Daria German. Biography and creativity

Daria German height
What do you know about a person like Daria German? The biography of this girl is hidden behind seven seals. Despite this, now it is quite popular both on the network and on television. Daria is a young girl who successfully builds her career in show business, is engaged in television activities and is a master of seduction of men. Many learned about Dasha from the Bachelor project, while others saw her in the TV series Halves - one way or another, this Moscow party girl is known to young people of the country.

Daria German, whose biography is very fascinating and interesting to the average Internet user, became famous on the network for conducting trainings on seducing women and men online. The girl is well versed in the psychology and relations between men and women. She gives lessons to master the seduction of women to inexperienced guys and advises girls how to behave in a particular situation with a loved one. Despite the great experience of interpersonal relations, at the age of 30, Daria German is still not married. You will say that in our time, marriage does not play an important role in the life of a self-sufficient and chic woman. Perhaps this is true, but nevertheless Miss Daria German, whose biography shows us her as an educated, creative person, wants a child and dreams of a strong family.

Daria German
Daria was born on April 14 in 1981 in the city of St. Petersburg. The girl’s family is far from creativity. My father served as a scout for the Seaside Flotilla, my mother was engaged in architectural design. From childhood, the girl paid special attention to creative activity, was the organizer of school events, participated in all performances and performances. In her student years, Daria was a producer and soloist of the KGB group. Girls in candid and defiant outfits performed on the student stage.

Daria German biography
Daria German, whose biography is mainly interesting to young men, graduated with honors from the Institute of International Relations, lived in New York for a year. Later, the girl decided to engage in modeling business, took part in the contest "Miss Maxim", "Miss Eclipse". Later, Daria took up television activities, conducted a weather forecast, and appeared in episodes of several films.

Daria German. Filmography

Among the films in which this girl took part are recorded: the series "Halves", the film "Circle", "Street Racers" and others. At the moment she is the author and host of the Internet trainings "School of Seduction", also runs the project "Do not sleep alone." In 2013, she took part in the television project of TNT β€œBachelor” channel, where she became one of the brightest and most memorable participants.

A beautiful girl with model parameters and the appearance of Angelina Jolie is Daria German. Height, weight girls are interested in many. Slender and miniature, like a figurine, this girl has a height of 164 cm and a weight of 48 kilograms.

In her interviews, Daria talks about how she dreams of publishing her book and is now actively engaged in writing. This lady loves to impress, not afraid to be visible and discussed. Despite the envy of the women around her and the excessive attention of men, she goes to her goal and knows what she wants from life.

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