“Wow effect” in sales: examples

The article talks about the active use of “wow effects” in marketing as a modern way to increase sales. We consider such methods as advertising products by beauty bloggers, the effect of provocation, sample testing, photo presentation.

How is the wow effect applied?

The simplest psychological hook that catches many girls is the promise of beauty. The effect of glossy advertising is less than before. It’s not a secret for many that models are shot in advertising, Photoshop is used, and so on.

wow effect

Instead of advertising came beauty bloggers who share their impressions of using any cosmetics. After watching the video, many in the subconscious have a desire to take and buy it. Advertisers use the “wow effect” in promoting the product, stimulating the audience to make a quick purchase, but often in practice the purchased product does not meet the expectations of users.

When, for example, skin care consultants offer clients to try a cream on their own for free and enjoy the result, many do not suspect that they use “wow-effect” techniques. But often people confuse it with a listing of the primary characteristics of the product.

Today, most cosmetic beauty salons quite successfully apply this method of attracting new customers. After all, if there are no regular customers, then the sale of cosmetics will be nullified. Accordingly, this causes a drop in profits. Using the “wow effect” is an excellent psychological tool to attract consumers.

“Wow effect” in sales of facial skin care cosmetics

A technique for enhancing the impression of amazing product visualization can be found in various market sectors. Among the leaders in the use of aggressive marketing promotion is face care cosmetics with a “wow effect”. The very first and main thought among cosmetics buyers should be that everyone's skin is individual.

Praised creams and shadows may not give the reaction that the consultants promised in the beauty salon. On the contrary, they can cause subcutaneous inflammation and other exacerbations. No one is immune from the individual skin reaction to any cosmetic product. When choosing a skin care product, you don’t need to focus on its high (low) price.

“Wow effect” in sales: case studies

The choice of assortment of cosmetics is currently very large. In order to attract more customers to their store, sales managers actively use the “wow effect” technique.

wow effect examples

Examples of using:

  • positioning cosmetics as a professional luxury product;
  • focusing customer attention on the criteria of “expensive texture”, “brand”;
  • the promise of the desired effect from the use of any skin care products or facial cosmetics, the use of enticing phrases such as “make the lips of the desired volume”;
  • positioning high quality cosmetic products associated with a very high price.

Means with "wow effect" of a low price segment

There are means with a “wow effect”, reviews of which are positive because of their excellent price-quality ratio. And there are a lot of them. For example, at the present time, a face care comet with a “wow effect” is selling out very quickly at a low price. At the same time, they promise the high quality and hypoallergenicity of these skin care products.

wow products

Now popular reviews of Yes2Carrots creams, which have a low price, about $ 30. They are praised by many beauty bloggers. But after the rush of buying this cream, many buyers had stained skin. The cream had to either be thrown out or given to another person to whom he approached.

mascara volume effect wow

The following example is Chanel mascara. In advertising, the model shows mascara on the eyelashes. The volume effect, the “wow impulse” compels thousands of customers to sweep the desired tubes off the shelves.

In general, the choice of mascara is a purely personal matter. The consultants talk about its pleasant smell, bright design and fixing makeup with super-volume. But the promised result, judging by the reviews of many customers, was not visible.

Advertising wow products online

Manufacturers of cosmetics have long been focusing on promotion through websites, blogs and Instagram. They offer jobs to successful beauty bloggers in the advertising department of any kind of cosmetics brand. Cosmetics are sent to them so that they can review their practical use.

Bloggers who have not yet been sent products for review, also begin to contact advertisers. Naturally, all reviews of cosmetics are positive and laudatory. But whether these reviews are objective and truthful is another question.

wow effect in sales

Beauty bloggers who personally use, say, Oriflame cosmetics often give more detailed and objective information about it than about the care products of other companies that are sent for review.

Nevertheless, reviews of bloggers are very useful because they provide information about the composition of the product, swatch and so on.

Consumption provocation method

In the sale of any goods, as well as cosmetics, the method of provocation on consumption is used. It lies in the fact that they artificially arrange a rush race for any cosmetic product. A restriction on the supply, the timing of the provision of goods.

The tool becomes an "inaccessible" fetish that everyone is trying to acquire. In the end, they do it. But blind purchases through Internet sites do not always live up to customer expectations . Odor, shade, and many other factors may not work.

Recommendations for the correct perception of information about products with a "wow effect"

  • You need to look at reviews about cosmetics, but they should not be the reason for the immediate purchase of the advertised product.
  • It is necessary to personally study the composition of cosmetic products. No need to focus on price. It is not a guarantee of good quality.
  • It must be remembered that the shades and texture are individual. To select a particular brand of product, it is necessary to carefully study the composition and comparability with the type of skin. Many tools are better to choose in a specialized store, and not through Internet sites.

wow effect reviews

  • You need to visit a cosmetologist and makeup artist of a professional level at least once. They will give the most correct recommendations for the care of face and body skin. In this case, individual features will be taken into account.
  • Buying up numerous funds will not help proper self-care. To do this, you need to learn the technique of applying makeup, applying creams and so on.
  • Buying cheap, but inappropriate means is not worth it. This affects budget savings.
  • A large number of cosmetics is not a guarantee of beauty.

What is the “wow effect” for?

Sales managers, of course, try to take into account all the wishes and interests of the client. Products with a “wow effect” should be convenient and practical to use. Their responsibility is to meet the needs of customers.

wow effect in sales examples

To always be aware of these wishes, you need to conduct surveys among the target audience, which will help to understand what they are.

A product that solves existing problems with the consumer can cause a “wow effect”. The solution to the problem should increase not only the impression of the buyer, but also reliability. To increase the demand for products, you need to develop a thorough plan.

Examples of advertised cosmetic products with a “wow effect”:

  1. Cosmetic product Beauty Face. The development of this cream aimed to eliminate the second chin and sagging cheeks. Its use contributes to an ideal facelift without surgical intervention.
  2. Le Weekend De Chanel update product that replaces all weekend care products. The composition of the product includes glycolic and salicylic acids, which exfoliate dead cells with a gentle movement. The effect of the use of this product is a radiant and toned face.
  3. Clarins Anti-Aging Double Serum. Anti-aging serum includes 20 herbal components that provide skin repair process. The result of applying serum is elastic skin, reducing the number of wrinkles.
  4. Intensive Cefine Serum containing Nanomic Hyalo Balloon Serum Hyaluronic Acid. The volume of moisture increases due to this acid 17 times. The immediate result of using this product is to smooth wrinkles.
  5. Darphin's Revitalizing Oil Facial Oil Restores youthful skin. With its use, skin cells nourish, strengthen and retain moisture.
  6. Mask Turnaround Revitalizing Instant Facial, renewing the skin. Exfoliates it mechanically and chemically. Its use is equivalent to the result from the microdermabrasion procedure. It improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles.
  7. Primer Touche Eclat Blur. Causes a radiant effect, the disappearance of pores and skin irregularities.
  8. White Diamond Ice-Glow Oxygen Mask . NuBo offers a mask enriched with active oxygen. Due to this, its application causes the same effect as mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage massage and cryotherapy.
  9. Aurealux face mask. In ten minutes, it causes the skin to fill with moisture, color and radiance. The Gold Flavo-silk Tricomplex patented complex includes gold particles. It is part of the product.
  10. Mask Glamglow Supermud Ckearing Treatment, instantly cleansing contaminated pores, drying out acne and rashes.
  11. Mask SK-II Facial Treatment Mask with restoration functions. Thanks to its use, the protective functions of the skin and its moisture are restored.

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