"Windy river." Reviews on the third part of the epic about "border America"

British filmmaker Taylor Sheridan realized his idea - a movie trilogy about "Frontier America" ​​- at an advanced, simply Stakhanov pace, releasing the film a year. The first two films “Killer” and “At Any Cost” deserved significant success with the public and the Academy: the first received three Oscar nominations, the second - four. So, not the most talented actor and director of a somewhat dubious film with the eloquent title of “Outrageous,” Sheridan in record time received the status of a significant contemporary artisan. Therefore, the third episode of his author's cycle, the dedicated part of the audience was looking forward to.

According to reviews, Windy River was a success. Some film experts positioned the project as the best of that year. The film finally removed questions regarding the skills of the screenwriter and director. Its IMDb rating is 7.80.

windy river reviews

Genre Mix

Taylor Sheridan in Windy River continues to play genres. He does not refuse the western common to the whole trilogy, but again, as in previous works, adds elements of other genres. “Killer” was a stern thriller bordering on horror, “Any price” - the crime detective about “bank robbery” and the buddy movie, “Windy River” are described as a project disguised as an intriguing story of a maniac’s capture. Moreover, the author twists the plot so skillfully that the ghostly serial killer is searched not only by key characters, but also by the audience, evaluating which of the characters presented is suitable for this unenviable role.

Sheridan, meanwhile, perfectly maintaining the rhythm, embeds a single flashback into the linear development of the narrative, diluting the sullen life routine with a mass of sarcastic remarks. The direction and production of the film "Windy River" reviews deserved extremely laudatory, as the tape was delivered confidently, competently and firmly.

windy river viewer reviews

Main intrigue

According to reviews, Windy River is the name of the Wyoming Indian Reservation. The huntsman Corey Lambert (Jeremy Renner) works in it. He discovers a murdered girl, the scene of the persecution of which the viewer had previously seen in an episode.

Ben (Graham Green) and FBI agent Jane Benner (Elizabeth Olsen) arrive at the crime scene. Further, according to reviews, in “Windy River” the author generously endows each of the characters presented with motivation and sends him to look for the killer. Although in fact the incident is not classified as violent death, because, despite the circumstances, the cause of the Indian woman’s death is natural - her lungs are full of blood due to prolonged exposure to frosty air.

Sheridan leaves no room for fun or humor; he strictly preserves the author's manner of gloomily witting at certain points. And, as noted by the audience, in the "Windy River" the sharpness is always the topic.

windy river actors


One of the main characters of the thriller - ranger-huntsman with personal tragedy in the past, rude manners and sad piercing eyes - embodied on the screen Jeremy Renner. Initially, this character was supposed to go to Chris Pine, who collaborated with Sheridan in the movie "At Any Cost", but no agreement was reached. As a result, Elizabeth Olsen, a film adaptation partner for the Marvel comics, was added to the role of Jeremy Renner. But in "Windy River" the actors worked professionally, the audience does not have associations that the investigation is being carried out by Hawkeye and the Scarlet Witch.

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