Lovage officinalis: fields of application

Medicinal lovage is a perennial plant that is widely used both for culinary and medicinal purposes. It is well known in folk medicine, although it can be called in a completely different way. For example, pipe-maker, pipe-grass, fence, zoborin, grass-seed, beloved, loving or celery perennial.

The lovage plant is a grassy, ​​perennial and branched. It has an erect, hollow inside the stem, which is able to reach a height of 2 m. Its diameter at the base reaches 3 cm.

Lovage leaves are usually large, dark green in color and shiny. Flowers resemble umbrellas with 8-12 branches.

The flowering period of this plant is observed in the summer, and the fruits ripen at the very beginning of autumn, usually in September. Medicinal lovage is considered an ornamental plant, which is very often grown in gardens.

In folk medicine, the potion has been revered for a long time, it is appreciated both as a medicine and as a cosmetic. With its strong aroma and rather spicy spicy taste, the lovage vaguely resembles celery.

Have you ever wondered why the name of this plant is consonant with the words “love” or “beloved”? No? Then let us dwell on this issue in more detail.

The thing is that among the people there is a belief that the root of a lovage has a special “love spell”. Once the girls tried to give a decoction of the root of this plant to the young people they liked. Such a drink was considered a powerful love potion, from here, most likely, such names as a lovage, a lover, and love.

Medicinal lovage is used as seasoning, both fresh and dried. True, in small quantities.

Greens are used in salads, soups, in various meat dishes, mainly with rice, and you can also cook a variety of butter or cheese mixtures.

But when salting vegetables, on the contrary, greens and seeds are used.

Rhizomes are dried, and then eaten in the form of crushed powder. It is also interesting to note that it is from the rhizome that you can make jam that tastes amazing, or treat your homemade candied fruits made from finely chopped rings of young stems.

We can not touch on the healing properties of this plant. Lovage officinalis is used in medicine and pharmacology in many countries of the world. It is believed that only the roots and leaves of the plant have healing properties. Root preparations are widely used to treat pulmonary, heart and nervous diseases.

In folk medicine, it is, above all, a diuretic, expectorant, cardiac, painkiller and cleanser. It is also believed that the root is able to stimulate appetite, and if necessary, relieve gastric colic.

The plant is used for swelling of the legs, as well as inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.

Women drink decoction from a lovage in case of delayed menstruation.

The broth is able to stimulate the secretion of bile, helps with rheumatism and gout. It is widely known for its use in respiratory diseases, and miraculous baths will help heal wounds and pustules on the skin.

Externally, a decoction from the root of a lovage can be used for cosmetic purposes - to improve hair growth, and also if you suffer from hair loss.

A rumpled fresh leaf of this plant, attached to the forehead, reduces headache.

Lovage - contraindications

Despite the huge list of positive and healing properties of this plant, it is not recommended for young children, as well as patients with hemorrhoids or acute nephritis. On pregnant women, it can produce an abortive effect.

Great risk and individual intolerance, so be careful.

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