What is the penalty for driving without numbers?

Many car owners are wondering what punishment awaits the driver for driving without numbers. Indeed, under current legislation, license plates are not installed only on trams, trolleybuses and mopeds. Other vehicles must have them without fail. Otherwise, the driver expects fines in the amount of five thousand rubles, or even deprivation of rights for a period of up to three months. Should law-abiding citizens risk it? Of course not. You can learn more about all this from this article.

A little about the most important thing

the new machine has not yet been registered

Under Russian law, vehicles traveling on roads must have a state registration number. The only exceptions are trams, mopeds and trolleybuses.

The state registration number plate is a special metal structure on which letters and numbers are applied to identify this vehicle and establish its owner. The numbers are mounted on the front and back sides of any car or any other transport, except motorcycles and trailers. This must be known to all motorists.

Riding without a number is prohibited by law, a fine is expected for such a gross violation of a person. Therefore, do not neglect the current traffic rules.

Installation violation

inspector wrote a fine to the driver

In this case, it is necessary to refer to traffic regulations. In accordance with the current traffic rules, violations of the operating standards of vehicles are considered:

  • lack of rooms;
  • installation of license plates in a place not provided for this;
  • the use of numbers of undefined form;
  • the inability to see the numbers and letters of the license plate when it is dirty.

Only in these cases, the traffic police inspector can fine the driver for his illegal actions. Therefore, all motorists must be aware that the rooms must be clean and only prescribed by law form. This must be remembered.

How much can you use transport without license plates

city โ€‹โ€‹driving on a foreign car without numbers

This is perhaps one of the most important issues that interests motorists. For driving without numbers, you can lose a considerable amount of money or, worse, even a driverโ€™s license. However, the situations are different.

How long can I use a car without license plates? Here it must be said that since 2013 the traffic police stopped issuing transit numbers. Therefore, ten days are allotted for registration of a new car after its acquisition. If the owner has not received state license plates during this period of time, then on the eleventh day of the last one will be fined from 500 to 800 rubles, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Therefore, to delay with the registration of the machine in the traffic police is not worth it.


without state number by car

Unfortunately, but in life there are various situations. What should a person do if a license plate was stolen from his car or he simply lost it by his own carelessness? In such a situation, you cannot move on a vehicle. In addition, you must immediately contact the nearest traffic police department and report the incident. This will provide an opportunity for the driver to freely get to the house in his car. If this is not done, then for a ride without a car ownerโ€™s numbers a fine of five thousand rubles is expected. Moreover, in some cases, drivers for such violations are deprived of their rights for a month or even three.

If the number is only on one side

This will be considered a gross violation of traffic rules. After all, the installation of a license plate on one side is allowed only on trailers and motorcycles. You need to know about this. All other vehicles (cars, buses) must have numbers on both sides (front and rear). Usually all license plates are attached to the middle of the vehicle bumper.

Thus, if the state sign is fixed on the machine on only one side (for example, on the front bumper), then this will be a gross violation of the SDA. This should be known to all motorists who are just starting to drive and do not know all the subtleties of the law.

A similar violation would be equated to driving a car without a number. Therefore, the driver can also be expected to pay a fine - five thousand or a deprivation of rights from a month to three.


no car number

Sometimes it happens that, having lost his numbers, a person decides to use strangers in order to get home by car. So, this is not only wrong, but also illegal. Indeed, for the use of obviously false numbers, the driver can be fined 2500 rubles. In addition, if a person drives a car with other people's numbers, he may lose his driving license for a period of six months to a year. Therefore, you should not risk it and create yourself unnecessary trouble in the form of problems with the law.

Small characteristic

traffic police inspector fined the offender

For a ride without state. the number on the vehicle the driver faces a fine or loss of rights. Nevertheless, if the driver was not noticed in this offense, and the traffic police inspector did not make a decision, this means that the citizen was very lucky. Although this happens very rarely.

After all, each vehicle can be identified only if it has state registration marks, and if they are not there, then it immediately raises the suspicion of all other people. It is possible that the car was just stolen. Therefore, many motorists who see a vehicle without license plates are required to report this to the police.

Moreover, you can immediately identify the person who owns it by the license plates of the car. In some situations, this is simply necessary. After all, it is possible that the driver committed a crime and hid. That's why legislators pay so much attention to license plates. Their use is mandatory throughout Russia.


So, what is the penalty for driving without numbers? This question worries many car owners. After all, anything can happen on the road.

So, under article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the fine for driving without numbers is 5,000 rubles. Nevertheless, the punishment under this rule of law is an alternative. Therefore, a fine is applied to drivers, or deprivation of rights from a month to three.

As can be seen from the norm of this article of the Code on Administrative Offenses, the sanctions applied to drivers for such an offense are quite severe. Indeed, when driving without state signs, the car owner violates the law and misleads the traffic police. Therefore, after buying a new vehicle, you need to try to register it as soon as possible.

To the above

I would also like to add that until 2013 the traffic police issued transit numbers when removing the car from the register for its subsequent sale. Currently, this order is no longer valid. Therefore, a new car without license plates must be registered in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, you will have to pay considerable fines. But most drivers really do not want to do this.

It should also be noted that the penalty for driving without state. license plate number for a car that is not registered in the manner prescribed by law is a decent amount from 500 to eight hundred rubles. This is only for such an offense.

In the event that the car will not be registered with the traffic police after a fine is issued to the owner, then the next time he will be fined five thousand. Therefore, it is not necessary to violate the norms of the law and do everything on time in due time.

On practice

The penalty for driving without numbers can be in the form of a fine or deprivation of rights. But which of the two sanctions is most often applied by traffic police inspectors to violators? It depends on many factors. For example, for someone, a better way out of this situation would be to be deprived of their rights for a month than to pay a fine. Nevertheless, drivers often try to appeal against decisions made in court. That is their right.


driving without a state license plate

So, driving a vehicle without license plates is considered a gross violation, sanctions for which are prescribed in administrative law. Therefore, it is not necessary to neglect existing legal norms and create unnecessary troubles for oneself.

Moreover, all law-abiding citizens should remember that transport numbers must be in order for law enforcement officials to identify not only the car itself, but also its owner. It should be according to the rules of the movement. Without state registration plates, only trams, trolleybuses and mopeds can be operated.

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