Military-applied sports: main disciplines

Holding competitions and playing sports in general contribute to the development of physical abilities of youth. In turn, military-applied sports, among other things, nurture psychological stability in military personnel, provide an opportunity to master specialties, and reveal the qualities that are necessary for successful service.

Military-applied sports: list

military applied sports
The following disciplines are included in the category of military-applied sports:

  • Overcoming obstacles.
  • All-around.
  • Marsh throws.
  • Ski races patrols firing at targets.
  • Orienteering.
  • Driving company cars.
  • Swimming in uniform.

The above-mentioned competitions in military-applied sports are mainly held using military uniforms. Often employees have to participate in disciplines with weapons and equipment, which creates an additional load and complicates the performance of tasks.

Main tasks

Military-applied and service-applied sports contribute to:

  1. To nurture in employees a sense of ownership of the state, its historical heritage, and the life of society as a whole. Holding such competitions makes it possible to develop patriotism through familiarization with historical exhibits, achievements of technical and scientific thought.
  2. Military-applied sports are the key to developing readiness to defend the state and provide an opportunity to develop a desire to replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces.

Uniform Race

military applied sports competitions
Low-level competitions are held on level ground, often with a turn in the opposite direction at half the distance. In the championships of military districts, uniform runs are carried out at distances of 1,000 and 3,000 meters along the stadium tracks.

When overcoming short distances, the number of participants is up to 10 people. In the event of a race of several kilometers - up to 30 people. The starting lineup is based on the results of the draw. The race can be carried out during the construction of military personnel in several lines.

Throw march

military applied sports list
Military-applied sports without fail involve running races on 5 and 10 km. Moreover, the movement of participants occurs over rough terrain. The start and finish places are organized at the same point.

Running is carried out by military personnel in uniforms, often with weapons in their hands, a bag for shops, a gas mask fastened. Participants are divided into groups of no more than 30 people. Runs are held at intervals of 5 to 10 minutes.

Obstacle course

military applied sports
Military-applied sports include all-around events, during which participants are invited to overcome an obstacle course. The equipment of barriers, the complexity and the procedure for the performance of individual elements are assigned to mentors for the physical training of military personnel.

In competitions of this plan, they resort to organizing pair races. Moreover, participants are required to run only in their lane. In case of violation of the rules, one or both participants may be disqualified.

The results are documented separately for each runner according to the stopwatch. Participants' time is recorded to the nearest tenth of a second.

Ski race

Competition involves cross-country skiing. Based on the level of physical preparation of participants, competitions are held in the following conditions:

  1. When newcomers overcome distances of up to 10 km, the height of the terrain above sea level should not exceed 185 m.
  2. If employees who previously passed through military-applied sports whose categories are higher than the 3rd in this discipline take part, the race can be held at a similar distance, but at an altitude of at least 220 m above sea level.

It is desirable that the ski run was unfamiliar, but at the same time safe for the competitors.

Maneuvering on company vehicles

Competitions are held using official vehicles, regardless of the time of year. In addition to participants who undergo military service, senior officers and their family members are allowed to compete on personal vehicles.

On the track are placed figures in a certain sequence. Passing the distance involves maneuvering between obstacles for a while. The nature of the route, the number of obstacles and their type are determined by the organizers of the competition.

Swimming in uniform

military applied and service applied sports
The venue for the competition may be natural ponds and artificial pools. The depth in the area of ​​the jump into the water should be at least 1.2 meters. It is allowed to use both horizontal and inclined starting tables with a non-slip surface.

Heats take place on time. Participants move in military uniforms with weapons of the AKM type or its layout, corresponding to the original according to the dimensions and weight. It is desirable that the model of an automatic rifle be distinguished by negative buoyancy.


As you can see, military-applied sports involve a combination of disciplines borrowed from athletics, skiing and motor sports, swimming. At the same time, such competitions have a service focus. The main objective of the competition is the physical and moral-volitional training of participants.

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