When a passport is considered invalid: terms, reasons, necessary documents for restoration, rules for registration and filing

One of the most important and most often used in everyday life documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a passport. But such unpleasant situations happen, such as, for example, when applying to a bank for a loan or getting a job, it turns out that the identity card is invalid due to some circumstances. And here you already need to know how to quickly and without consequences replace the passport of the Russian Federation.


In which case is a passport considered invalid? Consider the following situations:

  • the expiration of the period during which the citizen must exchange the document upon reaching the appropriate age (20 and 45 years);
  • change of personal information (for example, at marriage);
  • a change in appearance under the influence of any circumstances;
  • damage or loss of a passport;
  • detection of errors or incorrect information;
  • if it is not possible to read the written data due to a malfunction of the equipment by which the document was made;
  • the presence of entries that should not be in the passport.

There are also reasons beyond the control of people receiving a document that is most important in human life. One of them is the cancellation of the assignment of citizenship of the Russian Federation when it detects false information provided by a person, which was noticed only after some time.

application form

The second such reason will be the mistake of the authority that issued the passport. This is when a document is given to a citizen, but is not officially held in the documents as valid.

Terms of exchange

The first document of a person is a birth certificate, which, upon reaching 14 years of age, is changed to a passport. Parents help with its design at this age, but already in subsequent times they will have to act independently.

Dates depend on the place where documents are submitted for the replacement or restoration of the passport. The issuance of a document lasts from 10 to 14 days, if carried out at the place of residence. In the case when the restoration or replacement does not occur by registration, the period is about 2 months. And plus the time spent on collecting documents.

The official waiting period is one month. During this time, a check is carried out on the lost passport. Unfortunately, an urgent replacement when the passport is considered invalid is not provided for by law.

Required documents for recovery

As mentioned above, an important document in the life of a Russian citizen changes after reaching a certain age. There are other reasons when you have to contact the appropriate authority to obtain a passport, regardless of the period specified. This is a loss, damage or theft.

Russian passport

Depending on the situation, the package of documents will be different. If the passport is considered invalid, then you must provide:

  • When embezzlement, a coupon notice is required from the police department that the incident was registered from such a moment.
  • In writing, you must provide a statement about the loss of the document or its theft.
  • Application in the established form for the restoration of the passport.
  • A receipt that confirms the payment of state fees.
  • Photos matching 3.5 x 4.5 format (4 pieces).

This is the main package of documents. Proof of citizenship of the Russian Federation may also be required . When a passport is considered invalid, you may still need:

  • registration at the place of residence, which is confirmed;
  • military ID;
  • confirmation of the fact that there are children under 14 years of age (their birth certificates);
  • certificate of marriage.

After submitting all the necessary documents, a temporary identity card is issued.

Timing depends on the efficiency of the issuing and recovery authority.

Rules for registration

Do not hesitate when the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is considered invalid. As soon as the replacement period begins or any other circumstances happen: theft, loss, damage to the document, detection of errors in it, measures must be taken.

Passport Office

As soon as all applications, receipts, confirmations are collected, you can contact the authorities that are engaged in issuing a new passport. After that, you just have to wait, and if you're lucky, then a new identity document may be in your hands in a short time.

Passport exchange at the age of 20 and 45

There are three main legislative acts that govern passport provisions:

  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1997 No. 232 "On the main document proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation."
  • Decree of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 828.

In accordance with these documents, when a passport is considered invalid after 45 years or after 20, a citizen must contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs to replace it within 30 days after reaching a certain age.

two passports

But there is such a situation when, when issuing a new identity card, it does not have legitimacy. A passport issued on a birthday is considered invalid. The document must have a date at least a day later.

Replacement and Extradition Authorities

Earlier, passports were issued by the Passport and Visa Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, then after the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 2004 No. 928, all powers were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). A complete change of control functions in this area was carried out on 01.01.2016 after the formation of the territorial bodies of the FMS of Russia.

However, now the situation has changed in the opposite direction. On April 5, 2016, another decree of the President of the Russian Federation came out; the migration service was liquidated. The powers were given to the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, thus, the issue is currently being carried out by their territorial bodies at the place of residence or appeal.

Transition from a paper passport to a plastic counterpart

Retreating a little from the topic, we will consider another proposed variant of the most important document, which soon may not have to be exchanged at a certain time. Some time ago, it became known that a bill was put forward, which should enter into force in early 2015. It talked about the transition from paper passports to plastic counterparts, which so far is unrealized.

electronic passport

In the FMS of Russia, it was supposed to give citizens instead of passports all the usual plastic cards with an electronic microchip from 2015. It was planned to launch a test project in which the residents of Crimea, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar were the first to receive them. But it was never launched. After it was planned to issue such plastic documents that certify the personโ€™s identity, from 01/01/2017. But the government put forward a resolution for the Ministry of Internal Affairs that actions with the introduction of electronic passports should be stopped until 03/15/2018, however, after this date, the issuance was postponed indefinitely.

A new passport will open up new possibilities: obtaining any public services via the Internet.

Liability for late replacement

The due date, after a person reaches the appropriate age or in case of loss, theft or damage, is 30 days, from which moment the passport is considered invalid. But sometimes it happens that a person does not have time, does not have the opportunity to keep within such a period of time, and then it is already necessary to assume that corresponding responsibility will follow.

when a passport is considered invalid

First of all, this is a fine, the size of which varies from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. How much it will be, the inspector decides, that is, it will not work to avoid it. The fine can only be reduced in the following circumstances:

  • family circumstances (e.g. death of a relative);
  • pregnancy or having a small child;
  • voluntary appearance at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

If the citizen was notified of the violation, and he continues to delay, when the passport is considered invalid for a long time, then the fine may be increased.

The repayment is given 60 days after the preparation of the payment protocol. If you delay it with this, then one of the punishments will come:

  • administrative arrest up to 15 days;
  • community service (up to 50 hours);
  • penalty increase several times.


So, a citizen must carefully handle a very important document in his life. When a passport is considered invalid, a person must inform the territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is strictly forbidden to seize a document, in addition to those cases that are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

passport in hand

Prior to the final registration of a new passport, a provisional identity card is issued.

It is worth remembering that in case of damage or loss of one of the most important documents, penalties or any other liability provided for by art. 19.16 Administrative Code.

There is such a moment that the inspector notices an offense in the form of an untimely replacement of a passport, but does not draw up a protocol. In this case, after two months no one can bring the citizen to justice.

To avoid troublesome procedures, it is better not to forget about the timely replacement of the passport and to know cases when it can be considered invalid.

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