Is a wanderer a life explorer or a victim of circumstances?

A man seeks his way in life. After all, each of us, when he had to see a happy person, involuntarily thought about his well-being. Often we seek only through external signs, our way, which, as it seems to us, must go through great happiness, good health, untold wealth, recognition and respect of people. And people look for it both through the lines on the palms of the hands, and by the date of birth, and even by astrological charts.

A person becomes a wanderer who, walking along different roads of life, tries to understand which one belongs to him and how to find the most important thing - the secret to success in life. So, in this publication we will consider what a wanderer means.

wanderer what does it mean

Meaning of the word, synonyms

Using the explanatory dictionary, you can find out the meaning of the word, which connects it as a concept with the world of objects around us. So, a wanderer is a person who wanders and cannot find his place in life.

For a deeper understanding of the meaning, we should give as an example the word-synonyms that will help to reveal this meaning of the word "wanderer". This is a tramp, traveler, wanderer, pilgrim.

wanderer meaning

Two sides of the same concept

In life, we all have to find our way. After all, a wanderer is not only one who is looking for this very path, it is one who is constantly learning something. Because in school, as in life, there are rules, but there are exceptions to them.

Wandering along the roads of our lives, we learn to build relationships with people around us, learn tolerance, wisdom, learn to accept another person, his thoughts, feelings and opinions. We learn to take responsibility and find a way out of a conflict situation.

A wanderer is one who wants to be happy, using the modern language - this is one who wants to not only make good money, but to do it with pleasure, not just go to work, but to do what he loves. And if you find your way - go for it, improve and enjoy.

But there is another meaning that the word “wanderer” carries within itself, the meaning of which is defined as unwillingness to dwell on something, unwillingness to listen to one’s inner voice, unwillingness to deeply study one’s business or inability to communicate with others, which suggests a bad idea and non-living character.

Each rule has its own exceptions, and in this case too: you can become a wanderer involuntarily, that is, by virtue of some circumstances that are not dependent on the will of man. The reasons may be different - this is war, and natural disasters, and environmental disasters. As an example, recall the destructive power of Hurricane Katrina, which was in late August 2005 in the US in Louisiana. The consequences of this hurricane were terrifying: about seven months the city of New Orleans was flooded, which the poor inhabitants could not leave, it was they who had to fully experience what the word "wanderer" means.

wanderer which means

Visiting a fairy tale

Fairy tales teach our children to understand the world around them. When reading a book with a child or watching a movie, do not forget to make a conclusion with him, to summarize, explain to your kid what the essence of this story is. And returning to the topic of publication, on the example of a fairy tale, consider what “wanderer” means.

So, as an example, consider the famous Disney animated film about the little fairies living in their own world, each of whom owns a gift. The main character is a little fairy Tinker Bell, possessing the gift of a handyman. This fascinating story teaches children to listen to themselves, because inside you may live a jack of all trades or a talented grower, and possibly a future veterinarian.

You need to listen to yourself, but you should not rush to think in patterns and choose “fashionable” professions so that you do not have to wander from place to place, deceiving and justifying yourself with various circumstances. Indeed, in fairy tales it’s not like in life, and your gift itself cannot be found, you yourself have to find your way.

For teenagers, the series “Chorus” or “Losers” can serve as an example, in which the viewer sees teenagers following their inner voice as young people, feeling their way in life, despite ridicule, choose a “unfashionable” lesson - choral singing, but they they do what they want, what they know how well, they have already found their way. And can each of us boast similar?

wanderer is

A bitter destiny - loneliness

A wanderer is one who takes risks. After all, wandering through life will fully provide you with a change of occupation, and place of residence, and will saturate your life with adventure. But a wanderer, as a rule, risks becoming a lonely person. And even if he manages to start a family, will his loved ones be happy with him, wandering from place to place? Will he make real friends? After all, friendship is exactly what has been tested over the years, built on bricks, depends on trust.

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