Distracted attention syndrome

Multiple sclerosis affects the central nervous system without much regard for age, gender and place of residence. Although statistics suggest that the syndrome of distracted attention often haunts residents of the northern regions, especially with a humid climate. The earlier the diagnosis is identified, the more likely the patient is to inhibit the changes in the structure of nerve fibers as much as possible.

Distracted attention syndrome symptoms

Diagnosing a disease is a complicated process and is time consuming. However, relatives may notice characteristic signs and seek medical help on time.

  1. Complaints from a person about numbness of fingers, hands and feet. There is a tingling sensation in the limbs, in the entire lower half of the body. The patient "is losing ground." Complains that the feet are cotton, walks on the floor, like on a mattress. So violations of the sensitivity of tactile, then vibrational and temperature are manifested.
  2. Against the background of increased muscle tone, an unusual tension in the limbs is felt. There is temporary paralysis. This is a general picture of impaired motor functions.
  3. A man begins to stagger when walking. The step is unstable. Trembling is noticeable in both arms and legs. So, signs of cerebellar damage appear if the syndrome of distracted attention is suspected.
  4. The clarity of perception in one of the eyes drops sharply. A misty veil covers the eyes, and a black spot appears in the center of the focus. A man complains that he is looking through the muddy glass. So, the probability of damage to the optic nerve is high . Just behind the eyeball, the myelin nerve membrane β€œcorroded”.
  5. Twice in the eyes. On the face, oculomotor disorders with a diagnosis of nystagmus.
  6. Violations of the genitourinary system are manifested either by acute urges to urinate, or by delays, sometimes painful. More often follow complaints that the person does not have time to reach the toilet.
  7. The reproductive sphere is responsible for the lack of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction.
  8. The syndrome of distracted attention is notable for the fact that the facial nerve suffers . Therefore, the muscles of half the face are noticeably relaxed. This is the case when it is visible that the person is β€œskewed”.
  9. There is a loss of taste. Everything that is eaten does not have its usual taste.
  10. Mental mood is chronically negative, increased level of anxiety. Sometimes a reverse reaction occurs, as if the patient does not perceive the severity of the situation. Excessive gaiety smoothly turns into a pronounced state of euphoria.
  11. There are complaints of a strange sensation after a hot meal and bath. Usually sensations are compared with a feeling of electric current. At the same time, even relatively light work causes fatigue.

Treating Multiple Sclerosis

Therapy, carried out at an early stage, allows you to maintain a normal quality of life and working capacity until old age.

  • Having discovered distracted attention for the first time, it is better to start treatment in a specialized clinic. The course of treatment is selected individually, depending on the duration of the disease, the complexity of the symptoms.
  • The arsenal of traditional medicine is divided into two categories of drugs - immunomodulators and immunosuppressants.
  • A common practice for treating multiple sclerosis involves high-dose hormone therapy for 5 days to limit side effects. At the same time, it is recommended to introduce drugs that protect the gastric mucosa. The list of essential minerals includes potassium and magnesium.
  • The therapeutic effect depends on the accuracy of the implementation of medical recommendations.

With the onset of remission, rest in a sanatorium mode is shown, without overheating and prolonged exposure to the sun.

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