How to pierce your ears: practical tips and techniques

Sooner or later, the question of whether or not to pierce the ears arises in front of every woman, and today it is often also in front of a man. Numerous cases of wound infection and the grave consequences of this slightly dull the desire to receive a long-awaited piercing, but not for long. We will talk about how to properly pierce the ears of adults and children, how to make the procedure safe and painless, in our article. Here we consider two methods of piercing: using a gun and a special needle.

Why do people pierce their ears?

The art of decorating the body with punctures in different places is known to man from ancient times. This is an ancient ritual, which was a symbol of the number of victories over enemies or wild animals. This fact is also proved by numerous excavations carried out in different corners of the earth. Archaeological finds confirm that in ancient people, punctures were performed not only in the ears, but also in other parts of the body.

how to pierce your ears

Despite the fact that modern children and adults are no longer chasing mammoths, the tradition of decorating their bodies with piercings has been preserved to this day. Fortunately, not many representatives of the human race decide on numerous punctures of different parts of their body. But earrings in the ears of the beautiful half of humanity, starting from infancy, and now in men, will not surprise anyone. The main thing is to know how to pierce your ears and take all safety measures. And we are talking not only about the risk of infection, but also about more serious consequences.

How to pierce your ears on the points?

Scientists have proven that the earlobe is directly related to the activity of the brain. That is why, damaging it, you can bring enormous harm to the body. The ear is an important reflexogenic zone. When exposed to certain points, it is possible to stimulate the work of various internal organs. And this is fully confirmed by modern reflexology and neurology. For puncture, it is important to choose a safe place where important points responsible for the work of certain organs are not located.

how to pierce your ears on the points

Even at the stage of planning the piercing, it is recommended to visit a reflexologist who can tell and show you where to pierce your ears. The optimal place is considered below the center of the lobe, closer to the cheek. But here it is important not to make a mistake, since the points responsible for vision are located nearby.

Ear piercing a child: practical recommendations

There are several expert recommendations regarding ear piercing:

  1. Age. The decision about when to pierce the ears, each parent makes their own. However, doctors categorically do not recommend doing this until the age of three. This is due to active points on the ear, which is still in the process of growth, and it will be extremely difficult to determine a safe place for a puncture. Ideally, if the parents wait until the child reaches a conscious age (about 10 years) and can take responsibility for keeping the earlobes clean.
  2. Metal. The ideal material for earrings used in ear piercing is hypoallergenic and safe titanium. Dental implants are also made from this metal, which quickly and painlessly take root in our body. In addition to titanium, gold and platinum can also be used.
  3. The shape of the earrings. In most beauty salons, ear piercing is done with a gun, with which a carnation is automatically inserted into the lobe. However, from the point of view of the speed of healing and the likelihood of infection, earrings-rings that are easily scrolled and treated with an antiseptic are considered the safest.
  4. Security measures. It is important to ensure that the ear, until the wound heals, is not injured by a comb or cap. That is why late spring is an ideal season for piercing. Also, for safety, you must first avoid direct contact with varnish, perfume, shampoo and other means that can cause irritation.
  5. The choice of a specialist. It is advisable that ear piercing be carried out by a person familiar with reflexology and the location of points on the ear. He not only knows how to properly pierce a child’s ears, but he can do it as safely as possible for his health.

how to pierce a child’s ears

Reflexologists themselves do not approve of piercing, unlike their colleagues, who are more loyal to this procedure.


Contraindications to ear piercing are:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • allergic reactions in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • ear diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • blood diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • neurological diseases.

Do not pierce your ears during the course of an acute respiratory viral infection, a few days before and after vaccination, during teething.

Ear piercing preparation

Before piercing a child’s ears, it is necessary:

  • visit an ophthalmologist to exclude vision problems at the time of the procedure;
  • Responsibly choose the salon where it is planned to pierce;
  • visit an allergist to rule out the child having a negative reaction to nickel, which is found in most jewelry;
  • wash your hair and ears.

which ear to pierce correctly

The same recommendations apply to adults. Another issue that needs to be resolved in advance relates to men. It consists in which ear to pierce correctly. Performing a puncture in the left ear is considered normal. Although today, young people no longer adhere to this trend and pierce both ears.

