So, how do you explain the meaning of phraseology “rest on our laurels”? To do this, you must first make a brief excursion into ancient Greek history. And also remember one of the myths dedicated to the god Apollo and his lover - a nymph named Daphne.
The literal meaning of the verb
To understand the meaning of the phrase “rest on our laurels,” we first turn to the literal interpretation of its components, and then move on to figurative.
The first of the words is a verb, which in the dictionary is accompanied by the notation “obsolete”, “book”. It is of Slavic origin and is connected by the noun pokoj (peace). Previously, it was used with a touch of reverence and servility when talking about the dream of a high-ranking person. Simply put, to “rest” meant “to sleep,” “to rest,” “to be at rest.”
There was another shade of interpretation, also book, used in a figurative sense. This verb was used, for example, in the meaning of “to be buried somewhere”, “to lie dead”, “to rest”.
As for the phrase “rest on our laurels,” the meaning of the verb in it is as follows. It is used in the first of these interpretations, meaning "rest", "relax", "be at rest."
Ritual use
To understand the meaning of “rest on our laurels,” let us consider the second word. This noun, which designates the genus of trees and shrubs growing in the subtropics and belonging to the family laurel. Its leaves are whole, leathery, with a high content of essential oils. It is an evergreen plant. Its abundance in ancient Greece was noted by Theophrastus, a naturalist and philosopher who lived in 4-3 centuries BC. e.
In ancient times, laurel was used for various purposes. He attributed special properties and therefore used in some religious rituals. In everyday life, its leaves fumigated the premises, which is associated with the sharp aroma of laurel. And also wreaths were made from it, which, along with the laurel branch, were a symbol of fame, peace and victory.
In the expression of interest to us, laurels are a symbolic figure of speech, which speaks of gaining fame, triumph, triumph. This is associated with the use in the ancient tradition of laurel branches in religious ceremonies, ceremonies.
Winner symbol
To understand the meaning of "rest on our laurels," you should familiarize yourself with a number of customs of Antiquity.
In ancient Greece and in ancient Rome, the branches of a noble plant and the wreaths woven from it were an attribute of the victorious side. Initially, they began to be used at the Pythian Games as an honorary symbol of their winners. At first, these games were musical, and then sports competitions were added to them. This happened in 582 BC. e.
After that, prominent poets and orators were awarded with laurels. When commanders returned from successful military campaigns, a triumph was especially honored among them, during which their heads were decorated with laurel wreaths.
In addition, laurel branches were decorated with weapons, tents, banners and warships of the winners. Those who were awarded a branch or wreath were awarded the title of laureate. In especially solemn occasions, the whole people decorated themselves with wreaths. They were also worn by priests during the sacrifices.
Dedication to Apollo
Continuing the study of the meaning of “rest on our laurels,” we must also say how the described plant relates to this deity.
Laurel was a plant dedicated to Apollo, the god of sunlight and harmony, the patron of the arts. Like the Pythian Games themselves, which were mentioned above. According to myths, it was this god who was their founder. He dedicated them to defeating the terrible dragon Python.
After her, this god appeared another epithet - "Pythian". In addition, priestesses-soothsayers of his temple in Delphi began to be called Pythias. After all, Apollo was also considered to transmit to people the will of the supreme deity - Zeus. And here a certain role is assigned to the laurel.
He is credited with a prophetic gift. Priests used it to find out the future. In this regard, they were called laurels. And there was also the belief that with the help of laurel you can escape from lightning. The veneration of this plant is based on the myth of Apollo and Daphne.
Daphne means laurel
She was a nymph, the companion of the goddess Artemis, and just like her, she vowed celibacy and the preservation of chastity. The story of the love of the sun god for her is described in detail in Metamorphoses by Publius Ovid Nason. When Apollo defeated Python, he began to make jokes about the bow and arrows of Eros, the god of love. The latter decided to take revenge and instilled in Apollo a love for the young nymph. While Daphne got an arrow of antipathy, which caused hostility to the god of sunlight.
After that, he began to constantly pursue the girl. Daphne rushed for help to her father and mother. Her parents were Gaia - the embodiment of the earth, and Peny - one of the river gods. They turned it into a laurel tree. Translated from ancient Greek Daphne just means "laurel". Apollo made the tree stay green forever. From his twigs he weaved a wreath, which became his attribute.
Having understood the ups and downs of ancient myths and the peculiarities of ancient traditions, one can answer the question about the meaning of phraseology “rest on our laurels”. His literal interpretation: "fall asleep after a victory." But it is used more often in a figurative sense and speaks of a person who, after fruitful labors and success, has calmed down and is inactive. And just do not allow this, you should remain vigilant and strive to conquer new peaks.