out in order to “divorce” visitors to additional research (quite often, unfortunately, a phenomenon in some private medical institutions).

But only Helix receives only good reviews about the analyzes in this regard. Before taking biological material from you for research, you will be explained the conditions that must be met for accurate results. If you did not observe them, then you will be offered to come another time. Or they will inform you that inaccuracies are possible, you will act at your own peril and risk. That is, no one will hide the possible shortcomings under certain circumstances.

There is no direct fake of the results here. In other words, no one will deceive you just for the sake of repeated tests. If such incidents occur, then the clinics quickly lose their relevance. And, accordingly, they are closing. Helix is ​​a prestigious organization, it values ​​its staff, customers, and its position in the market of goods and services. Therefore, fake is excluded here. Unless you are asked to retake one or another analysis, if it turns out that you have not complied with the conditions that apply. But at the same time you will be informed about everything in advance. Previously, of course, a proposal will be made to postpone the date of delivery of tests to obtain the most accurate result.

Price tags

We reviewed almost all the reviews available on Helix - about the employer, as well as about the provider of certain services. It becomes clear that we are dealing with a laboratory that really offers favorable working conditions, as well as customer service. This makes me happy. Especially if you take into account the fact that you can easily sign up for an analysis at any time, without even leaving your home.

But there is a negative point that is highlighted by some customers (not all - this is important!). It is about the cost of services. Assays at Helix are not too cheap. Rather, we can say that the price tag for them is set within reason, but some visitors tend to believe that it is overpriced. But this is not so.

For regular visitors, the corporation provides its discounts and bonuses. In addition, the analyzes themselves are not too expensive. Especially if you consider the option of putting entire research complexes. This is the best deal.

Yes, some studies are really expensive, but when you agree to work with a private clinic, you should be prepared for this. In exchange for money, you will receive high-quality service almost without queues, quick delivery of results, comfort, as well as polite handling. And, of course, the most accurate analyzes taken using advanced technologies. You can really pay for all this.

helix laboratory service employee reviews


So, what are the most common reviews regarding the quality of the assays regarding the Helix laboratory? St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and other cities where it is available offer customers high service speed and accuracy of research. Also pleasing are the alternatives for getting results and making appointments.

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As an employer, Helix is ​​also good. It offers comfortable working conditions, formal employment, as well as decent pay. True, there really will have to work a lot. "Freebie" will not work. If you want to find a job, to do nothing, but to make high profits, this is not your place. Some rumors and incidents sometimes happen, but no one is safe from them.

Thus, “Helix” is worthy of attention in every sense. Yes, some research is really expensive here, but it should be remembered that we are dealing with a private laboratory. Here are humane prices in all regions where this organization exists. And as an employer, Helix is ​​suitable for many. Remember: only the best doctors and staff work here. The organization has achieved success and heights, now it is doing everything to maintain its reputation. Minimum deception, maximum comfort for everyone. Contact here, if possible - and you will not regret it!

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