How to wake dormant hair follicles on the head? Recipes for Thickness and Hair Growth

Hair loss on the head along with the bulb can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of hair. It is becoming rarer. Many different factors can lead to this situation. To eliminate the cause of hair loss, you need to approach the solution of the problem comprehensively.

First you need to establish the cause of hair loss. Only after eliminating the root cause can we begin restorative therapy. Otherwise, the result will be unsatisfactory. In this case, you will need to learn how to wake the sleeping hair follicles on the head. This will be discussed later.

Causes of Hair Loss

Before you consider how to wake dormant hair follicles on your head, you need to find out the causes of the poor condition of the curls. Hair grows to an average length in 3-5 years. They are a reflection of the life of the body and are subject to external and internal influences. One bulb can produce about 20-30 hair in a lifetime. Under adverse conditions, the bulb falls asleep.

How to wake dormant hair follicles on your head

Hair loss can occur for various reasons. Bad ecology, stress, malnutrition immediately affect the health of the strands. Various diseases can lead to such an outcome. It can be an infection or intoxication. Also, after surgery, active hair loss can be observed.

Also, a similar situation can occur during pregnancy. Hormonal disorders also disrupt the hair nutrition process. Therefore, when such a nuisance occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reception of hormonal contraceptives can provoke this phenomenon. In the same way as a dose of certain drugs, hair loss can occur.


Before activating dormant hair follicles, it is necessary to diagnose their condition. If there are no obvious factors that lead to this condition (for example, pregnancy), you need to visit a specialist. The trichologist deals with these issues. Using special equipment, the doctor will be able to examine in an enlarged form the structure of the hair and the condition of their bulbs. Upon receipt of his opinion, it will be easier to establish the reason.

Means for awakening sleeping hair follicles

In some cases, it will be possible to find out whether the situation is related to the disease, or if the problem is improper care. For example, some people expose their strands to aggressive influences. This can be the hot air of a hair dryer, a frequent stay without a hat in the sun.

Also, various cosmetics that are created on a silicone basis can lead to hair loss. They form a film on the hair that makes them heavier. As a result, the hair under its own weight literally breaks out with the root (bulb).

Hair growth cycle

To understand how thick hair grows, you need to consider their life cycle. On a person’s head, there are many follicles called bulbs. They are responsible for the condition and amount of hair.

Growth occurs in three stages. The first stage is the longest. At this time, hair grows. This stage lasts several years. About 85% of all follicles should be involved in this phase.

Thick hair

In the process of the second stage, the papilla, which nourishes the hair bulb, atrophies. At this time, hair growth slows down. The hair is covered with a horn structure. The second stage lasts several weeks. About 2% of the bulbs are involved in its process.

The third stage is called the resting period. It lasts about 15 weeks. It affects about 15% of the bulbs. The hair dies naturally and falls off.

You can talk about a violation of the process of hair regeneration if the mechanism at one stage is broken. Most often this happens with the third phase. It becomes lingering. As a result, you can lose a lot of hair that stops growing.

Existing treatments

There are special techniques and tools for awakening sleeping hair follicles. They differ in their mechanism of action. The following methods exist:

  1. Massage. This procedure enhances blood circulation under the scalp. Massage can enhance the flow of nutrients to the bulbs. As a result, they begin to awaken.

  2. Heat exposure. With increasing temperature, metabolic processes are activated. At the same time, hair growth and density increase.

  3. Pilling. This procedure allows you to clean the surface of the skin from dead scales. This increases the amount of oxygen that goes to the bulbs. Peeling leads to a significant improvement in the condition of the hairstyle.

  4. Masks for the scalp. Such compounds have some irritating effect on the epithelium. It also allows you to activate blood circulation.

Each of these methods can be applied individually or by combining them. This will achieve a high result.


Thick hair can be obtained by daily massage. For this, different methods are used. It should be said that constant combing with a massage brush injures fragile, weakened bulbs. Therefore, this method should not be used in this case.