Where to pierce: in the cabin or at home?

As for safety, an ideal option is to pierce the ears in a specialized office of cosmetology or a beauty salon. Before carrying out the procedure, ask the master to provide relevant documents on the level of his qualifications and the safety of materials and tools used in the work. The following should also be considered:

  1. It is advisable to pierce the ears with a metal gun. The plastic case is not sterilizable, and simply treating the needle with a disinfectant is not enough, as this does not guarantee that there are no particles of blood from the previous patient. The consequences can be very sad: from Staphylococcus aureus causing suppuration, to hepatitis, herpes and HIV infection.
  2. When choosing a salon, give preference to the institution where a disposable gun is used when piercing. So you will be sure that they have not been used before you, which means that the probability of infection is minimized.
  3. If you know how to pierce your ears and want to do it at home, get a special piercing needle at the pharmacy. It is sold in individual packaging and provides you with sterile conditions during the procedure. Such a needle is hollow inside, which allows inserting an earring into the hole at the same time as piercing.

Ear piercing at home may not be safe for you, much less for your child.

How to pierce ears with a gun?

Today, all modern cosmetology rooms and salons offer ear piercing with a gun. The procedure is performed by a qualified professional. He knows how to pierce his ears, and complies with all requirements.

how to pierce your ears with a gun

Consider the main steps:

  1. A selection of earrings. If the piercing is performed at a conscious age, the child will be able to choose them on their own.
  2. Earlobe disinfection. This procedure reduces the likelihood of infection.
  3. Determination of the puncture site. Using a special marker, a specialist puts an end to the earlobe.
  4. Gun preparation. It must be pre- disinfected with a special solution. After that, an earring in the form of a clove is inserted into it without the help of hands.
  5. Processing the puncture site. In some salons, after piercing, the wound is treated with a special ointment that promotes early healing.

Needle piercing at home

Despite the dire consequences of ear piercing at home, some people still continue to do so. Experts strongly do not recommend conducting such experiments on children, as this can adversely affect their health.

how to pierce an ear at home

How to pierce an ear at home? We will tell you step by step:

  1. Preparation of tools. Puncturing is recommended to be performed with a sterile, single-center needle with a hollow center. If a regular needle or pin is used, then they must be treated over an open fire, and then disinfected by keeping it in alcohol for some time.
  2. Earrings preparation. Like tools, they must be kept in alcohol for two minutes, and then allowed to dry on a napkin.
  3. Earlobe disinfection. The procedure is performed to avoid infection.
  4. Designation of the puncture site. To do this, use a marker or felt-tip pen, but keep in mind that ink can get into the wound.
  5. Hand disinfection with soap.
  6. Ear piercing. To make the puncture easier, a piece of soap or a half of raw potato is applied on the back of the ear.
  7. Insert earrings. If you used a sharp, laser-sharpened needle with a hollow center, the earring is inserted immediately after the puncture.

Before you pierce your ears at home, think carefully about whether it is worth risking your health.

Piercing Care

The speed of wound healing depends on how accurately all the recommendations of a specialist are followed. It is not enough to know how to pierce your ears, it is important to be able to handle them. After the procedure, it is not recommended:

  • remove earrings and put others in their place for at least 6 weeks after the procedure;
  • touch the wound with your hands to avoid infection;
  • visit public bathing places (ponds, pool).

where to pierce your ears

Experts recommend treating them with non-alcoholic antiseptic solutions, for example, chlorhexidine, within 10 days after piercing the ears. Rubbing the wound with alcohol or peroxide will help slow healing. Processing is carried out only with a cotton swab, twice a day and on both sides. After that, the earring in the ear should be scrolled.

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