How to tie fishing line with fishing line and braid?

Almost all anglers sooner or later, but the question arises of how to connect the fishing line with the fishing line. It would seem that there is nothing complicated. But, as practice shows, not everyone knows how to knit strong knots. This is a whole science, without which you can’t assemble a snap, and you can’t attach a hook.

What are the nodes and what are they for?

So, without knowing the basics of knitting knots and loops, it is almost impossible to attach a hook or leash to the main fishing line. And this can turn into a real problem. Knots are needed in any gear, be it a float, bottom fishing rod or spinning. They serve to attach snap-in elements to each other. But if everything is more or less clear with how to tie a fishing line to a fishing line, then with a cord or a braid everything is much more complicated. That is why one node is not enough to know. To fasten different materials, you need to use different methods. One way to tie a regular fishing line with a monolesk, and a completely different one for a braid or cord. There are some requirements for nodes. First, they must be strong. Secondly, small and neat. The knot should calmly pass through the access rings on the rod and not interfere with casting.

It is also worth considering that in modern gear not only fishing line is used, but also a braid and a cord. Therefore, the fishing nodes must firmly connect them to each other. In order to decide how to tie a fishing line with a braid, you need to be able to knit several strong knots. Of course, it is not necessary to know all of them; three or four will be enough. Below are just a few of the most popular methods for attaching different types of fishing line and cords.

Grepvine Node

how to tie fishing line with fishing line

This knot is also called "double fishing". The fact is that it consists of two nodules, each of which is made directly around the free end of the second. But meanwhile, in finished form, you will not immediately understand how it is made. If you need to decide how to tie monofilament with fishing line or braid, then this option will be out of place. Its strength and practicality are not satisfactory. To connect two fishing lines with each other with the Grepvine knot, you must perform the following steps:

  1. We put two segments parallel to each other.
  2. We wrap one end in two full turns around both lines on the site of their fit to each other.
  3. Then we pass it through the loops in the opposite direction and tighten. One node is ready.
  4. We take the second end of the fishing line and also make two turns towards the first knot.
  5. We pass it through the turns and also tighten.
  6. Now it remains only to pull the pieces of fishing line so that the nodes are connected.

Counter Eight Node

how to tie monofilament with fishing line

This unit is very reliable and yet lightweight. As a rule, it is used to connect two braids together. But it is also used in other cases. This node helps to resolve the situation when you need to decide how to connect the fishing line with the braid as firmly and reliably as possible. It is easy to execute, for this it is necessary to observe the following algorithm:

  1. We knit a simple eight on one of the two connected braids. Relax her.
  2. Now we take the second braid and do the same, but from the opposite side parallel to the first. In this case, the second end should pass freely through the eight loops. It turns out that the first eight doubles.
  3. Tighten the resulting node.

It is important that both ends are opposite to each other. This knot never slips. He holds firmly on the fishing line.

"Perfect loop"

how to tie a fishing line with a braid

This is the easiest way to make a small eyelet at the end of a fishing line or braid. Usually this unit is used to connect the parts of the snap. For example, if you need to think about how to tie a fishing line with a fishing line, then you can use the loop-to-loop mount. It consists of two such nodes. They are made as follows:

  1. A loop is formed at the end of the line.
  2. On top of the first we make another loop. We pass the end of the fishing line under the turns and refuel for the first loop.
  3. Tighten the upper loop. She should go through the bottom. It turns out a "noose".
  4. Tighten the knot.

Snake Knot

how to tie a fishing line with a leash

This site is especially revered by fly fishing enthusiasts. Initially, it was used to solve the problem of how to tie a fishing line with a fishing line. Currently, its use is more significant. It is ideal for attaching braids with fishing line. With its help, monophile leashes are connected. It fits in the following way:

  1. Cross the two fishing lines that you intend to connect.
  2. Wrap one end around the second more than 6 times. Pull the remaining length behind between the fishing line.
  3. Take the second end and do the same actions, but in the opposite direction. Pass the rest of the fishing line over the turns. If everything is done correctly, then both ends will be nearby, at the place of overlap of two woods.
  4. Tighten the knot and cut off all the excess.

"Nail knot"

how to tie a cord with fishing line

This is perhaps one of the most important fishing sites. It is perfect in situations where you need to deal with the problem of how to tie the cord to the fishing line. This knot is very practical. It is useful to use for joining fly fishing tackle backing (extension cord). Generally speaking, any type of woods and braids can be attached with a “nail knot”. It is comfortable and sturdy. To tie the “nail knot", you must perform the following steps:

  1. Two pieces of fishing line overlap each other.
  2. We take a nail and apply it to the place of their intersection. At one end of the fishing line, as a rule, thinner, we wrap around it once.
  3. Next, we make another six turns.
  4. Pass the end of the line through the nail and pull up the bundle.
  5. Holding the fishing line, carefully pull out the carnations.
  6. Moisten with water and pull the ends in different directions. Cut all unnecessary.

"Surgical site"

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If there is a difficulty and you need to decide how to connect the fishing line with the shockleader, then the "surgical unit" will help. Often it is he who is used to fasten two segments of the monophile. So, to complete this node, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Lay both pieces of fishing line tightly together. Their length should be enough to tie a running double knot.
  2. To form a loop, you will need to use both fishing lines at the same time.
  3. Holding both ends in hand, we pass them through the loop, this movement is repeated one more time.
  4. After wetting the fishing line with water, tighten the knot. Cut off the excess.

Whip Knot

how to tie monofilament with fishing line

This is one of the oldest known sites. It provides the most reliable fastening, while maintaining the strength of the fishing line. It is ideal for knitting leashes and hooks. It is used especially in cases where the diameter of the fishing line is less than the thickness of the eye. It fits in the following way:

  1. Pass one end of the line through the eye of the hook or swivel.
  2. Then, making a loop, we again pass it in the same direction through the eye.
  3. Hold both parts of the fishing line with your finger. At the same time, its short end should lie towards the hook.
  4. We stretch the loop and wrap it simultaneously from two sides around the forend of the hook.
  5. To tighten the knot, we pull with all our strength the short end of the fishing line.
  6. Wet with water and tighten again, but already on both sides. Trim the rest of the short end. This knot is the best option for those who do not know how to tie a fishing line with a leash.

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