Recipes for hair density at home

It is best to massage with hands. It must be done carefully. Massage finger movements to treat the head before washing the hair. Also, this procedure must be repeated before bedtime. You need to advance from the forehead to the back of the head. This will stimulate a rush of blood to the bulbs.

In this case, special means for massage can be used. However, for such a procedure, it is better to leave your hair clean before bedtime. Oils and special products can clog pores, which will negatively affect the condition of already weakened hair.

Beauty Salon Visit

The right decision would be to visit a trichologist. He will determine the causes of the deterioration of the hair condition and prescribe appropriate procedures. It may take some time to visit the beauty parlor where skin bulbs will be stimulated using special equipment.

Darsonval for hair growth

One of the most popular tools in hardware cosmetology is Darsonval. For hair growth, electric discharge energy is used. It acts on the bulbs, awakening them from sleep. In this case, the blood vessels expand. Nutrients flow better to the bulb.

This is a pleasant procedure. It is recommended to do it every other day. The course is about 10 treatments. It allows you to normalize the production of sebum. In addition to Darsonval, a trichologist can recommend the treatment of epithelium with ozone or prescribe mesotherapy.

Balanced diet

Able to wake sleeping hair follicles vitamins. Proper, balanced nutrition will have a beneficial effect on well-being. Diets, the wrong set of products - can lead to exhaustion, cause deterioration of the condition of nails, hair, skin and all body systems.

It is very important to supplement the diet with foods that contain vitamin B9. There is a lot of it in fish, cottage cheese, cheeses, legumes, brewer's yeast, seafood, etc. You also need to include black bread, buckwheat, liver, fruits and vegetables in the diet.

The listed ingredients can be correctly combined. In this case, extra pounds will not appear on the waist and hips.

You will need to reduce the consumption of sweet, flour, fat and fried. You need to consume protein foods. You can’t refuse meat. However, sausages and smoked meats should be excluded from the diet.

Special vitamin complexes for nails and hair are also on sale. They can be added to the diet without sacrificing a balanced set of foods.

Heat and Peeling

Considering how to wake dormant hair follicles on the head, a few words should be said about such effective techniques as the use of heat and peeling. It also helps to improve the condition of the hair.

Activate sleeping hair follicles

Curls can be washed with hot water. Warming masks with essential oils are also made. Heat also stimulates subcutaneous metabolic processes.

This makes the skin less dry. However, it should be said that thermal procedures are contraindicated for people with a disease of the cardiovascular system and some chronic ailments.

Peeling allows you to remove dead particles from the surface of the epithelium. This allows you to provide follicles with oxygen. It is necessary for good hair growth.

On sale are many different scrubs. You can prepare a peeling product yourself. For this, sugar and salt are used.

Purchased shampoos and masks

Today, a large number of shampoos and hair masks are on sale. Waking dormant bulbs with a properly selected complex becomes easier.

When choosing, it is recommended to purchase compositions of one series. Many domestic and foreign companies produce shampoos, masks, and conditioners against hair loss.

Hair mask wake up sleeping bulbs

It is better to give preference to means on a natural basis. However, the selection of funds is made individually. A mask or shampoo against hair loss can include camellia oils, ginseng extracts, medicinal plants, and other ingredients.

Shampoo should not contain silicones. Hair should not be heavier. You need to regularly change the shampoo. After washing, rinse aid must be used. You can not comb wet locks. In this state, they are easily damaged. A lot of hair falls out when combing wet hair. You should also avoid blow drying.

Folk recipes

There are many folk recipes for hair density. At home, you can use various products prepared on the basis of honey, pepper, mustard, cognac, onion, etc.

For example, you can make a mask with red peppers. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of tincture of red pepper and sea buckthorn oil. 6-7 drops of bay essential oil are added to the mixture. It is applied to the hair before washing the hair and left for 1-2 hours. The head needs to be wrapped. The mask is washed off with shampoo.

Having considered how to wake dormant hair follicles on your head, you can restore your hair style a chic look.

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